The Best Bob Rebadow Quotes

Agamemnon: You pissed off that I tried to escape?
Robert: I'm pissed off that you didn't ask me to go with you.
Agamemnon: Huh.
Robert: That you never ever told me you were digging another tunnel.
Agamemnon: I had my reasons.
Robert: Which were?
Agamemnon: Well...
Robert: What?
Agamemnon: I thought you'd slow me down.
Robert: "Slow you down"?
Agamemnon: I'm sorry, Bob.
Robert: I'm as vital as I ever was.
Agamemnon: I know.
Robert: I killed a man.
Agamemnon: [enthusiastically] I KNOW!
Robert: Fuck you.
Agamemnon: Aw, shit...

[Repeated line]
Robert: God told me.

Agamemnon: Relax. You're suffering from PBS.
Bob: PBS?
Agamemnon: Pre-Bunny Syndrome. It happens quite often in my line of work. You dig and dig and dig and just before you have to make like a little bunny and go through the hole, you panic.
Bob: This is real, Pre-Bunny Syndrome?
Agamemnon: Well, yeah. I mean, I made the name up, but sure.

Jonathan: [word has spread about Beecher's broken bones] They broke his arms and his legs!
Jaz: What is he gonna do when he gets an itch?
[Bikers laugh]
Chucky: He looked like a fuckin' pretzel!
Robert: Beecher was in love
Agamemnon: Love hurts!
Kareem: [angry tone] Schillinger did this!
Ryan: Fucking Schillinjur did this man!
Kenny: [looking at Beecher's pod] I want this pod. Gotta better view.

Bob: I'm getting a premonition like I used to when God would talk to me.
Agamemnon: God would talk to you?
Bob: He would tell me what was going to happen.
Agamemnon: And is he talking to you now?
[Rebadow nods]
Agamemnon: So what's he saying?
Bob: He says, "Be afraid."