The Best Chico Guerra Quotes

Enrique: I saw you and Alvarez making nice. Were you serious?
Chico: The truth? I don't know. I've hated his guts for so many years, now I can't even remember why. And today, I almost got my throat cut. That started me thinking. Enrique, you ever feel like you've lost your appetite for all of the bullshit?
Enrique: Yeah. When my sister died in that bus accident.
Chico: That's right. You were talking peace and patience back then... What happened?
Enrique: Oz. Oz is what happened. Fucking Oz.

Simon: It's simple. You help me get rid of the niggers, and we take over the drug trade.
Raoul: Simple huh? What about the wiseguys?
Simon: They don't care who they work with, as long as the job gets done.
Chico: You're asking us to get rid of your people?
Simon: They are not MY people. I am African!

[looking at Miss Sally on TV]
Chico: Whoa, what the fuck is this, man?
Agamemnon: Miss Sally's new TV series -"Sallycise". It's a health and exercise program.
Chico: Yeah, well, one of my muscles is already getting bigger.