Top 30 Quotes From Brenton Thwaites

Henry: [from trailer] I saw her ankles.
Captain: You would've seen a lot more if you kept your cakehole shut.

Henry: Maybe Jack was right.
Carina: About what?
Henry: The unscratchable itch.
[he goes to kiss her and she slaps his face]
Henry: Why did you do that for?
Carina: Just checking it's truly you. That you're not just a ghost.
Henry: It's me.
Carina: Then I was...
Henry: Wrong.
Carina: Slightly in error. Although one...
Henry: [now he kisses her] Apology accepted.

Henry: [Henry has just been rescued by the Flying Dutchman after attempting to drown himself to gain his father's attention]
[sees a shadowy figure approach]
Henry: Father?
Will: Henry. What have you done?
Henry: I said I'd find you.
Will: Look at me, son.
[half of Will's face and body are covered in barnacles]
Henry: I don't care.
Will: There's no place for you on the Dutchman.
[the Dutchman's crew can be heard in the background]
Will: They know you're here. Get home to your mother.
Henry: No!
Will: Leave now. Before it's too late.
Henry: I won't. I'll never stop. And if you throw me over, I'll come straight back.
Will: Don't you see I'm cursed to this ship?
Henry: That's why I'm here. I think I know a way to break your curse. To free you from the Dutchman.
Will: Henry, no.
Henry: I've read about a treasure. A treasure that holds all the power of the sea. The Trident of Poseidon can break your curse.
Will: [kneels down to hug Henry] Henry, the trident can never be found.
Henry: I found you.
Will: It's just a tale.
Henry: Like the tales of you and Captain Jack Sparrow? He will help me find the trident.
Will: You stay away from Jack! Leave the sea forever. You have to stop acting like a...
Henry: A pirate? I won't stop. I want you to come home.
Will: [the Dutchman starts sinking back into the sea] Henry. I'm sorry. My curse will never be broken.
[takes off his necklace]
Will: This is my fate.
[places the necklace in Henry's hands]
Will: You must let me go.
[reaches out to gently touch Henry's face]
Will: I love you, son.
Henry: [the Dutchman sinks fully into the sea, forcing Henry to swim to the surface and reboard his rowboat]
[while lying inside his rowboat]
Henry: Captain Jack Sparrow.

Henry: That's it! I'm going with her!
Captain: You would leave me for some horologist in her knickers?
Henry: Yes!
Captain: You men are all alike!

Jonas: I apologize.
[no reply]
Jonas: I apologize?
The: Don't say that. "I apologize." Don't apologize to me ever again. Not here. We haven't the time. "I apologize." That's an automatic pleasantry. It doesn't mean anything.
Jonas: I apologize. I'm sorry. I mean...

Jonas: ...I had learned that knowing what something is is not the same as knowing how something feels.

- Look, Jack. There it is.
- JACK SPARROW: The Trident.
Henry: Jack!
- Huh?

Henry: Carina!
Henry: Carina!
- Henry!
- They took Henry!
- The Trident be all that can save him now.
Carina: Then we have to find it.

[first lines]
Title: From the ashes of The Ruin, the Communities were built. Protected by the Boundary. All memories of the past were erased.
Jonas: After The Ruin we started over, creating a new society, one of true equality. Rules were the building blocks of that equality. We learned them as Newchildren. Rules like: use precise language, wear your assigned clothing, take your morning medication, obey the curfew, never lie.
Jonas: My name is Jonas. I don't have a last name. None of us did. That day, the day before graduation, I admit it, I was scared. Tomorrow we'd be assigned our jobs, our purpose. It seemed everyone knew theirs already. Not me. I was lost. I always felt like I saw things--differently; saw things other people didn't. I never said anything. I didn't want to be different. Who would?
Asher: [bicycle bell dinging] Jonas!
Fiona: I apologize, we're late. I got Asher to come say goodbye to Teacher.
Jonas: I accept your apology.
Jonas: [narration continues] Asher and Fiona. We'd been friends our whole lives. Asher was the boy who made everyone laugh. Fiona, well, she was the girl who made everyone smile.
Asher: [standing on his bicycle pedals] ... Take that back! Whoever is listening, please, please, do not make me Vice Chancellor of Waste Management! Please!
Jonas: [narration continues] We lived in a world where differences weren't allowed. There was no "popular." No fame. No losers and no winners. Our Elders had eliminated all of that so there'd be no conflict between us. Fear, pain, envy, hate, they weren't words so much as sounds. Their echoes were gone to the other side of history. I'm asked if I should apologize for what I did. I'll let you decide.

Carina: This ship. Those ghosts. There can be no logical explanation.
Henry: Myths of the sea are real, Carina. I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong.
Carina: Wrong? Perhaps I had some doubts.
Henry: This is the worst apology I've ever heard.
Carina: Apology? Why would I apologize?
Henry: Because we've been chased by the dead, sailing on a ship, raised from a bottle. Where is your science in that?
Carina: Fine, I will apologize.
Henry: Go on, then.
Carina: Well then, one could argue that you owe *me* an apology, as my life has been threatened by pirates and dead men.
Henry: Which you now believe in, sorry to say.
Carina: Apology accepted.

The: Just like music, there's something else you can't see with your eyes, something... that lives deep inside you. Something these morning injections take away.
Jonas: I thought the injections are for our health.
The: No. They remove something.
Jonas: What?
The: Emotions.
Jonas: You mean like feelings?
The: Feelings are just fleeting, on the surface, but emotions, they're very deep, primal. They linger. Now, Jonas, you might not understand where you are or what's happening, but don't think about what you're seeing. Listen. Listen to what's calling from inside.

Jonas: Your instructions said I can lie. Do you lie?
The: Oh, all the time. Mostly for personal amusement. But I won't lie to you.
Jonas: How do I know THAT'S not a lie?
[the Giver chuckles]

The: Everything is connected, everything is a balance. With good there is always bad. The two...
Jonas: Show me more.
The: Let's go for a walk.
[scoots his chair forward for another vision]
The: A real one, with your legs.

Chief: Jonas, what do you and the Receiver actually do?
Jonas: My rules say I am not allowed to share.
Mother: She's the Chief Elder. Jonas, she only wants to help.
Jonas: You're right.
[to the Chief Elder]
Jonas: But you can't tell the Receiver I told you.
Chief: You have my word.
Jonas: We sit in chairs and don't talk all day long, and then, when time is up, I come back here, and in the morning I do it all again.

[Henry saves Carina]
Henry: From this moment forth we are to be allies!
Carina: Considering where your left hand is, I'd say we're more than that!

Jonas: Father, do you love me?
Mother: Jonas, precision of language. Please.
Lilly: What does "love" mean?
Father: [taking Gabriel] I got him, Lilly
Mother: [to Lilly] Jonas used a word so antiquated that it no longer has any application. Okay?
Father: [to Jonas] If you ask "Do you enjoy me?" the answer is certainly yes; or, do Mother and I take pride in your accomplishments? Well, of course we do. Do you understand?

[last lines]
Jonas: I wish I had been there when the memories returned. They were the truth. The Elders and their rules were the lie, so I do NOT apologize. I knew Fiona was safe, that I'd see her again, and that I held the future there in my arms.
[distant singing]
Jonas: The Giver had led us here, to this house. It was real. From far behind me, from the place I had left, I thought I heard music, too. Perhaps it was only an echo, but it was enough. It would lead us all home.

Jonas: Asher, there's something I have to do that is right, but is sort of against the rules.
Asher: If it's the right thing to do, how can it be against the rules?
Jonas: There are things that I've learned that you don't know, that you can't know, not because it's your fault...

The: [grabbing hold of him] There is no way for me to prepare you for what I'm going to do now. You can take comfort in knowing you are completely helpless.
The: If any of this proves too much for you, tell me immediately.
Jonas: I just have...
[passes into a trance]

The: We are the only ones who understand it.
Jonas: Then it's our fault, you and me and all the Receivers, back and back and back and back and back. There has to be a way to show them, to give them the memories so they can understand.
The: Yes.
Jonas: Because if you can't feel... what's the point?
The: But what can you do?

Henry: [whispers into a jail cell] I need to speak with you.
Captain: [attacks Henry from behind, holding him against the cell door] Hand me your sword.
Henry: I don't have a sword.
Captain: What kind of soldier has no weapon?
Henry: I'm currently wanted for treason.
Captain: So not the very good kind then?
Henry: I'm looking for a pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow?
Captain: [let's go of Henry] Well today's your lucky day. Because I just happen to be Captain Jack Sparrow.
Henry: [in disbelief] No, it can't be. I've spent years searching for... this. The great Jack Sparrow is not some drunk in a cell. Do you even have a ship? A crew... pants?
Captain: A great pirate does not require such intricacies.
Henry: Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? The risks I've taken to be here? Are you sure you're *the* Jack Sparrow?
Captain: The real question is, who are you?

Captain: [to the only survivor of a ship he attacked] Jack Sparrow...
[holds up a wanted poster of Jack Sparrow]
Captain: Do you know this pirate?
Henry: Only by name.
Captain: For too many years the Triangle has cursed us, condemned us to this Hell on Earth. The key to our escape is Jack Sparrow, and the compass which he holds. No, no. No need to fear, me boy. I always leave one man alive, to tell the tale. Find Sparrow for me and relay a message, from Capitan Salazar.
Henry: Salazar.
Captain: Tell him I'll behold the daylight again. And on that day, death... death comes straight for him. Would you say that to him, please?
Henry: Yes.
Captain: I wish I could tell him myself, but dead men tell no tales.

Captain: Who are you?
Henry: My name is Henry Turner. Son of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann.
Captain: Ewww. You're the evil spawn of them two.
Captain: Does mummy ever ask about me?
Henry: No.
Captain: Oh go on. She call my name in her sleep?
Henry: She never spoke of you.
Captain: Are you sure we're talking about the same people? He's a cursed eunuch. She's golden-haired, stubborn, pouty lips, neck like a giraffe, and two of those wonderful...
Henry: Yes! Yes, it's her.

Fiona: I don't have the words to describe it.
[Jonas kisses her]
Jonas: Fiona, there is more. So much more.
[kisses her]
Chief: What are they doing?
Jonas: Fiona, what do you feel?
Fiona: I don't have the words to describe it.

Jonas: I hadn't been wrong. THIS was wrong. They hadn't eliminated murder. They brought it home. They just called it by a different name.

Jonas: [about The Giver's dwelling] Asher and I, we used to dare each other to get close to his place. It was built right on the Edge. We'd all heard of people getting Lost to the Edge, never to be seen again, and yet, here I was, being told that I'd have to get close to it every day, for the rest of my life.

Henry: [about shotgun wedding] Wait. Surely... this is not legal.
Captain: This is not legal.
Carina: He's right. Does any man here object to these nuptials?
Captain: I do.
Priest: Congratulations, you may kiss the bride!

- I'm sorry, sir.
- This one is clearly disturbed.
- Sir, trust in what I say.
- Change your course.
- You dare to give me orders, boy?
- Arrest him!
- Turner!
Henry: I will not let you kill us all.

Jonas: It was like a memory, but Fiona was there.
The: You had a dream.
Jonas: A what?
The: A dream. A combination of reality, fantasy, emotions and what you had for dinner. You've stopped taking your injections, haven't you?
Jonas: The emotion was so strong. And at the wedding, everyone all together, laughing and dancing, the old with the young, the bride and the groom... There was something there, but different from what we have.
The: Yes. We don't have that anymore.
Jonas: What do you mean by "that?"
The: Well, I'm talking about what you feel for someone else. And the mind can't explain it, and you... you can't make it go away.
Jonas: What is it?
The: Love. It's called love.

- What are we going to do?
- As Captain, might I suggest...
Carina: Mutiny?
- You had to suggest a mutiny?
Henry: Carina, the dead are coming.
- Well, I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense.
- Do you not see what's behind us?