The Best Brian McCaffrey Quotes

Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Who's your brother Brian?
Firefighter: You are Steven.

Donald: In a word, Brian, what is this job all about?
Firefighter: Fire.
Donald: It's a living thing, Brian. It breathes, it eats, and it hates. The only way to beat it is to think like it. To know that this flame will spread this way across the door and up across the ceiling, not because of the physics of flammable liquids, but because it wants to. Some guys on this job, the fire owns them, makes 'em fight it on it's level, but the only way to truly kill it is to love it a little. Just like Ronald.

Firefighter: [tries to start his car, to no avail] Give me a break, huh! Shit! Come on, damn it!
[abandons his car and races to the firehouse. As he turns the corner, Truck 46 and Engine 17 leave the firehouse]
Firefighter: Oh, shit! My car wouldn't start.
Tim: What are you doing, man?
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Attaboy!
Firefighter: Damn!
[races after Engine 17]
John: Come on, man, you can make it.
[Brian jumps into Engine 17]

[Rimgale and Brian McCaffrey in the morgue with the medical examiner]
Donald: McCaffrey, come on over and give us a hand.
Firefighter: No, I don't think so. Not in my contract.
Donald: [Throwing medical gloves at him] I just rewrote your contract. Come give us a hand.

Firefighter: [after looking at the fire station's muddy swamp creature looking dog] You guys got something against Dalmatians?

Lt. Steven McCaffrey: [Steven enters after having saved a child from the fire] Man, that was pretty crazy, huh?
Firefighter: I waited. I woulda waited.
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Come on, don't worry about it.
Firefighter: But you did it man. You did it all the way Steven, you were really a hero today.
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Brian... its not about being a hero. I went in because there was a kid up there. You know, I just, I do what I do because that's my way. And it was Dad's way. Maybe it's not everybody's way.
Firefighter: Dad's way? What? Did he tell you that in a fucking séance, Steven? Huh?

Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Jesus Christ, Axe!
John: You don't understand. My cousin, my cousin Sally used to work in Swayzak's office. She saw the files, Stephen. She saw what he did!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: You set me up with those chemicals on the boat?
John: I'm trying to explain! I'm trying to explain to you, Stephen!
Firefighter: Stephen!
John: You back off!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Axe!
John: Somebody had to stop these pricks, Stephen!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Look at me, Axe.
John: Will you please listen to me?
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: What were you thinking? You burned people! You're a fireman!
John: When Sally showed me what was in Swayzak's files...
Firefighter: You saw Swayzak's files?
John: I should've told you. I should've let you in on it.
Firefighter: Let him in on what, John? Murder?
John: Swayzak and those assholes were clamping firehouses! They were getting our friends killed for money! I had to, Stephen! I had to do it for the department!
Firefighter: Did you do it for Tim, John?
John: That was an accident!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Did you start that fire?
John: Jesus Christ! Why did you have to go in there so fucking early?
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: That's why you wanted me to wait!
John: Let me finish Swayzak!
Firefighter: No, John! It's over!
John: You shut up! Your dad would fucking puke if he saw how you shit on his department!
Firefighter: What would he say about what you're doing, John?
John: Your dad died saving my life. He died saving my life and these people were killing firemen for money!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Swayzak.
John: He killed our friends for money! What the fuck would you do?
Firefighter: Look, you're his lieutenant, Stephen! You've gotta handle this!
[the roof starts weakening]
John: It's going!
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Get to the side, Brian! It's gonna go!
[Brian runs to the side roof ladder]

[last lines]
Firefighter: You're doing it wrong!
[adjusts the probie's collar as Grindle looks on and smiles]
Nervous: Thanks!
Firefighter: Alright!

Firefighter: You see that glow flashing in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear.

Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Look at you. Look at your face! All the things you must be thinkin'. You really hate my guts, don't you? You know something, Brian? That's all right.
Firefighter: Maybe we should talk about it.
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: You don't like me... because of what? Because I was no genius in the way I raised you. Is that it? Dad was gone! So, what was I supposed to do? You tell me.
Firefighter: Forget it, Stephen. It's okay.
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: I tried. I wanted so many things for you... that I couldn't even hope for. Because after that, I had no choices! Well, I'm not your father. You got somewhere to go? Go. People change, huh, Brian?
Firefighter: Sometimes right when you're lookin' at 'em.

Firefighter: You had to do it, didn't you? You had to be myth man again, taking another fire bare-handed instead of looking out for your probie?
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: I had that fire! He just didn't listen to me!
Firefighter: He's a *candidate*! YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You shouldn't have had him up there in the first place!
[Steven walks away]
Lt. Steven McCaffrey: FUCK YOU!
[keeps walking away]
Firefighter: Don't you walk away from me!
[Steven turns aroung and slugs Brian. Brian goes after Steven, resulting in a brawl]

Lt. Steven McCaffrey: Who's your brother, Brian?
Firefighter: You are, Steven.

Donald: Let's go.
Firefighter: Where we going?
Donald: Pest control.

Ronald: I sent away for a copy of that Life magazine with your picture on the cover. It's a collectible.
Firefighter: Who's doing this, Ronald?
Ronald: Wrong question. Who isn't? It's not a spark because there's not enough damage. He wouldn't have had any fun. It's not an insurance scam because there isn't any profit.
Firefighter: Do you know who's doing this?
Ronald: Yes.
Firefighter: Then tell me.
Ronald: You want to know who?
[Shows front cover of magazine]
Ronald: I want to know if this kid really wanted to be just like his dad. Did he?
[Ronald is about to return to his cell]
Ronald: Okay, I'm out of here.
Firefighter: Alright. I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him more than anything.
Ronald: And you loved him?
Firefighter: Yeah.
Ronald: And you watched him dance with the animal. You saw your dad burn.
Firefighter: Hey, fuck you Ronald! Who the hell's doing this, huh?
Ronald: Did it look at you? Did the fire look at you? It did. Whoa. Wow. Our worlds aren't that far apart after all, are they? So, whoever is doing this knows the animal well, doesn't he? He knows him real well, but he won't let him loose. He won't let him have any fun, so he does not love him. Now who doesn't love fire and is around trychtichlorate all day long?
Firefighter: [realizes who it might be] Oh my God!
Ronald: [laughs] See... that wasn't such a long trip after all.

Schmidt: Hey, Axe, you know this rug rat?
John: Know him? I practically raised him.
John: He never calls. He never writes.
Firefighter: [introducing himself] I'm Brian.
Grindle: I'm sorry.