The Best Brynn Quotes

Nicolette: Is that Ben?
Margene: And that must be Brynn. What do we do?
Nicolette: This...
[Nicki beeps the car horn]
Margene: Nicki. Stop it.
[beeps again]
Margene: Stop it!
[beeps again]
Margene: Stop it!
Nicolette: This is why mothers shouldn't work.
Margene: We don't work.
Nicolette: Barb should be at home.
Margene: We're at home.
Margene: Hi! Ah, we told your mom we'd pick you up. She had a ton of papers to grade.
Ben: Oh, ah, well... OK. Um, everybody, this is Brynn.
Margene: Hi.
Nicolette: I'm Lucy. This is Ethel.
Ben: These are my neighbors.
Margene: So where can we take you, Brynn?
Brynn: Um, Sandy Points Drive, off South State.
[Margie gestures toward the back seat of the car]
Brynn: Thanks.
Margene: Sorry about the sod.
Brynn: That's OK.
Nicolette: Watch out for grubs.