The Best Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen Quotes

Buford: [arriving at the Palace Saloon] Are you in there, Eastwood? It's eight o'clock, and I'm callin' you out!
Marty: [looks at the town clock, then steps towards Buford cautiously at a window] It's not 8:00 yet!
Buford: It is by my watch! Let's settle this once and for all, runt! Or ain't you got the gumption?

Buford: Smile, Marshall. After all, this *is* a party!
Marshall: The only party I'll be smilin' at is the one that sees you at the end of a rope.
Strickland's: Have fun.
[Buford and his gang head toward the town festival]
Marshall: [turns to his son] See, that's how you handle them, son. Never give 'em an inch, and maintain discipline at all times. Remember that word - "discipline."
Marshal: I will, Pa.
[the Marshall pats his son on the leg]

Marty: You're Mad Dog Tannen.
Buford: Mad Dog? I hate that name. I hate it! You hear? Nobody calls me Mad Dog! Especially not some duded-up, egg-suckin' gutter trash!

- Thug: Look at him swing.
Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen: Yeah, haven't had a hanging in a long time!
- It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at 500 yards, tannen, and it's pointed straight at your head!

Buford: Eight o'clock Monday, runt. If you ain't here, I'll hunt you and shoot you down like a duck.
Buford's: It's "dog", Buford. Shoot him down like a dog.
Buford: [enraged] Lets go, boys! Let these sissies have their party!

Buford: What's your name, dude?
Marty: Uh, Mar- Eastwood. Clint Eastwood.
Buford: What kind of stupid name is that?

Buford: Listen up, Eastwood! I aim to shoot somebody today and I'd prefer it'd be you. But if you're just too damn yella, I guess it'll just have to be your blacksmith friend.

Buford: You owe me money, blacksmith.
Doc: How do ya figure?
Buford: My horse threw a shoe. And seein' as you was the one that done the shoein', I say that makes you responsible.
Doc: Well, since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even!
Buford: Wrong! See I was *on* my horse when it threw the shoe and I got throwed *off*! And *that* caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle of fine Kentucky red-eye. So, the way I figure it, blacksmith, you owe me five dollars for the whiskey and $75 for the horse.
Marty: [hoarsely] That's the $80.
Doc: Look! If your horse threw a shoe, bring him back and I'll reshoe him!
Buford: I done shot that horse!
Doc: Well, that's your problem, Tannen!
Buford: Wrong! That's yours. So, from now on, you better be lookin' behind you when you walk. 'Cause one day you're gonna get a bullet in your back.
[Buford and his gang gallop away on their horses]

[Marty has accepted Buford's challenge to a duel]
Buford: Then let's finish it, right now!
Buford's: Oh, uh, not now, Buford. Uh, Marshal's got our guns.
Buford: Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow.
Buford: Tomorrow, we're robbin' the Pine City Stage.
Buford: What about Monday? We doin' anything Monday?
Buford's: Uh, no, Monday'd be fine. You can kill him on Monday.
Buford: I'll be back this way on Monday! We'll settle this then... right there... out in the street... in front of the Palace Saloon!
Marty: Yeah, right. When? High noon?
Buford: Noon? I do my killin' before breakfast! Seven o'clock!
Marty: Eight o'clock. I do my killin' after breakfast!

Strickland's: [Buford is pulled out of a manure cart and up to his feet] Buford Tannen, you're under arrest for robbin' the Pine City Stage! You got anything to say?
Buford: [spits out a chunk of manure] I hate manure.