20 Best Bully Quotes

Heather: Is he dead yet?
Donny: Getting there.

Marty: [crying hysterically] She's fucking pregnant! She's fucking pregnant!

Derek: [about Donny] Oh jeez, that guy's fucking retarded, am I wrong?
Lisa: No no, he just gets high a lot, he's just as normal as you and me.
Derek: Shit, that's may not be saying too much...

Marty: What do you want to do?
Lisa: I've got to ask you something, Marty. Why do you let Bobby treat you the way he does?
Marty: What?
Lisa: Why do you let Bobby treat you like he does, hit you and stuff, and make fun of you? He disses you right to your face in front of everyone. Derek thinks you guys are queer for each other.
Marty: Yeah well, Derek's an asshole.
Lisa: You know what? I love you.
Marty: Shut up.
Lisa: I do. I love you and I care about you and I don't want to see you suffer. I don't want to see Bobby picking on you ever again.
Marty: Bobby...
[he chokes up and cries; saliva comes from his mouth]
Lisa: What?
Marty: It's been like this since we were little fucking kids, Lisa. He's always been like this. Bobby always beats the fuck out of me whenever he wants and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it. I've begged my fucking parents to move...
Lisa: You could move away yourself!
Marty: I'm not even a fucking high school graduate.
Lisa: Yeah, I know, tell me about it. So there's nothing we can do to stop him ever?
Marty: We could kill him, but that's about it.
Lisa: [smiles] That's what I was thinking.
Marty: What? What are you talking about?
Lisa: Bobby.
Marty: What about Bobby?
Lisa: What if he was gone?
Marty: What kind of weird shit are you talking about?
Lisa: What if we killed him?
Marty: Are you fucking nuts?

Donny: You guys need professional help.

Alice: You're a pretty hot surfer, Marty.
Marty: Thanks.
Lisa: You could, like, go pro.
Bobby: What fucking planet are you living on?
Alice: Earth, fucker. Compared to you, he's fucking Kobe Bryant.

Bobby: You call that going out?
Alice: I don't know!
Bobby: I call it a fucking blowjob! A damn fine blowjob, but a blowjob all the same.

Derek: [shouts] Hey listen, fucker, I only helped carry the body 'cause that mafia motherfucker was gonna beat the shit out of me!

Alice: You're so hot.
Bobby: I'm not hot, baby, I'm just big.

[Lisa produces a gun]
Donny: Holy shit, what the fuck is that for?
Lisa: To kill Bobby Kent, don't you remember?
Donny: Oh, yeah.

Heather: Got any tweak?
Donny: [laughs] How was rehab?

Bobby: [after Marty bumps Bobby's car into a curb] Aw you fuck, you fucked up my fuckin car! Fuck!
Marty: [Bobby punches Marty] Watch the fuck out man! You're gonna make me fuckin wreck!
Bobby: [punching Marty again] You stupid fuck!
Marty: Aw fuck!
Bobby: Piece of shit!
Marty: Motherfucker! Fuck this, man, shit!
Bobby: [as Marty stops the car and walks out] Marty? Hey! Get in the car!

Lisa: I love you, Marty. I love you so much I can't even believe how much I love you. I would do anything for you.

Bobby: [screaming as he's being murdered] PLEASE, MARTY! PLEASE! PLEASE!
Bobby: Whatever I did... I'M SORRY!

Derek: Nature sucks.

Marty: Turn those goddamn lights off, Ali.

[last lines]
[talking in the court room]
Donny: I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing here, I didn't do shit, I don't know what I'm fucking here for...
Marty: You stabbed him, dude. What the fuck do you want... Oh, you shut the fuck up!

Donny: Shit, I never knew nobody who killed somebody.
Alice: Me neither.
Heather: Just my grandpa. I never knew him. Yeah. My grandpa was a bad drunk. Really bad. He'd rape anyone dumb enough to walk by his room and one night... he got... um, really pissed at my grandma and he took a claw hammer to her face. And, uh, after that, he just... he locked himself up with her in his room for two whole days and he kept drinking and having sex with her after she was dead. My mom was in the house the whole time.
Donny: Fuck.
Heather: She was only 15.
Alice: Holy shit.
Heather: You know, it really messed with her head. After that, she only hung out with guys who beat the hell out of her. And when I was little, she'd get drunk and she'd drag me and my brother out of bed at, like, four in the morning and she had all the news clippings about my grandpa and the trial transcriptions and she'd read them over and over again. And I knew every word before kindergarten. I think that's how I learned to read.

Marty: [They hug after Marty gives him a new earing] I love you man
Marty's: [Taken aback] I love you too

[first lines]
Marty: [on the phone with a customer] I want you to suck my big dick.
Mrs. Puccio: [from downstairs] Marty, honey, dinner!
Marty: [into the phone] I want you to lick my balls.