The Best Bunty Broadacre Quotes

[Chuckles] Okay. All right, already.
- Here you go.
- Thriving.
- He's just hungry. Look at him.
Bunty: She really likes you, Jacob.
Jacob: Oh, all right.
- It's okay.

Newt: [From trailer] Grindelwald has the ability to see the future. So if we hope to defeat him, then our best hope... is to confuse him.
Bunty: Huh?
Jacob: It's working on me right now.

- all you have to do is open it.
- She ain't kiddin'.
Newt: Yes, uh, bunty, um...
- That's for you.
- I was told it was for your eyes only.
Bunty: Oh.

- Okay.
Jacob: Hey.
[Lally] Hey!
Bunty: Hello!
[Lally] Bunty!
[In sing-song voice] Bunty!

Newt: So, this is, um, this is Bunty Broadacre, my indispensable assistant for the past seven years.
Bunty: Eight... years. And 164 days.
Newt: As you can see, indispensable. And this is, uh...
Yusuf: Yusuf Kama. Pleasure.
Newt: And you, obviously, already made Jacob's acquaintance.
Theseus: [clearing this throat] Newt.
Newt: Oh. So... so, this is my brother, Theseus, and, um, he works for the Ministry.
Theseus: Actually, head of the British Auror Office.
Eulalie: Ah! Well, I'll have to ensure my wand registration's up to date.
Theseus: Yes. Although, strictly speaking, that doesn't fall within my purview.

Credence: [Grindelwald is chosen to lead the International Confederation of Wizards] He's lying to you. That creature is dead.
[he collapses, and Aberforth moves to help him]
Albus: Not now. Wait.
Newt: He did it to trick you. He killed it and bewitched it so that you might think him worthy to lead. But he doesn't want to lead you. He just wants you to follow.
Gellert: Words. Words designed to deceive. To make you doubt what you've seen with your own two eyes.
Newt: There were two Qilins born that night. A twin. And I know that... I know that b...
Gellert: Because? Because you have no proof. Because there was no second Qilin. Am I not right?
Newt: Its mother had been killed, it...
Gellert: Then where is it now, Mr. Scamander?
Bunty: [disgused as a priestess, she approaches and hands Newt his case] No one can know everything, Newt.