The Best Eulalie 'Lally' Hicks Quotes

Jacob: What is this place?
Newt: The room we require.
Albus: I trust you all have the tickets that Bunty gave you? You'll need them to gain access to the ceremony.
[indicating four suitcases on the ground]
Albus: What do you think, Newt? Can you tell which one is yours?
Newt: No.
Albus: Good. I'd be worried if you could.
Eulalie: I assume the Qilin's in one of these cases.
Albus: Yes.
Eulalie: Well, which one is it?
Albus: Which one, indeed.
Jacob: Ooh, it's like a three-card monte thing. Like a shell game thing. Like-like a short con.
[seeing they don't understand]
Jacob: Never mind, it's a Muggle thing.

Jacob: How do you confuse a guy that can see the future?
Yusuf: Countersight.
Newt: Exactly. So, the best plan being no plan.
Eulalie: Or many overlapping plans.
Newt: Thus, confusion.

Jacob: [emerging from a fireplace via the Floo Network] Spinning! Always with the spinning.
Newt: [happy to see him] Jacob. Welcome! You brilliant man. Sorry. I was absolutely sure that Professor Hicks would convince you.
Jacob: Yeah. You know me, pal. I can't pass up a good Portkey.
Eulalie: [emerging from the fireplace, too] Mr. Scamander.
Newt: Professor Hicks.
Newt: At long last.
Newt: So, Professor Hicks and I, we've corresponded for many years, but we've never actually met. So, her book on advanced charm-casting is a must-read.
Eulalie: Newt is far too kind. "Fantastic Beasts" is required reading for all my fifth-years.

Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Hey, sweetheart, what brings you downtown?
Eulalie: I really hope you didn't spend all day coming up with that.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Oh, you want scary, is that what you want?
Eulalie: You know what it is, you just aren't menacing enough.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): I think I'm plenty menacing. I'm...
[to one of his friends]
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Am I not menacing?
Eulalie: Maybe if you waved your arms around, you know, like a crazy man, then you'd appear more menacing.
[he does it a little half-heartedly]
Eulalie: That's good. A little more.
[he does it more, and from his bakery, Jacob sees them]
Eulalie: A little more. Keep going. Perfect. Three, two, one.
Jacob: [coming outside] Hey!
[clanging two pans together]
Jacob: That's enough. Get outta here.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): What's on your mind, baker boy?
Jacob: Oh, jeez. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Oh, well, we're not.
Jacob: It's a lady. I tell you what, I'll give you the first shot.
[indicating his chin]
Jacob: Go ahead.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Are you sure?
[getting the Full-Body Bind Curse put on him]
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Oh, boy.
Frank Doyle (Workman 1): Last time I ever help that woman out again. Lally!
Eulalie: Whoopsie, Frank. Sometimes I forget my own strength. I'll take it from here. Thank you!

Newt: Dumbledore asked that I give you something, Jacob.
[taking out a magic wand]
Newt: It's snakewood. It's, uh, somewhat rare.
Jacob: Are you kiddin' me right now? Is this thing real?
Newt: Yes. Well, it doesn't have a core, so sort of, but yes.
Jacob: It's sorta real?
Newt: More importantly, where we're going, you'll need it. Now, there's something for you, too, I think, Theseus. Um... Teddy, please let go now. Teddy, please let go. No. Teddy, will you behave? This is Theseus'...
[he accidentally launches his Niffler at Jacob, then picks up a tie from the floor]
Newt: Um, that's...
Theseus: [taking it, sarcastic] Well, of course. Now everything makes sense.
Newt: Um, Lally, I believe you were given some reading material?
Eulalie: You know what they say. A book can take you around the world and back, all you have to do is open it.
Jacob: She ain't kiddin'.

Jacob: You seem like a really nice witch. You don't know what I've been through with you people. So, could you please get out of my life?
Eulalie: A little over a year ago...
Jacob: Oh, my...
Eulalie: the hopes of securing a small business loan, you walked through the doors of the Steen National Bank, located about six blocks from here. You then made the acquaintance of Newt Scamander, the world's foremost and, albeit only, magizoologist. You then learned of a world you had previously been wholly unaware of. You met and fell in love with a witch named Queenie Goldstein, had your brain wiped by means of Obliviation, only it didn't take. And as a result, you reunited with Ms. Goldstein, who, after your refusal to marry her, mm, decided to join Gellert Grindelwald and his dark army of followers, who pose the single greatest threat to both your world and ours in four centuries. How did I do?
Jacob: That was good. Except for the part about Queenie going over to the dark side. I mean, yeah, she's... she's cuckoo. But she's got a heart bigger than this whole crazy island, and-and... and she is so smart, you know? She's... she can legitimately read your brain, you know, she's a whatchamacallit...
Eulalie: A Legilimens.
Jacob: Yeah. Look... you see this? You see the pan? That's me, I'm the pan. I'm all dented, dime-a-dozen. I'm just a schmo. I don't know what kind of crazy ideas you have in your head there, lady, but I'm sure as hell you could do a lot better than me. Goodbye.
Eulalie: I don't think we can, Mr. Kowalski. You could have ducked under the counter, but you didn't. You could have looked the other way, but you didn't. In fact, you were willing to put yourself in danger to save a perfect stranger. Seems to me you're just the kind of average joe the world needs right now. You just don't know it yet. That's why I had to show you. We need you, Mr. Kowalski.

Jacob: I said I wanted out, and I want out.
Eulalie: Come now, Mr. Kowalski.
Jacob: Can't believe my therapist said you wizards don't exist. What a waste of...
[entering his bakery and seeing she's already inside]
Eulalie: You do know I'm a witch, right?

Newt: So, this is, um, this is Bunty Broadacre, my indispensable assistant for the past seven years.
Bunty: Eight... years. And 164 days.
Newt: As you can see, indispensable. And this is, uh...
Yusuf: Yusuf Kama. Pleasure.
Newt: And you, obviously, already made Jacob's acquaintance.
Theseus: [clearing this throat] Newt.
Newt: Oh. So... so, this is my brother, Theseus, and, um, he works for the Ministry.
Theseus: Actually, head of the British Auror Office.
Eulalie: Ah! Well, I'll have to ensure my wand registration's up to date.
Theseus: Yes. Although, strictly speaking, that doesn't fall within my purview.

Jacob: Is Tina coming?
Newt: Tina's not available. Um... Tina's been promoted, she's, uh, very, very busy from... well, from what I understand.
Eulalie: Tina's been made head of the American Auror Office.
Jacob: Oh.
Eulalie: We know each other well. She's quite a remarkable woman.
Newt: She is.
Theseus: So, this is the team that's gonna take down the most dangerous wizard we've faced in over a century. A magizoologist, his indispensable assistant, a schoolteacher, a wizard descended from a very old French family, and... a Muggle baker with his fake wand.
Jacob: Hey, we got you, too, pal, and his wand works.
Theseus: Who wouldn't like our chances?