The Best Butler Quotes

Butler: [Answering door] Yes?
Indiana: [Scottish accent] Not before time! did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day? we're drenched
[sneezes in butler's face]
Indiana: Now look, I've gone and caught a sniffle
Butler: Are you expected?
Indiana: Don't take that tone with me my good man! Now buttle off and tell Baron Brunwald that Lord Clarence McDonald and his lovely assistant
[Drags Elsa towards him]
Indiana: are here to view the tapestries
Butler: Tapestries?
Indiana: The old man is dense, this is a castle isn't it? there are tapestries
Butler: This is a castle and we have many tapestries, and if you are a Scottish lord then I am Mickey Mouse!
Indiana: How dare he?
[punches butler in face]