The Best Calhoun Quotes

Sergeant: All right, listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once! "Fear" is a four-letter word, ladies! You wanna go pee-pee in your big-boy slacks, keep it to yourself! It's "make your mamas proud" time!
Wreck: I love my mamma!

Sergeant: Your face is still red, you might want to hit it with your hammer again.
Fix: Oh, that ain't blunt force trauma, ma'am. It's just the honeyglow in my cheeks. You know, you are one dynamite gal.
Brad: [At the artillery range] You know, you are one dynamite gal.
[On a date]
Brad: You are one dynamite gal.
[At a park]
Brad: Dynamite gal.
Brad: Dynamite gal.
[At the wedding]
Brad: Dynamite gal.
[the cy-bug bursts in and kills him]
Sergeant: NOOOOO!
[stops the ship]
Sergeant: Get out!
Fix: But... all I said is that you're a dynamite gal.
Sergeant: I said get out!
[Felix disembarks and Calhoun flies off alone]

Fix: [goggles at Calhoun] Look at that high definition. Your face... it's AMAZING!
Sergeant: Flattery don't charge these batteries, civilian.

[from trailer]
Sergeant: "Fear" is a four-letter word, ladies! You wanna go peepee in your big-boy slacks, keep it to yourself!

Sergeant: Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby and it... is... ugly!

Sergeant: The selfish man is like a mangy dog chasing a cautionary tale.

Sergeant: Flattery don't charge these batteries, civilian.

Sour: Now I remember.
[walking up to Vanellope]
Sour: All hail the rightful ruler of Sugar Rush, Princess Vanellope.
Taffyta: I remember, she's our princess!
Candlehead: Oh, that's right!
Taffyta: We are *so* sorry about the way we treated you!
Rancis: Yeah, those were... jokes!
Candlehead: [whining] I was just doing what Taffyta told me to do!
Vanellope: Tut, tut. As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be... executed.
Sugar: *What?* No, no, no, please...
Fix: Oh, my land!
Sergeant: Oh! This place just got interesting.
Taffyta: [crying] I don't want to die!
Vanellope: Ah, I'm just kidding.
Taffyta: You are?
Vanellope: Stop crying, Taffyta.
Taffyta: [eyes streaming] I'm trying, but... it won't stop!

[Vanellope is trapped in Sugar Rush, as the Cy-Bugs overrun it]
Vanellope: It's okay, Ralph.
Sergeant: All right, Fix-It, that's everyone, now we've got to blow this exit!
[alarmed, Ralph looks at Vanellope]
Vanellope: Just go. Go without me.

Sergeant: This is it, ladies! The kitten whispers and tickle fights end now!

Sergeant: Do you know what the first rule of Hero's Duty is, soldier?
Wreck: No cuts, no butts, no coconuts?