Top 20 Quotes From Carla Gugino

Fegan: We have to keep the army from leaving the castle. Our only chance is to get to the control room and hope that their missions have not been programmed.
Ingrid: And what if they have?
Fegan: Then there's no one on Earth who can stop them.

Jessie: This monster was real, real as they come. As real as the cuffs, as the dog. As real as the eclipse.

[Felix has betrayed the Cortezes, the family he was assigned to protect, by taking the Transmooker from them]
Carmen: Uncle Felix, how could you?
Felix: I'm not your uncle!
Ingrid: But we treated you like family.
Felix: Donnagon said that if I joined him, he wouldn't get rid of me like he's gonna get rid of you guys.
Donnagon: Can't argue with that.

Gregorio: What was the story tonight?
Ingrid: [kisses his head] Ours.

Hank's: It says here you were arrested for assaulting a filmmaker named Todd Carr.
Hank: A shitty filmmaker named Todd Carr. Does it say shitty there? Because it should.

Ingrid: Do what I showed you last night! Suplex!

Carmen: Mom, I've been skipping school, going places, taking ferry rides in the city...
Ingrid: It's OK. It's OK. I know. We'll talk about it when we get home.
Carmen: ...running off to Belize.
Ingrid: What? You went where?
Carmen: You're right. Let's just talk about this when we get home.
Ingrid: No, no, no, no. You can tell me everything now, OK? Is that what you want to be, free from your family? Hey!
Carmen: I used to. Not anymore.

Sally: I'm 67 years old. Every day, the future looks a little bit darker. But the past... even the grimy parts of it... keep on getting brighter.

Hank's: You know what? This is a big fucking waste of my time. Good luck to you, Mr. Moody.
Charlie: Apologize, you idiot!
Hank: Okay, look. I'm sorry that I talked about my balls. My big, beautiful balls. That was inappropriate.

Jessie: Just uncuff me and we can talk.
Gerald: What if I won't?
Jessie: What do you mean?
Gerald: What if I won't?

[last lines]
Jessie: [to Moonlight Man in the courtroom] You're so much smaller than I remember.

Hank's: Is there something I should know here?
Charlie: Such as?
Hank's: Is he retarded?
Hank: Hey!
Charlie: He's actually quite a good guy once you get to know him. He's very pleasant. Very agreeable.
Hank's: Good to know. Because on paper, he looks like a total piece of shit.

Detective: Laurie, look, I'm sorry I never gave you the kind of life you wanted, all right.I'm sorry it was never enough.Don't punish me for being honest.Don't take my boy away.
Laurie: What are you saying? That because you were honest and you didn't take money like every other cop, I left you? No, you don't take money for one reason. To buy being dishonest about everything else. And that's worse than taking money nobody gives a shit about.Drug money, gambling money nobody's gonna miss. You know, I'd rather you took it and been honest with me. Or don't take it. I don't care. But then don't go cheat on me.Don't cheat on your kid by never being around. Don't go out and get laid by your snitches and your secretaries and strippers.I can tell by just looking,she's one of them. You think you're going to heaven because you're honest, but you're not You're going to the same hell as the crooked cops you can't stand.

Gerald: People are safe from ghouls and ghosts and the living dead in the daylight. And they're usually safe from them at night, if they're with others. But a person alone in the dark... women alone in the dark are like open doors, Jessie, and if they scream for help, who knows what might answer. Who knows what people see in the moment of their solitary death. Is it so hard to believe that some of them might have died of fear? No matter what the words on the death certificate say... died of fear... because they saw, at their bedside, the Moonlight Man. Maybe that's just what death looks like.
Jessie: Not... real...
Gerald: Then why did the dog leave?

Donnagon: Well, Cortezes, any last words?
Ingrid: None that I can say in front of my children.
Grandmother: Not to mention your mother.

T.K. Law: You were shot. You need to be examined.
Gabriel: You can do it.
T.K. Law: Um, newsflash. I'm a vet. You're not a dog.

Ingrid: Remember when we could sense danger a mile away?
Gregorio: Those were the days.
Ingrid: Yeah.

[first lines]
Narrator: We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow. But now alone I lie, and weep beside the tree. Singin', "O willow waly, by the tree that weep with me." Singin', "O willow waly, 'til my lover return to me."

Abby: We had sex. You made me come.
Hank: Don't sell yourself short. I invited you to come. You did all the rest.

Carmen: Okay, Mom, if you want information, just go straight to the source.
Carmen: [she taps some keys and "Welcome to the Pentagon" appears]
Ingrid: How did you do that? You can't do that. There is no hacking in this household!
Carmen: [Carmen taps another key and disconnects]
Carmen: I know. Sorry.
Ingrid: [sighs]
Ingrid: Show me that again.