The Best Carol Peterson Quotes

Ray: I've been blown up, take me to the hospital.
[Lies on a gurney]
Ray: Take me to a hospital, I'm sick. What...?
[Jumps up, throws the gurney in back of an ambulance than jumps on top of it]
Carol: Honey? I'll just find out what hospital they're taking you to and then I'll... Follow right along. Okay?
Ray: [Lying face down on the gurney] Okay, honey.

Carol: Where are you going?
Ray: I can't walk anywhere without you asking me where I'm going - I'm going to Paris, France, okay? I'm going to Banff, Canada, alright? That's where I'm going.
Carol: Are you taking the dog?
Ray: Yeah, yeah, I'm taking the dog for a walk.

Carol: He can't come out until he resembles the man that I married.
Art: Carol, We don't have that kind of time.