The Best Carrie Fellows Quotes

Rhonda: [to Carrie after she finds her closet empty] When I left for work this morning, I could've sworn I had a closet full of clothes. And now... And what is this smell?
Carrie: Forest spice.
Rhonda: I beg your pardon?
Carrie: Well, you had a choice between that or sandalwood or patchouli.
Rhonda: What's that?
Carrie: Deodorizer for your shoes.
Rhonda: My shoes? My shoes now smell like pine trees?
Carrie: Like you took a brisk walk in the woods.
Rhonda: I'm afraid to ask about my clothes.
Carrie: Those I sent to the best dry cleaner in town. A place in Beverly Hills.
Rhonda: They don't do smells too?
Carrie: I don't know, but I could ask.
Rhonda: No, no, I like my aroma just fine, thanks. Listen, Carrie, you might want to think about kicking back just a bit. You really don't have to be quite so tidy, do you? Especially with my stuff. I mean, too much of a good thing can be too much.
Carrie: I see what you mean.
Rhonda: Then you'll ease up?
Carrie: Absolutely. I was only trying to be helpful.
Rhonda: That you are.
Carrie: And if there's one thing I understand, that's when to stop.
Rhonda: Good.

Carrie: You know, I know I can come off a little compulsive, and maybe anal sometimes. I mean, I've made a whole career out of it. But if I ever get in the way, you just let me know, okay? Because roommates like you are pretty rare, Rhonda. And I wouldn't want to jeopardize our relationship.

Carrie: Oh, well, I see you're using one of my copper pots.
Rhonda: You don't mind, do you?
Carrie: No I don't. That cookware is guaranteed to last a lifetime if you take care of it properly. You know, if I soak that right now, it'll be a lot easier to clean.
Rhonda: Carrie...
Carrie: Ok, well, I was just trying to be...
Rhonda: Helpful. I know, I know.
Carrie: You know what...
Rhonda: For just this once, let me do something for you, Okay?
Carrie: Okay. Rhonda, I just...
Rhonda: Don't you dare touch that pan, Carrie.

Rhonda: I can't seem to find my vitamins.
Carrie: They're right here. I filed them under 'V' for vitamins, see? Between the vegie salt and the V-8 juice.
Rhonda: You alphabetized our kitchen?
Carrie: Yes, yesterday while you were teaching. And I also threw in this kitchen caddy. Sort of as a house warming gift.
Rhonda: Well, thanks.
Carrie: This is last year's model, but nobody will ever know. The newer version has wider shelves for thicker bottles.

Carrie: [placing her pan up in Rhonda's face] Rhonda, you missed a spot!
Rhonda: Excuse me?
Carrie: Right here, on my pan. When you cleaned up after breakfast. See, burned egg, right in the rivets. I said "soak it". I told you to soak it!
Rhonda: That's it?
Carrie: You just don't care. You just have no respect.
Rhonda: Respect? Carrie, you are a nut!
Carrie: And you're a slob!
Rhonda: Look Carrie, I don't think this is gonna work out. I think you ought to find yourself another place to live.
Carrie: Yeah, right after I clean my pan.