The Best Charlie Quotes

Charlie: Should've brought that gun along, buddy.
Marty: I don't believe in them.
Charlie: In guns? You don't believe in guns? They ain't fucking leprechauns, you dumb Mick.

Billy: Five... Four... Three... Two...
Charlie: Wait! Please go back to five. Please...
Billy: I'm not going back to five, man. I'm not going back to five. Five...

Billy: Where's your guns?
Charlie: You said don't bring none, so I didn't bring none.
Billy: You didn't bring a gun to the final shoot-out?

Charlie: What's with your sour fucking puss? I could've just killed you now, couldn't I? You've had your friend killed, and you're just about to have your other friend killed, but that still only makes two friends killed. I've had four of my guys killed, and also my girlfriend killed, who I didn't like much, but that's still five friends killed. That's three more friends killed than you've had friends killed, so don't give me that moany fucking face, okay?