The Best Chessy Quotes

Annie: [after a discussion about how Annie as Hallie seems different to Chessy] Chessy, I changed a lot over the summer, that's all.
Chessy,: OK, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say it's almost like you were... forget it, it's impossible.
Annie: Almost if I were who, Chessy?
Chessy,: Nobody, nobody, forget I mentioned it.
Annie: Almost if I were - Annie?
Chessy,: [slowly turning around] You know about Annie?
Annie: [dropping her "Hallie" accent] I... *am* Annie.

Chessy,: [upon seeing Elizabeth after so many years] Hi, you probably don't remember me. I...
Elizabeth: [gives her a kiss on the cheek] Chessy!
Chessy,: I knew I always liked her.

Chessy,: [seeing Martin for the first time, dazed] Hello
Martin,: [French music plays] Hello... hello to you
Elizabeth: Chessy, this is our butler, Martin.
Chessy,: How do you do?
[pointing at Hallie]
Chessy,: I'm her butler.
Martin,: Enchanté mademoiselle
[kisses her hand]
Chessy,: Gee, the pleasure's all mine monsieur.

Chessy,: [just found out that the girls switched places and is crying] Can I hug her?

Nick: Hal, come here. We have to talk.
Annie: Okay, shoot.
Nick: Okay, honey... I want to know what you *think* about making Meredith part of the family?
Annie: Part of *our* family?
Nick: Yeah.
Annie: I think - it's an awesome idea. Inspired. Brilliant really.
Nick: You do? Really? You do?
Annie: Totally, it's like a dream come true. I've always wanted a big sister.
Nick: Oh... um... Honey, I'm think you're kind of missing the point.
Annie: No, I'm not. You're going to adopt Meredith. That is so sweet, Dad.
Nick: No, I'm not going to adopt her. I'm going to marry her.
Annie: [leaps from her seat] Marry her? That's insane! How can you marry a woman young enough to be my big sister?
[she begins to rant, accidentally yelling in French]
Annie: Mais tu plaisantes, j'espère. Meredith, ce n'est pas une fille pour toi. Mais c'est pas possible, je rêve. Qu'est-ce qui...
Nick: Hal, Hal, Hal. Calm down, Hal!
Nick: Were you speaking French?
Annie: I... I learned it at camp.
[takes a breath]
Annie: Ok, I'm sorry. Let's discuss this calmly. Calmly and rationally.
Nick: Yeah, and in English if you don't mind, right?
Annie: Okay.
Nick: Sweetheart what has gotten into you?
Annie: Nothing, nothing, just... just... Dad, you can't get married; it'll totally ruin completely everything!
[she runs from the house]
Nick: Hal! Hal! Hallie!
[he looks to Chessy, who appears at a window]
Chessy,: Don't look at me. I don't know a thing.
[she closes the windows]

Chessy,: [under her breath, after the dog has growled and snapped at Meredith] Good doggy.