The Best Christopher Denham Quotes

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Since when are you British?
Klaus: Since Hitler told me I wasn't German.

Kyle: You know, the more I talked to you guys, the more you twisted my words around, so, you know, maybe today I'm not in the mood.
[Gets up to leave]
Detective: We think what happened to you may have happened to someone else. Sit down.
[He sits]
Detective: Look, I know you've got not reason to trust me, and I know exactly how you feel. Everyone's got you wrong. Everyone thinks you're something that you're not and you've got no way to change their mind. You help me catch this guy, and I'll see about getting you out of here.
Kyle: You believe me?
Detective: Until you give me a reason not to.

Detective: [chasing a suspect] Get your ass back here!
Gerald: [struggling as Green cuffs him] What are you doing?
Detective: Your hands.
Detective: [taking his license out of his wallet] Oh, what do you know? Gerald Stockwell.
Gerald: I don't have money, okay? I can't pay you right now, yeah?
Detective: Who do you think we are?
Gerald: What? You're cops?
Detective: Homicide.
Gerald: Homicide? What? I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!
Detective: [dragging him out of the building] They always say that when they run.