The Best Clara Sutter Quotes

Isabella: I came to say I'm sorry I frightened you.
Clara: That's okay.
Isabella: And I misled you. I wasn't really your Isabella.
Clara: For a while you were.

[Guinan and Clara talk about imaginary friends]
Clara: If the other grown-ups don't understand, how come you do?
Guinan: Well, maybe because when I was your age, I had one.
Clara: You did?
Guinan: Mmm.
Clara: What was she like?
Guinan: It... wasn't a she.
Clara: What was *he* like?
Guinan: It wasn't a he.
Clara: 'It'?
Guinan: It was a Tarcassian razor beast. It had dark brown fur and gold eyes and huge spiny wings, and it would fly past so fast nobody could see it but me.
Clara: Sounds scary.
Guinan: Oh, it was. Especially when he smiled.

Counselor: Maybe you could draw me a picture. I'd love to see what she looks like.
Clara: You don't think she's real.
Counselor: I think she's real for you, and THAT is real enough for me.

[first lines]
Clara: I like to cook all kinds of stuff, like yogurt and raisin salad, chocolate chip pancakes and... purple omelets.
Counselor: [disgusted] Purple omelets?
Clara: You put grape juice in the eggs. Isabella doesn't like it very much. She says it tastes funny.
Counselor: I can see her point.