Top 30 Quotes From Clarence 'Clay' Morrow

Clarence: Make no mistake. You get in my way with Gemma and I'll kill you.
Nero: Don't worry hermano. I don't make mistakes. Not like you.

Clarence: He manages to make it through a desert minefield and winds up buying it in a kitchen.

Clarence: [Clay to Happy] "Call up your Nomads, we need bodies... we've been Deputised"

Tig: And we blame the angry black man.
Clarence: It's the American way.

Filip: Hey, Clay.
Clarence: Get to work, shithead.
Juan: [to Chibs] Pretty sure he was talkin' to you.

Clarence: Two in the back of the head. Quick and painless.
Jackson: It ain't easy being king.
Clarence: Yeah, you just remember that.

Clarence: Alright. There's a challenge on the table. New president. I don't think we need the formalities of nomination, you want the chair
[to Bobby]
Clarence: .
Robert: I ain't got no choice.
Clarence: Okay. Yea or nay? Bobby taking the gavel. Nay.
Alexander: Nay.
[gunfire errupts]

Gemma: I love you.
Clarence: [to himself after she leaves] That love's gonna kill me.

Clarence: The hand on the dick, what's the deal?
Chuck: I'm sorry man, sorry, I have this condition, I'm not even aware of it.
Clarence: Condition?
Chuck: CMD, Compulsive Masturbation Disorder. I couldn't get the right meds in Stockton, so it's a little outta control right now.
Piermont: You know, I used to have that, than I turned 13.

Jackson: Wheelin' out two bodies.
Alex: There should be three.
Jackson: I'm afraid to ask.
Alex: Don't be. There it is.
Jackson: Is this us?
Clarence: Ya...
Jackson: Ah, shit.

Clarence: [Made love with Gemma after his release from prison] Damn, that was fast.
Gemma: Yeah, that's cuz you're used to speed bangin' Juice in dark hallways.
Clarence: Hey, don't turn what Juice and I had into something cheap and tawdry.
Gemma: [laughing] I'm sure it was sweet Puerto Rican magic.

Clarence: Where is everybody?
Alex: Chibs and Hap went home. I haven't seen Bobby or Juice. I think Jax finally tracked down Op. And Miles and Kozik are dead.
Clarence: Thanks for the update.

Clarence: I'm a mechanic and a motorcycle enthusiast.

Clarence: So, what happens now, Pres?
Jackson: We settle with the Irish.
Clarence: Hmm. And, uh, how do we do that with three dead bodies?
Jackson: How would you do it?
Clarence: Well... I mean the smart plan would be to blame it on a bad relationship. You know, two guys with some history get into a beef. One thing leads to another. Couldn't be helped.
Jackson: Sounds about right.
Clarence: [a moment of silence as Clay finally realizes what the plan is] So, I guess you, uh, had another vote I wasn't privy to.
Jackson: Yeah, we did. This time it was unanimous.
Clarence: [gives a small nod, accepting his fate] Fair enough.

Clarence: You're telling me that no one around here speaks Spanish?
[looks at Juice]
Juan: I'm a Puerto Rican from Queens! I speak better Yiddish!

Harry: [His gun pointed directly at Clay] Sit. You're gonna die at the gavel.
Clarence: I get to say anything here?
Harry: My ol' man get to say anything... before you BLEW A HOLE IN HIS CHEST? Sit down!

Clarence: [Enters the shed where the guys are building crates to haul guns] Look at my happy little elves.

Clarence: Nobody threatens Sam Crow... brown, black, or *white*. Now why don't you all pile back into your clown car, and head on back to Nazi-town.

Clarence: And if I were to ask for some comfort? Would you be about that?
Rita: No. Sorry, but your old lady would turn us both into chum.
Clarence: Hmmm, good point.

Alex: Those two dead Mexicans in the warehouse hole... I was hitting them.
Clarence: Jesus Christ. Both of them?
Alex: Oh yeah. Kind of a taco twofer thing.

Clarence: You know what I'll put it up for a vote, but it's not gonna pass.
Gemma: I love you.
Clarence: That loves gonna kill me.

Clarence: What kinda awful shit did your mother do to you?
Tig: What do you mean?

Jackson: I'm sure we're all on Gemma's shit list by now.
Clarence: I live on that shit list.

Clarence: [to Darby] Don't think too big. A small mind suits you.

Clarence: Hey you all better be at that fundraiser tomorrow, unless you want a size 9 high heel boot up your ass.
Bobby: You comin?
Clarence: I'd rather have my balls cut off... what, too soon for that joke?

Clarence: The hand on the dick. What's the deal?
Chuck: I'm sorry man, sorry. I have this condition. I'm not even aware of it.
Clarence: Condition?
Chuck: CMD, Compulsive Masturbation Disorder. I couldn't get the right meds in Stockton, so it's a little outta control right now.
Piermont: You know, I used to have that. Then I turned 13.

Gemma: I was talking to April Hobart. What do you think about letting Kyle come tomorrow?
Clarence: I don't think about it. Opie went to prison cause of that asshole. He's excommunicated.
Gemma: It's not for Kyle. April stayed in Charming when you stripped his patch, divorced him.
Clarence: She divorced him cause he was nailing everything with two sets of lips. The answer is no.

Gemma: [pointing to some boxes] Oh Thanks, Chucky. Uh, put these in the shed.
Chuck: Indeed, indeed. I do the deed. He said, she said, with buoyant speed.
Clarence: Is it me, or is he getting...
Gemma: Yeah, the Dr. Seuss thing is new. But he's pretty much certifiable.

Clarence: What did you do?
Gemma: Same thing you did. Nailed some little tart from Nevada.
Clarence: All the shit I got coming outta my ears and you go and do this.
Gemma: You should have thought of that before your dick went on a cheerleader hunt.
Clarence: I didn't ask her to come here.
Gemma: But she's here.
Clarence: Well that's not my fault.
Gemma: And it's not my pussy.

Clarence: So, I hear you got an offer I can't refuse.