The Best Happy Lowman Quotes

Alex: [after seeing the damage done to his bike by a teenage runaway] Why my bike? I mean, really. Do all teenage girls just hate me?
Jackson: Yes.
Happy: Yep.

Jackson: Call Gemma. Tell her I need her at the cabin.
Ratboy: What do we tell her?
Jackson: That I need her at the cabin.
Ratboy: Mm hmm. What if she says no? Your mom can, you know, be a little... difficult.
Jackson: Are you afraid of my mother?
Happy: We all are.

Happy: [Shoots the already dead Miles 4 times] Lyin' bitch.
Filip: [With sarcasm] Did you get 'im?

Jackson: [after beating an Irish Police Constable] Hap! Kill one of his men!
Happy: [Chambers a round in his handgun] Oh, yes I will!

Happy: He needs to die, Like a lot!

Happy: He's right. It had to be Laroy. He's gotta die. Like a lot.

Alex: [Burying Lin's crew and customers] We're runnin' outta room out here.
Happy: I know a thousand places to bury bodies.
Alex: [Small smile] Course you do.

Alex: [Dez isn't talking, so Tig takes matters into his own hands] Pull his pants down.
Happy: What?
Alex: Pull his pants down.
Happy: What are you gonna do?
Alex: I'm gonna shove this flute right up his ass.
Jackson: I was just thinking beat down, but that works, too.
Happy: You're so gay.
Alex: Just gay enough.