The Best Clarice Starling Quotes

Mason: Isn't it funny?
Clarice: What's that?
Mason: You can look at my face, but you shied when I said the name of God.

Clarice: I wasn't speaking to you, Mr. Krendler. When I speak to you, you'll know it because I'll look at you.

Hannibal: Tell me Clarice, would you ever say to me "Stop. If you loved me, you'd stop"?
Clarice: Not in a thousand years.
Hannibal: "Not in a thousand years"... That's my girl.

Clarice: Aren't you curious why he dines on his victims?
Paul: And what's the point of that? What, are you writing a book or you catching a crook?
Clarice: To show his contempt for those who exasperate him. Or sometimes to perform a public service. In the case of the flutist Benjamin Raspail, he did it to improve the sound of the Baltimore Philharmonic orchestra.

Clarice: Your profile at the border stations has five features. I'll trade you...
Hannibal: "Trade"?
Clarice: Stop now and I'll tell you what they are.
Hannibal: How does that word taste to you, Clarice? Hmm? Cheap and metallic, like sucking on a greasy coin?

Clarice: How did he end up at your house?
Mason: I invited him of course... to my pied-à-terre. I came to the door in my nicest come-hither outfit. I was concerned... that he'd be afraid of me. But he didn't seem to be. Afraid of me. That's almost funny now.

Barney: Do you ever think he might come after you? You ever think about him at all?
Clarice: Well, at least thirty seconds of every day. I can't help it. He's always with me, like a bad habit.

Clarice: All right, everyone, pay attention. Here's the layout...
Officer: Excuse me? I'm Officer Bolton, DC Police.
Clarice: Yes, I can see that from your uniform and badge, how do you do?
Officer: I'm in charge here.
Clarice: You are?
Officer: Yes, ma'am.
Clarice: Officer Bolton, I'm Special Agent Starling, and just so we don't get off on the wrong foot, let me explain why we're all here. I'm here because I know Evelda Drumgo, I've arrested her twice on RICO warrants, I know how she thinks. DEA and BATF, in addition to backing me up, are here for the drugs and weapons. You're here - and it's the only reason you're here - because our mayor wants to appear tough on drugs, especially after his own cocaine conviction, and thinks he can accomplish that by the mere fact of having you tag along with us.
Officer: You got a smart mouth, lady.

Hannibal: Good evening, Clarice! Just like old times.
Clarice: Shut up.

Hannibal: What if I did it for you?
Clarice: Did what?
Hannibal: Harmed them, Clarice. The ones who've harmed you. What if I made them scream apologies? No, I shouldn't even say it because you'll feel - with your perfect grasp on right and wrong - that you were somehow accompli- even though you wouldn't be.

Clarice: Paul, what is it with you? I told you to go home to your wife, that was wrong?
Paul: Don't flatter yourself, Starling. That was a long time ago. Why would I hold that against you? Besides, this town is full of cornpone country pussy.

Hannibal: Given the chance, you would deny me my life, wouldn't you?
Clarice: Not your life.
Hannibal: Just my freedom. You'd take that from me.

Clarice: I'll cut you loose. If you touch me, I'll shoot you.
Hannibal: Understood.
Clarice: Do right, and you'll live through this.
Hannibal: Spoken like a true Protestant.

Clarice: This is from the Guinness Book of World Records, congratulating me on being the female FBI Agent who has shot and killed the most people.

Hannibal: Have you met my friend Mason Verger?
Clarice: Yes
Hannibal: Face to face, so to speak?
Clarice: Face to face.
Hannibal: Attractive, isn't he?

Paul: Jesus, Starling!
Clarice: Can I help you Mr. Krendler?
Paul: What are you doing sitting in the dark, Starling?
Clarice: Thinkin' about cannibalism.

Mason: You know, I thank God for what happened. It was my salvation. Have you accepted Jesus, Agent Starling? Do you have faith?
Clarice: I was raised Lutheran.
Mason: That's not what I asked.