The Best Clay Beresford Quotes

Clay: Am I supposed to still hear you?

Dr. Puttnam: [after cutting up Clay's chest] Ooh, that's going to hurt in the morning. Sorry, Clay!
Clay: [thinking] Yeah, you better be FUCKING sorry!

Sam: But hey you know what? As soon as you get out of here, we're gonna start from scratch. Get a little house on the beach, do it right, ya know? Chase seagulls, what do you say? As soon as you get out, I'll be right here.
Clay: I think my new heart will love you as much as my old one.

Clay: [on being scolded on Dr. Jack] He's my friend mother, I trust him.

Dr. Jonathan Neyer: Clayton, this time next year, I will be surgeon general, I write text books on this procedure.
Clay: Really, that's, that's great, I sure hope you've read em Jack.

Clay: So it's tough love today, huh?
Dr. Jack Harper: You think this is a joke?

Lilith: Clay, you've got your whole life ahead of you.
Clay: Do I?