The Best Cmdr. Toreth Quotes

Commander: I have been ordered to take on cargo, but its contents are unknown to me. Does that seem wise? I am responsible for the safety of this ship and its crew. How do I know this cargo is safe to transport?
Counselor: [as Major Rakal] I'm sure it is safe, otherwise it would not have been loaded.
Commander: [sarcastically] Aah! The Tal Shiar is *deeply* concerned for the safety and the well-being of the military! I'm sure that every person on the bridge of this ship could offer testimony about personal experiences with the Tal Shiar. But I doubt that many could recall those encounters as tender and caring. So I must ask you to forgive me, Major, if I hesitate to accept your assurances that that cargo presents no danger to my crew!

Commander: [on testing the Enterprise's tracking abilities] We will pass as close as we possibly can. If they do have the ability to track us, they will move to avoid a collision. If they do... I will destroy them.

Counselor: [as Major Rakal] I don't need your devotion, Commander. Just your obedience.
Commander: And that's all you have.

Commander: Commander Konsab believes that in order to function, military officers have to trust each other. The Tal Shiar, on the other hand, trust no one. They expect deception, so they always find it.
Counselor: [as Major Rakal; menacingly] Your opinion of the Tal Shiar is quite clear, Commander.
Commander: [smugly] I hope so.

Commander: People blame the military for the wars that we are asked to fight. But I think it is your kind, Major, that will be the death of us all.

Counselor: [as Major Rakal] We ensure the loyalty of the people. Do you believe the Empire would be better off without our protection?
Commander: Protection? From what? How was the Empire threatened by the words of an old man? A devoted citizen who merely tried to speak his mind? How did the Tal Shiar protect the Empire by dragging him, my father, out of his home in the middle of the night?
Counselor: [as Major Rakal] Clearly your father was a traitor.
Commander: No. He was just an idealistic old man. I never saw him again.