The Best Col. Freeman Quotes

Col. Paul Foster: But don't you see what it means? They planned a cold blooded murder. They had it all worked out. But unfortunately for them an alien came through that door instead of her husband.
Alec: It all fits. Morally, they're guilty.
Ed: Oh. Well, the amnesia drug was administered a few minutes ago. They won't be able to remember a thing.
Col. Paul Foster: Well, we can't just let them go free.
Ed: I suppose you think I should hand them over to the public prosecutor. We'd sure have a great case. Now what would he go for? The attempted murder of the husband or the killing of an alien? We can't produce that body. There's no concrete evidence against them and the two accused would both have genuine total amnesia.
Col. Paul Foster: So there's nothing we can do about it?
Ed: We're not in the moralising business, colonel.
Col. Paul Foster: Well, what about the husband? They wanted to kill him once. They're bound to try again.
Ed: Hmn. Well, in the line of duty we stumbled on to a triangle. SHADO's involvement made it a square. All we're doing is erasing the past twelve hours. So it's back to the triangle.

Col. Virginia Lake: Would you like to see the Utronic equipment?
Alec: Thank you, but I *am* familiar... with the equipment, that is.

Alec: I certainly have to hand it you. That Miss Fraser. She didn't have you fooled for a moment. That'd been me then I probably would have got myself emotionally involved or something.
Ed: Yes. I could see how it could happen.

Alec: I don't like this. This cloud gives about as much cover as a G-string on a belly dancer!

Alec: [fixing a drink] You never touch it, do you?
Ed: [shakes head] Uh-uh... self control.
Alec: Maybe drinking needs more... self-control.