The Best Dr. Doug Jackson Quotes

Dr. Doug Jackson: [playing catch with a lighter] Did you see it stop?
Col. Paul Foster: Stop?
Dr. Doug Jackson: Look, I throw it up, then it falls back into my hand. But for a split second just at the top of trajectory, it stops. Did you see it?
[Foster shrugs]
Dr. Doug Jackson: But it did stop!
Col. Paul Foster: If you say so.
Dr. Doug Jackson: No, Foster, it didn't. It's moving forward at five hundred knots like everything else in this plane. And yet again, this whole aircraft is moving in rotation with the earth. Confusing, but fact. But then facts can be confusing in an aircraft at night at two hundred and fifty thousand feet.

Dr. Doug Jackson: Now I can see here you reported a sighting three years ago.
Col. Paul Foster: Yes.
Dr. Doug Jackson: And another two and a half years before that.
Col. Paul Foster: That's right.
Dr. Doug Jackson: Then we shouldn't be meeting again for another couple of years.
[supercilious laughter]

Dr. Doug Jackson: Ya, I have a theory but I must warn you, it's pretty wild.
Ed: Go ahead, doctor. Try me.
Dr. Doug Jackson: A human body. Muscles, brain. Operates in a series of minute electrical charges flowing around the complex of low voltage electrical circuits. The nervous system. Sometimes the electrical balance is disturbed.
Ed: Mental disorder.
Dr. Doug Jackson: Imagine the situation where for some reason the balance swings violently off centre. The body becomes supercharged. A thunder cloud before a storm. If such a charged being could exist, it may be able to draw on all the primitive forces of the universe. Attract them to itself. Space, time, light, electrical potential, energy. They're all related! The result...
Ed: A human bomb.
Dr. Doug Jackson: A psychobomb!