The Best David Bowie Quotes

Robert: Which hat is mine?
Nikola: They are all your hat, Mr. Angier.

[a judge is needed for the "walk-off"]
David: If nobody has any objections, I believe I might be of service.

Nikola: You're familiar with the phrase "man's reach exceeds his grasp"? It's a lie: man's grasp exceeds his nerve.

Lord: Gentlemen, what *is* art?
SpongeBob: [jumping excitedly, a hand in the air] Oh! Me, me! I know, I know!
Squidward: [shoving SpongeBob out of the way] I thought you'd never ask! Art is a conscious arrangement of elements that affects the sense of beauty!
Lord: Not even close. Art is what happens when you learn... to *dream*.

Nikola: Mr. Angier, have you considered the cost of such a machine?
Robert: Price is not an object.
Nikola: Perhaps not, but have you considered the *cost*?
Robert: I'm not sure I follow.
Nikola: Go home. Forget this thing. I can recognize an obsession, no good will come of it.
Robert: Why, haven't good come of your obsessions?
Nikola: Well, at first. But I followed them too long. I'm their slave... and one day they'll choose to destroy me.
Robert: If you understand an obsession, then you know you won't change my mind.

Lord: [to SpongeBob and Patrick] Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make ready for tonight's dinner, so I'm just going to leave you two friendly strangers alone with our most beloved, ancient, and fragile Atlantean relic.

Nikola: Nothing is impossible, Mr. Angier. What you want is simply expensive.

- We tried the damn thing a dozen times.
- The hat went nowhere.
Tesla: We need to try different material.
- It may provoke a different result.
Alley: Copernicus, come on.
- You are responsible for whatever happens to this animal, doctor.

Nikola: Things don't always go as planned, Mr. Angier. That's the beauty of science.

Nikola: I apologize for leaving without saying goodbye, but I seem to have outstayed my welcome in Colorado. The truly extraordinary is not permitted in science and industry. Perhaps you'll find more luck in your field, where people are happy to be mystified. You will find what you are looking for in this box. Alley has written you a thorough set of instructions. I add only one suggestion on using the machine: destroy it. Drop it to the bottom of the deepest ocean. Such a thing will bring you only misery.

Nikola: Exact science, Mr Angier, is not an exact science.

Nikola: Society tolerates only one change at a time.

Lord: My, those pockets of yours certainly have a nose for treasure!
Mr. Krabs: These are me houndstooth pants.

Patrick: We destroyed your oldest and most prized possession!
[There is a pause during which Lord Royal Highness looks utterly horrified]
Lord: [laughing] If there's one thing we Atlanteans enjoy, it's a healthy dose of dark humour!