The Best DCI James Langton Quotes

DI: [referring to the actor Alan Daniels] He's being very cooperative.
DCI: Too bloody cooperative! That was qite a performance... Fucking actors!

DCI: [after a prisoner commits suicide because he hasn't been properly searched] Someone's gonna pay for this, so you better be sure our house is in order. PCa will be all over it, and I don't intend to be the sacrifcial lamb!

DCI: [looking at computer pictures of the body] What kind of sick bastards would do all this?

DCI: [to his team about details of the murder] I want a tight lid on this - complete presss embargo!

DS: [after Anna's been okayed to go on a date with a suspected serial killer] Does she know know what she's letting herself in for" If she screws up, the press will have a field day
DI: You think she can handle it, Boss?
DCI: Course she can. She's Jack Travis' girl.

DCI: [in the car after she has fainted from the smell during an autopsy on a decomposed body] All right back there, Travis?
DC: It was the smell, sir.
DCI: The next time take the mint when it's offered to you... Either that or use a noseplug.

DI: [about Daniels] He's being very cooperative
DCI: Too bloody cooperative. That was quite a performance.
DCI: Fucking actors!

DCI: [turning to the back of the police car to Travis, who had fainted during an autopsy] All right back there, Travis?
DC: It was the smell, sir.
DCI: The next time you take the mint when it's offered to you. Either that or use a nose plug.

DCI: [clearly angry at Anna] Let this be a lesson to you. Keep yout mouth shut and your legs crossed!

Edward: [speaking of his sadistic father] Please - please! You don't know what he's capable of.
DCI: But you do, don't you?