50 Best Kelly Reilly Quotes

Beth: All I ask is that you outlive me so I never have to live another day without you.

- Hello...
Beth: For someone with no spine, you sure got a lot of balls.
- I need you to forget about how we feel about each other and remember one thing.
- We're family.

Beth: [to Jamie] I gotta tell you something, and it comes from a place of love. You should really consider killing yourself.

DI: When you were there, did you see a toy rabbit?
Scott: She certainly fucked like one.

- What the fuck is that?
- Grilled octopus.
Beth: Mediterranean diet, daddy.
- If I have to eat another steak, they'll have to do my next colonic with a fuckin' fire hose.
- It's good. Try it.
- Pass me the potatoes.

DCS: [speculating on Rupert's and Amanda's affair] Helen Mitchell is a very attractive woman. What the hell would he see in Amanda Delalney?
DI: Would you lke me to tell you?
DCS: No, sex combined with a needy personality. I know a few men whose lives have been screwed up because of that.
DI: So, what do you like then?
DCS: Drunk or sober?

Gator: Beside that, we'll have roast duck.
Summer: Are you aware that ducks mate for life?
Beth: At least something at this table does.
Gator: Well, if it... I did kill both of them, if it...
Summer: Makes if better? No, that makes it twice as bad.

DI: I'm sorry you didn't get your promotion.
DCS: Not as sorry as I am.

Elizabeth: Are you too proud Mr. Darcy? And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
Mr. Darcy: That I couldn't say.
Elizabeth: Because we're doing our best to find a fault in you.
Mr. Darcy: Maybe it's that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.
Elizabeth: Oh, dear, I cannot tease you about that. What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh.
Caroline: A family trait, I think.

Summer: Is there anything to eat that didn't have a heartbeat last week?
Gator: Uh...
Beth: Orange juice didn't have a heartbeat.
Summer: Is it non-GMO?
Gator: I'm not sure what that means.

- I don't need you getting in trouble, Beth, or hurt or killed.
- If you need something taken care of, you tell me and I'll take care of it.
Beth: I know, baby.
- But this one's just for me.
- Okay?
- I love you.

Karen: How's the wife?
Victor: Expensive.

[last lines]
Dr. John Watson: [upon receiving the oxygen mask as an indication that Holmes may be alive] Mary? Who delivered this parcel?
Mary: [offscreen] The postman.
Dr. John Watson: [as he leaves the room] The usual chap or... did he look peculiar?

Beth: Sleep.
- For a year.
- Yeah.
- Well, if you want some company.
- You never know.
- I will.

John: You and I are going to have a long talk later.
Beth: Yeah, well, I'm going to sleep later.
John: We'll have a short one now then. Impulse control. Find some.

DCI: [turning to the back of the police car to Travis, who had fainted during an autopsy] All right back there, Travis?
DC: It was the smell, sir.
DCI: The next time you take the mint when it's offered to you. Either that or use a nose plug.

Jamie: And I'll tell you what makes me nervous. This. Why a trust?
Beth: You're an attorney, Jamie. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.
Jamie: Okay. Why am I not in it?
Beth: Do I really have to tell you that, too? Here's all the things I don't believe: I don't believe you're capable of swallowing your pride and contributing to this family. I don't believe our father will ever trust you again... which is why I don't believe you have a role here anymore.
Jamie: Oh. You want to know what my role is? Well I think you're putting this all in a trust so you can control the money. So you can do this. And this. And this.
Beth: The ranch is an investor, yes.
Jamie: How big an investor? I manage the finances, Beth. I need to know... How big?
Beth: Five million. I know, Jamie. You're worried about the risk. Two things: one... the risk is mitigated; two... if you didn't have balls the size of quail eggs, you would've invested this money years ago and he wouldn't be chasing his fucking tail every fall. Good work.
Jamie: Hey, Beth. That is over half the ranch's cash. What do we gonna do in November if cattle prices go down? How much money do you think this ranch makes in a year? After payroll and property taxes and hay and countless other expenses? Nothing. This ranch has not turned a profit in six years. And maybe you don't understand the impact of a few hundred dead cattle, but that's half a million dollars rotting in the field. You fucked us. Fucked us. I want the ranch out and I want it out by today.
Beth: It doesn't work like that, Jamie.
Jamie: You make it work like that.
Beth: Fuck, now I see. You think you're gonna get him to trust you by making him not trust me? I wish you and your bird balls the best of luck.

Malcolm: Do you know the story of Susan Rawlings?
Beth: Real estate attorney from Hamilton.
Malcolm: That's right. We had a mutually beneficial relationship until she figured out a way to bend the law to benefit her business more than my business. That's the problem with playing dirty, Beth. Because when someone plays dirty back, there's no one to cry to. There's no charges to file. There's nowhere to scream about the injustice you endured. Because if you do, all your filthy laundry just spills right out in the open for everyone to see. Susan finally realized that. We moved her somewhere in California where they could help her move past the trauma. It's uncanny how much you look like her.
Beth: You know, I was a pretty bad teenager. Working through some trauma of my own. One might say I had a tendency to "act out." At church one Sunday, I was feeling a little naughty sitting next to this skinny little boy nobody liked. Out of pity, or boredom, I unzipped his slacks. I pulled out his penis and I gave him a hand job in the back pew. It's uncanny how much you look like that boy's dick.
Malcolm: All that tough talk, Beth. I've got the cure for that. We'll see how tough you are after I give it to you.
Beth: Challenge accepted.

Rip: Sweetheart... Don't bite my head off for asking this question.
Beth: Ii don't like the way this is starting.
Rip: Me either... Um... Would you like to come to the fair with me?
Beth: Sure, when?
Rip: Yes? Really?
Beth: Yeah, why wouldn't I want to go to the fair?
John: Is "fair" some sort of metaphor for something a father shouldn't be hearing?
Rip: No, no. It's the fair. It's the county fair.

Summer: Vegan. A vegan option, please.
Beth: Gator, just give her what we feed the horses.

Beth: Stop.
- Turn around.
- You should have picked options one or two.
- Three's gonna be worse.
- Cause you're fucking mine now.

Bob: Let me order you a drink.
Beth: No, I'm fine. It's a brand new me. Money's my new drug. It's my favorite.
Bob: You found offices?
Beth: Right on Main Street. For all the world to see.
Bob: So, what's your first move?
Beth: You've got these land developers like Jenkins. They find pristine recreational property, build McMansions, and sell the dream. Some, like Jenkins, they take it further, build hotels, subdivisions. But they all leave with their tails tucked because they don't have the cash flow to make a real business out of land.
Bob: You do that in town.
Beth: Or you do this... we set up a fund. That fund buys land, puts the land in a conservation easement which cuts the property tax by two-thirds, then we go to the Department of Agriculture, and we enroll the land in a CRP.
Bob: What the hell is CRP?
Beth: It's the federal government paying us not to farm it.
Bob: Why would they do that?
Beth: To control the supply, Bob. That way they don't have to worry about local farmers diluting the market. It's pretty fucking shitty. But it's great for us. The government pay per acre, per year.
Bob: How much?
Beth: Depends on the land. Around here? Could be 3-400 dollars an acre. The government paid off the land for us in 7 years. We become landlords who get paid not to rent.
Bob: Sounds like a pyramid scheme.
Beth: With the government at the bottom. We start with a 100 million dollar investment in land. We funnel the CRP funds into more land purchases. We can buy roughly 50 thousand acres per year without spending a dime. We are profitable by the end of year two with a net revenue of 46 million per year. The more land we buy, the more that number grows.
Bob: Why hasn't anyone done this before?
Beth: Because they can't afford the two years. They don't have the investment infrastructure. The Dan Jenkins of the world don't have this much junk in their shorts. Know what I mean? How are you fixed for junk, Bob?
Bob: I understand what's in this for me. Beyond your fee, what's in it for you, Beth? Because something's buried under the skin with you.
Beth: I'm making you money, Bob. And I am digging a 200 square mile moat around my father's ranch.
Bob: We put the land into the hedge fund. Use the brokers to buy up the land. Don't haggle on price. Just start gobbling. That's how I'm fixed for junk.
Beth: I always knew you tucked it in your sock, Bob.
Bob: I need another one of these from... anyone.

Summer: Nine years of Jiu Jitsu, bitch.
Beth: I grew up with three brothers, you fucking hippie.

Customer: Supply House.
Beth: Is this the number to order beef?
Customer: Yes, ma'am, or you can do it online.
Beth: Can I be nosey?
Customer: Umm, sure.
Beth: Is this your beef, that you raise and sell online?
Customer: Yes, ma'am. Some comes from neighboring ranchers 'cause we sell out of all ours, but they follow the same program.
Beth: You sell out?
Customer: Yes, ma'am.
Beth: How many pounds of beef do you raise?
Customer: This year, a little over 8 million.
Beth: What's the catch?
Customer: Ma'am?
Beth: There's always a catch.
Customer: No catch. You just gotta have enough money to feed your herd for two years before you make any money. Or get a big loan. And have a lot of backbone, ma'am.
Beth: Backbone we got, thank you.

Beth: I hope you die of ass cancer.

Karen: You owe me.
[is suddenly assassinated]

Rip: Now, I'm gonna ride off into the sunset.
Beth: That's the sunrise.
Rip: Shit. You know what I mean.

Beth: You should see the other guy.

Rip: Beth, if you want to go, just say you want to go.
Beth: Well, I think I did, but you seem to find that concept inconceivable.
Rip: Okay Beth, let's put the crazy away. Would you like to go on the gathering with me tomorrow?
[no response]
Rip: Beth, love of my life, I don't think I can survive two days alone. And God knows that you hate horses and cattle and being dirty and cold and especially being told what to do, all of which is gonna happen tomorrow. But, would you consider coming and sparing me the misery of being without you.

Beth: Let's get one thing clear: you touch my peanut M&Ms in the freezer, I will kill you in your sleep.

Jamie: The first thing we want you to look into is this Paradise Valley Development Corporation.
Jamie: They've sold property to the Broken Rock Tribe, which is attempting to annex it into their reservation. We'd like you to file an injunction against it...
Cassidy: Can we contest that?
Jamie: I mean, they're clearly attempt to avoid state tax obligations and regulatory requirements. I'd say we have a good chance.
Cassidy: What about this Senate hearing regarding jurisdiction violation by the Livestock Association?
Beth: Let me ask you a question, Attorney General-elect. Do you find Jamie's knowledge of the raid prior to it happening inculpatory in any way? I'm concerned about what happens if they ask him to testify.
Cassidy: Umm. I think attorney-client privileges recuse him of that. Even if he's aware of a crime before it happened. Are you saying a crime was intentionally committed?
John: There was no crime. Not the time. Not the place.
Cassidy: The concern is... the negative press surrounding the hearing can cause a ripple effect... emboldening others to come forward with accusations that may hold legal merit. Our goal should be to avoid a hearing altogether.
John: How do you plan to do that?
Cassidy: I'm working on it, Commissioner.

John: [Looking at the impressive landscape] And they wonder why we fight so hard. You see what you been missing?
Beth: Did anyone think to pack any vodka?
John: Beth, just... look at the horizon.
Beth: Yeah, I see it, Dad, it's very pretty.
[He chuckles]
Beth: What, I said it's pretty. Don't make a thing out of it.
John: You two drop in here. I wanna go down a hundred yards where she can't ruin this for me.
Beth: It's the same view from the porch. Just a different angle.
Rip: Honey, you got a mean streak as big as this damn valley.
Beth: Well, it's a woman's job to give a man perspective, baby.

John: Okay, honey. Now go ruin someone else's day.
Beth: That's the plan, Daddy.

Mary: I miss him too, in my own way.
Dr. John Watson: He would have wanted us to go to Brighton.
Mary: He would have wanted to come with us.

- How was your day?
Beth: It was good.
- Acquisitions are going fine.
- I have to walk you through the profit structure, but...
- That's not what I meant. I meant...
- How was it?

Rip: Do you know how stupid you both look? You look ridiculous.
Summer: [to Beth] Get... off.
Rip: Do you think you're gonna beat the other one into respecting your opinion? Hell, I don't even know how you can respect yourselves.
[to Beth]
Rip: Is this the kind of manners that you want to teach that boy? Hm?
[to Summer]
Rip: And you. I don't know you. But I know this, you're never going to convince someone to think the way that you think by insulting them in their own house. If you don't like the food, don't fucking eat it. I don't think I need to tell you about all the people that are starving around this planet tonight. So, maybe shut the fuck up and say thank you. Or leave... There's an option no one thought about.
Summer: I can't leave.
Rip: Well, unless you want this to happen every night for the rest of the time that you're here, I suggest you figure out a way to get along. Now, Beth, have you had enough?
Beth: Not even close.
Rip: [laughs] What about you, Summer? Huh?
Summer: I could do this all night.
Rip: Fine. Then let's end it with a little bit of dignity instead of rolling around on the ground like a bunch of fucking nine year old. Just stand here and trade 'em. Until one of yours had enough.
[Beth and Summer exchange blows, Summer falls to the floor]
Rip: No, no, no, don't look at me. I'm not the one that got you into this. If you want to quit, Summer, I'll make sure it stays quit, but I ain't quitting for you.

John: You could sell it, son. You could bottle it up and sell it.
Beth: I don't think there's anyone to sell it to, Dad. Anyone who knows what it's worth are already doing it.

Caroline: Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room.
[Caroline takes Lizzy's arm in hers, and they walk gracefully in a circle around the room]
Caroline: It's refreshing, is it not after sitting so long in one attitude?
Elizabeth: And it is a small kind of accomplishment, I suppose.
Caroline: Will you not join us, Mr. Darcy?
Mr. Darcy: You can only have two motives, Caroline and I would interfere with either.
Caroline: What can he mean?
Elizabeth: Our surest way of disappointing him will be to ask him nothing about it.
Caroline: But Do tell us, Mr. Darcy.
Mr. Darcy: Either you are in each other's confidence and have secret affairs to discuss, or you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage by walking. If the first, I should get in your way. If the second, I can admire you much better from here.

Beth: This is what you get your loan for.
John: The cash flow is impossible, honey, and nobody can figure out the packer
Beth: They figured out the packer. Do you know this ranch?
John: Yeah, I was just on the phone with this ranch.
Beth: So was I. They sold 8 million pounds of beef. On a website.
John: I don't know what their arrangement is honey, but one thing I do know is nobody has ever been able to figure out the re-packer.
Beth: That is because you are not a businessman, Daddy. You are a rancher.I am a businessman. And I have spent my career making fifty, hundred million dollar deals for others. Now I'm gonna make one for you.

Beth: Just a date. Lord knows, you can afford it. Been wearing the same three pairs of jeans and jacket for a fuckin' decade.
Rip: [LAUGHS] Yeah.
Beth: Probably got more money than me.
Rip: Nah. Money's the one thing I don't have.
Beth: You get paid every week, don't you?
Rip: Mm-hmm, yep.
Beth: So what do you spend your money on? You keeping a sweet little place in town for Saturday nights?
Rip: Jesus, Beth. Why is it that your mind always stops at the first thing that you should never do?
Beth: What's wrong with that? If I was a man, I'd buy an apartment complex. And I'd fill it with buxom little bunnies. I'd start on the first floor Friday and end up on the roof by Sunday.
Rip: [CHUCKLES] Hmm.
Beth: I'm serious. What do you spend your money on?
Rip: Oh, Beth, it's a nice night. Let's not ruin it with the truth.
Beth: Tell me.
Rip: I spent $22,000 on my mom's headstone. Stands about as tall as me. Marble. I got the guy to etch her face into it. I spent 30 on my little brother's. It stands a little bit taller, I dunno, guess I wanted him to be a little closer to heaven. But the best money that I ever spent was $5,000 to a gravedigger in Forsyth.
Beth: What did you pay him for?
Rip: He dug up my father and gave me his bones. And I drove from there all the way to North Dakota throwing them out the fuckin' window.
Beth: I remember the stories of heaven and hell in church. Lies, a lot of it. I think heaven's right here. So's hell. One person can be walking the clouds right next to someone enduring eternal damnation. And God is the land. Don't say it. It doesn't mean anything on a roof, under stars like a bunch of fucking hippies. Tell me... Tell me when it saves me.
Rip: Okay. I won't say it.

Rip: God, I wish they'd come back to life so I could kill 'em again.
Beth: That would be what you wish.

Beth: I just wanted to eliminate any illusion you might have about the West being won.

- He was never your son, dad.
- He is a disappointment and my greatest failure, but I...
- I raised him and I love him, as much as I've tried not to.
- So just answer the question, do I still have him?
Beth: Yes.
- But now you own him, daddy.

Sherlock: Do you trust me?
Mary: No.
Sherlock: Well, then I shall have to do something about that.
[pushes Mary Watson out of train]

Mycroft: Good evening, Mrs Watson. I'm the other Holmes.
Mary: You mean there's *two* of you? How marvelous! Could this evening get any better?

Beth: I'm not startin' this day sober.

Beth: I am the rattlesnake, but you're not the one I'm going to bite.

Beth: I am the rattlesnake, but I'm not going to bite you.

Beth: [spills her drink down her chest] Oops. Let me pour you another.
Rip: No. No you don't. I'll take that one.

Beth: This is exactly what we were designed to eat. Everything that lives off grass has a four chambered stomach.