The Best DCS James Langton Quotes

DCS: [to Anna] Nothing is ever as it seems. There's no such thing as normal. If somethng looks perfect, you need to scratch beneath the surface. People rarey say what they truly think... or feel.

DI: I'm sorry you didn't get your promotion.
DCS: Not as sorry as I am.

DCS: [speculating on Rupert's and Amanda's affair] Helen Mitchell is a very attractive woman. What the hell would he see in Amanda Delalney?
DI: Would you lke me to tell you?
DCS: No, sex combined with a needy personality. I know a few men whose lives have been screwed up because of that.
DI: So, what do you like then?
DCS: Drunk or sober?

DCS: [after Powers asks Anna for a drink] Is there anyone in this investigation not comin' on to you?

DCS: You married, Paul?
DS: [laughing] No,
DS: Got a girlfriend?
DS: Nope. Why? You want a date?
DCS: You might get one if you start using deodorant.

DCS: I want to find out exactly who it was that stitched me up.
DCI: But not one of your old team would do that - put you in the frame.
DCS: I intend to find out, Mike, and woe betide them if I do.

DCS: [authoritatively, after calling Anna Travis and Mike Lewis into his office] If you have a disagreement, sort it out privately, not in front of the whole ruddy team!

DCS: Yeah, well, you want to be careful about oversights, Mike, 'cause they can come back to haunt you...

DCS: [to Anna] The things you think are precious when you are young, aren't when you're older.