30 Best Danny Huston Quotes

Doug: There are no restrictions on damming a river?
Dan: Beavers do it all the time.

Joseph: Did you give him our number?
Anna: No.

Joseph: He has no clue how to make something happen. He's living in a land where he's pretending to be something instead of doing the job. And that's the real problem. I'm the one who should be respected, but obviously not.

The: Well, hello pretty lady. What you drinking?
[last lines]
The: They have never seen me, "for I am invisible, "even as the ether which surrounds your earth.
[first lines]

Ludendorff: What are you?
Wonder: You will soon find out.

Lady Reading Newspaper: Yes. Just as expected. Death.
[on reading Tarot Cards for Axeman]
The: You have no-one to blame but yourself.
Witch: That reading was for you!

The: Well, hello pretty lady. What you drinking?
[last lines]
The: They have never seen me, 'for I am invisible' even as the ether which surrounds your earth.
[first lines]

The: Get those witches in here and release me now!

Sir: Kneel, you ignorant bastards! Kneel before the King!
[King Richard laughs]
Sir: All of you, move back, now.
King: No, no, Locksley, these men are soldiers at play. Sinners, after mine own heart. Which one of you started the fight?
Robin: I did, Sire. I threw the first punch.
King: Ah, an honest man. And who're you fighting?
Little: He was fighting me, your Majesty. I thought him to be a lesser man. He was showing me different.
King: An enemy that shows his respect. Stand up, the pair of you.

The: I always hated this room.

The: You are so beautiful.
Fiona: You're just a fool in love. You like the way I look? Take a picture. A month from now, I'll be a balding and toothless skeleton.
The: So run away with me. Paris. Rome. Marrakesh. We can spend that month together.
Fiona: I don't want you watching me decay.
The: Are you scared?
Fiona: I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of living like this. The constant pain and the ugliness.
The: You ever consider making it stop?
Fiona: No. I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of me killing myself. I'll stay alive just to spite them. You know, the only reason my cancer is moving so fast and my hair's falling out like dead weight, is because one of those girls is coming into her own. Flexing her muscle. I just have to figure out which one of those little pecker-heads it is.

The: When I see fit, I shall come again and claim other victims. I alone, know who they shall be. I shall leave no clue, except, my bloody axe. Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a most horrible murderer... for which I am! But, I could be much worse if I wanted too. At will, i could slay thousands of your best citizens, for I am in close relationship with the Angel of Death.

Ludendorff: [waltzs with Diana] You know your ancient Greeks? They understood that war is a god. A god that requires human sacrifice. And in exchange, war gives man purpose. Meaning. A chance to rise above his petty mortal little self. And be courageous. Noble. Better.
Diana: Only one of the many gods believed in that. And he was wrong.
Ludendorff: You know nothing of the gods.

The: Get those witches in here and release me now!

King: What is your opinion on my Crusade? Will God be pleased with my sacrifice?
Robin: No, he won't.
King: Why do you say that?
Robin: The massacre at Acre, Sire.
King: Speak up!
Robin: When you had us herd two and a half thousand Muslim men, women, and children together; the young woman at my feet, with her hands bound, she looked up at me. There wasn't fear in her eyes, there wasn't anger. There was only pity. She knew that when you gave the order, and our blades would descend upon their heads, that in that moment: we would be godless. All of us. Godless.

Jack: You want me to bribe senators?
Howard: I don't want them bribed, Jack. I want this done legal. I want them *bought*.

The: I am not a human being, but a spirit, a fell demon from hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call, the Axeman.

Malcolm: That is impressive! You're making quite the splash in Montana, aren't you?
Teal: Now that's smart, making the casino separate from the hotel, right? And what are these? Are these houses?
Dan: Yeah.
Malcolm: A planned second home community with it's own hotel and casino. Now that is smart. Utterly classless. But smart.
Malcolm: You must be the guy.
Dan: What guy would that be?
Malcolm: The guy that fucked with John Dutton.
Malcolm: I understand learning not to do that was a... painful lesson.
Dan: So you're friends with John Dutton, huh?
Malcolm: We know of him.
Teal: Oh, we've never met him.
Malcolm: You see, thriving in Montana is all about staying in your lane. We don't go in his and he's never been in ours, but you have.
Dan: Now how did I do that?
Malcolm: Partnering with an Indian tribe opening an off-reservation casino.
Teal: Oh, but it won't be off-reservation for long. Because annexing this land into the rez is the first thing that he's going to do.
Malcolm: I assume he purchased the land instead of leasing. And I assume he's paying you the profits? Oh, well... Any money you've received was an advance on construction, which he will want back as soon as he nullifies your agreement.
Teal: Just a guess, but... That's what we'd do. If we were trying to steal from you.
Dan: Rocky Mountain Gas and Casino. That's owned by the Beck Brothers. I'm assuming that that's you. I'm just guessing that you don't like competition. Well, let me tell you something, you red-necked fucks! I'm so tired of you bullies with your bolo ties and Lucchese boots. If you got a problem, file. Take me to court. I'll take the Pepsi challenge with your backwoods lawyer any day of the fuckin' week.
Teal: You know, in addition to running Rocky Mountain, my brother's also the head of the Montana Liquor Board. Now do you recall applying for your liquor license through us, right?
Malcolm: I will be revoking that tomorrow. And, of course, I will never issue one for this new venture.
Teal: And that is just the beginning of how we're gonna fuck with you.
Malcolm: I suggest you find a way to extricate yourself from this deal.
Teal: And make a new deal with us. Hell, we'd love to build a casino here.
Malcolm: Well, you got lots to think about.
Teal: Think fast.
Dan: Fuckers. This town, fuckin' place. You wanna play dirty, let's play fucking dirty!

Fiona: You make a hell of a martini, mister.
The: I love you more than jazz, babydoll.

The: I love you more than jazz, baby doll.

Lady Reading Newspaper: Yes. Just as expected. Death.
[on reading Tarot Cards for Axeman]
The: You have no-one to blame but yourself.
Witch: That reading was for you!

[Ludendorff gases the German cabinet, and leaves them all one gas mask]
Dr. Maru: That mask won't help them!
Ludendorff: They don't know that.
[they laugh, and flee]

The: I am not a human being, but a spirit, a fell demon from hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call, the Axeman.

The: Don't think so dirty, pussycat!

Fiona: Where are you going?
The: This is taking too long for you to die.
Fiona: Don't... don't leave.
The: The smells - they make me sick. Your breath, your piss, your shit - this whole room smells of death!
Fiona: I know. I'll die soon. I promise.

[first lines]
The: They have never seen me, 'for I am invisible', even as the ether which surrounds your earth.

Dan: You ever hear of the Beck brothers?
Thomas: The Beck brothers?
Dan: Yeah, yeah, the Beck brothers.
Rainwater's: Yeah, they own about 300 gas stations with slot machines.
Doug: One of the brothers controls the sale of liquor licenses.
Dan: That could be a real problem. They don't want our casino to happen.
Thomas: The casino's mine. Your hotel won't need their liquor license. Once we annex the land, the state has no control over anything we do.
Doug: We didn't agree to annexing the land.
Thomas: You don't need to... we own the land now.
Dan: That wasn't part of the deal...
Thomas: That's exactly the deal, Dan. And for you, it's priceless. There's no county permits to build. The gaming license comes from the Tribal Gaming Commission, as does your liquor license, your permit to operate, and your hotel license... When you sold me the land, Dan, I gave you freedom from oversight.
Doug: Sidestepping those regulations is going to anger a lot of people. That puts him in danger. Both of you.
Thomas: That's why I have Mo. Who do you have? Surely you've learned by now... we're the only ones playing by the rules.
Dan: What are you saying? You saying I need security?
Thomas: You've needed it for a while, Dan. You should've learned that, too.
Thomas: [Addressing Press Conference] 150 years ago, our people called this land home. We drank from its rivers, we hunted its valleys, we cared for our dead in these forests, we prayed on these mountains. This was our home. And it nourished us. You understand our contract with the reservation is invalidated the moment they annex this land.
Doug: You familiar with the term Indian giver? Well this is the opposite.
Ben: The word you're looking for is justice.
Thomas: By the power vested in me, I claim this land as property of the Nation of Confederated Tribes at Broken Rock.
Dan: If he doesn't keep his word, I lose everything.
Doug: If you were him, would you keep your word?
Dan: It's worth the risk if he is telling the truth. Trusting him is not a business strategy.
Thomas: Dan! Come do the honors.
Doug: Great, now he's asking you to dig your own fucking grave.
Thomas: This is the beginning of something very special, Dan. You watch what a difference we make.
Marcus: Any endeavor that raises my people's profile is a good one, but I wonder... how many casinos do we need? Is this the right path for our future?
News: Are you challenging Chairman Rainwater's leadership?
Marcus: I'm challenging his outlook, and what's best for our people as a whole, instead of a select few.

Howard: [pensively weighing options] I could do that.
Jack: Do what?
Howard: Buy it.
Jack: You wanna *buy* the airline?
Howard: Well why not? We don't want a bunch of pencil-pushers gettin' in the way of us makin' our plane now do we?
Jack: No...
Howard: [walking away] You call Noel Dietrich. You tell him to start buying!
Jack: [yelling after him in shock] Hang on Howard! You sure you don't want to stop and think about this for a second?
Howard: Nope! I've got a tiger by the tail here and I'm not about to let go!

Cordelia: Who are you? What do you want?
The: Release.
Cordelia: I can't do that.
The: Don't think so, dirty pussy cat? Goddamn witches. They ended me once, right here in this very room. And for years after, the parties and the music and the dancing raged wild outside while I sat trapped inside these four ugly walls. Now, last night, this sweet young witch comes along and offers me my release, and I said, "Oh, yes, ma'am, yes, please. What do you need?" She asks her favor, and I provide. The thing is, when the time comes for her to ante up, bitch lies, leaving me betwixt, between and ready to pop.
Cordelia: You died?
The: Uh-huh.
Cordelia: And now you're trapped.
The: Right here with you.
Cordelia: The only way I can help you is if you let me out of here.
The: No. Nobody leaves this room. You see, I had a... a contract. Promises were made, and all you've got to do is sing and dance, and call the witches who owe me my freedom. And I'll provide the music.

Cordelia: Go to hell.
The: Ladies first.