The Best Little John Quotes

Little: [During Battle] Archer stay alive, I'll see you tonight.
Robin: Don't forget your money this time little man, I'll be pleased to take it off of you.

Friar: So why do they call you 'Little John'?
Little: What are you tryin' to get at? I'm proportionate!

Little: Sing something about a woman... a large woman.

Sir: Kneel, you ignorant bastards! Kneel before the King!
[King Richard laughs]
Sir: All of you, move back, now.
King: No, no, Locksley, these men are soldiers at play. Sinners, after mine own heart. Which one of you started the fight?
Robin: I did, Sire. I threw the first punch.
King: Ah, an honest man. And who're you fighting?
Little: He was fighting me, your Majesty. I thought him to be a lesser man. He was showing me different.
King: An enemy that shows his respect. Stand up, the pair of you.

Little: [after spotting a tall woman at a party] She's about my size. I'm going to make her smile.
[then yelling to the girl]
Little: I'm going to make you smile!