150 Best Russell Crowe Quotes

Maximus: Are you in danger of becoming a good man, Proximo?
Proximo: Ha!

John: [leaving dinner with his brother and sister-in-law] She's completely full of herself.
Lara: Don't try and agree with me now.
John: I don't even think she's a member of the dental profession.
Lara: Shut up.
John: She probably can't even spell "anesthesiologist". The woman's a complete fraud.
Lara: We went to her office party, you idiot.
John: Uh-huh. And I believe she hit on me that night, as well.
Lara: You are completely delusional. She didn't even hit on you in there. I just don't like her.
John: I understand your point of view. I really do. I agree with you. Somebody who looks like that should not be allowed anywhere near oral surgery.
Lara: You are an asshole.
John: I mean, you're sitting in the chair, you're trying to stay calm, and you got them things hanging in your face.

Noah: We are to see Methuselah. My grandfather.
Samyaza: A child of the old one? You should have killed them.
Og: But, Samyaza...
Samyaza: This is a man, Og. Do you forget how they betrayed The Creator?
Noah: It is He who sends us.
Samyaza: It lies. Leave them here to rot.

Jeffrey: I can't seem to find the criteria to decide. It's too big a decision to make without being resolved in my own mind.
Lowell: Maybe things have changed.
Jeffrey: What's changed?
Lowell: You mean since this morning?
Jeffrey: No, I mean since whenever.

Dr. Henry Jekyll: It's not an exact science, this business.
Nick: What? And the business being?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: Evil, Mr. Morton. Recognize, contain, examine, destroy.

General: What have you done?
Jor: We've had a child, Zod. A boy child. Krypton's first natural birth in centuries, and he will be free, free to forge his own destiny.
General: Heresy! Destroy it!

[from TV spot]
Jor: You can save them... You can save all of them.

Marion: It seems we are to share my chamber. A ruse to convince the servants.
Robin: Well, if the aim is deception, should you not be addressing me as "My husband" or "My dear"?
Marion: [Scoffs] Don't be ridiculous.
[Marion walks alone toward the stairs while Robin remains seated]
Marion: Well, are you coming or not?
Robin: Ask me nicely.
Marion: Please, dear husband, will you share my chamber.
[Marion drops into a half-curtsy and whistles for the dogs as she walks up the stairs]

Proximo: He knows too well how to manipulate the mob.
Maximus: Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome, Proximo. That is not it. That is not it!
Proximo: Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus. We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus!

John: What happens if we find the woman who was leaving the parking lot?
Meyer: The PCRA has been rejected. No new evidence can be submitted. Not anymore.
John: It was a robbery.
Meyer: And if they had used her credit card, we could have argued that. I-I'm sorry. John... this sucks.
John: Okay. That's that. All we have now is the Supreme Court, right?
Meyer: John, in the last thirty years, the Supreme Court has not heard one murder case. No decent lawyer would even file the pleadings.
John: So all I have to do is find an... an indecent one. That shouldn't be too hard.

John: [Purchasing a gun] Show me where the bullets go.

Dr. Stephen Maturin: They're exhausted. These men are exhausted. You've pushed them too hard.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Stephen, I invite you to this cabin as my friend. Not to criticise nor to comment on my command.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Well. Shall I leave you until you're in a more harmonious frame of mind?
[he stands and is about to leave]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: What would you have me do, Stephen?
Dr. Stephen Maturin: [turns back to him, knowing exactly what to say] Tip the ship's grog over the side.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Stop their grog?
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Nagle was drunk when he insulted Hollom. Did you know that?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Stop two hundred years of privilege and tradition? I'd rather have them three sheets to the wind on occasion than have a mutiny on my hands.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: You see, I'm rather understanding of mutinies. Men pressed from their homes, their chosen occupations, confined for months aboard a wooden prison...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I respect your right to disagree with me, but I can only afford one rebel on this ship.
[he pauses, looking distraught]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I hate it when you talk of the service in this way. It makes me feel so very low. You think I want to flog Nagle? The man who stood beside me on the gunwale and hacked the ropes that sent his mate to his death? Under orders? Under MY orders? Do you not see? The only things that keep this wooden world together are hard work, discipline...
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Jack, the man failed to salute...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: For God's sake, Stephen, there's hierarchies even in nature, as you've often said yourself!
Dr. Stephen Maturin: There is no disdain in nature, there is no humiliation...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Men must be governed! Often not wisely, I will grant you, but governed nonetheless.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: That's the excuse of every tyrant in history, from Nero to Bonaparte. I, for one, am opposed to authority...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Your opposition is not my concern.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: -it is the egg of misery and oppression...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: You've come to the wrong shop for anarchy, brother.

Maximus: [laughing] You knew Marcus Aurelius?
Proximo: [very quickly and defensively] I didn't say I knew him, I said he touched me on the shoulder once!

Javert: Listen, my friends, I have done as I said. I have been to their lines, I have counted each man. I will tell what I can. Better beware, they have armies to spare. And our danger is real, we will need all our cunning to bring them to heel.
Enjolras: Have faith! If you know what their movements are, we'll spoil their game. There are ways that a people can fight. We shall overcome their power!
Javert: I have overheard their plans, there will be no attack tonight. They intend to starve you out, before they start a proper fight. Concentrate their force, hit us when it's light.
Gavroche: Liar! Good evening, dear inspector! Lovely evening, my dear! I know this man, my friends, his name's Inspector Javert! So don't believe a word he says, because none of it's true. This only goes to show what little people can do.
Courfeyrac: Bravo, little Gavroche, you're the top of the class.
Combeferre: So what are we going to do with this snake in the grass?
Enjolras: Take this man and throw him in the tavern in there. The people will decide your fate, Inspector Javert.
Javert: Shoot me now or shoot me later, every schoolboy to his sport! Death to each and every traitor, I renounce your people's court!

Jor: My son is twice the man you were, and he will finish what we started. I can promise you that.
General: Tell me, you have Jor-El's memories; his conscience. Can you experience his pain? I will harvest the codex from your son's corpse, and I will rebuild Krypton atop his bones.

[first lines]
[Valjean gets stopped by Javert while the remaining prisoners leave]
Javert: Retrieve the flag.

Maximus: I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."
Commodus: I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death?
Maximus: You must know. He was your father.
Commodus: You loved my father, I know. But so did I. That makes us brothers, doesn't it? Smile for me now, brother.
[stabs him]

Maximus: [after swiftly dispatching another gladiator] Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
Crowd: Spaniard, Spaniard, Spaniard...

[last lines]
Dr. Henry Jekyll: Sometimes it does take a monster to fight a monster.

Dr. Henry Jekyll: You are alive because you were chosen.
Nick: Chose? By what?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: Evil. The ultimate evil.

Meyer: I need you to look at the evidence and forget that Lara's your wife.
John: I've seen the evidence, Meyer.
Meyer: I'm not saying judge her innocent or guilty, I'm just saying look at it. Her co-worker sees her leaving the scene. The victim's blood is on her clothes. Her fingerprints are on the murder weapon.
John: And then we went out to dinner. How do you do that if just killed somebody? That would make her a psychopath.
Meyer: And the fight...
John: Is Lara a psychopath, Meyer?
Meyer: The fight in the office?
John: Everyone fights with their boss.
Meyer: But this one ended up dead.
John: So what you're saying is that you never believed in her innocence.
Meyer: How can you say that?
John: Well, what are you saying?
Meyer: I'm saying that it no longer matters what we believe! Lara is not getting out! And you have no idea how much I hate to say that.

Zeus: If you don't shut up, you won't be invited to the Orgy!

Capt. Jack Aubrey: Master at arms, take that man below and clap him in irons.

Lowell: I fought for you and I still fight for you!
Jeffrey: You fought for me? You manipulated me! Into where I am now - staring at the Brown & Williamson building, it's all dark except for the tenth floor. That's the legal department, that's where they fuck with my life!
Lowell: Jeffrey, where are you going with this? Where are you going? (Pause) You are important to a lot of people, Jeffrey. You think about that, and you think about them. (Pause) I'm all out of heroes, man. Guys like you are in short supply.
Jeffrey: Yeah, guys like you, too.

Jor: To see you standing there having grown into an adult... if only Lara could have witnessed this.
Clark: Who are you?
Jor: I am your father, Kal, or at least a shadow of him. His consciousness. My name is Jor-El
Clark: Kal? That's my name?
Jor: Kal-El, it is.
Clark: I have so many questions. Where do I come from? Why did you send me here?
Jor: You came from Krypton, a world with a much harsher environment than Earth's. Long ago, in an era of expansion, our race spread out through the stars, seeking new worlds to settle upon. This scout ship was one of thousands launched into the void. We built outposts on other planets, using great machines to reshape environments to our needs. For 100 thousand years our civilization flourished, accomplishing wonders.
Clark: What happened?
Jor: Artificial population control was established. The outposts and space exploration were abandoned. We exhausted our natural resources. As a result, our planet's core became unstable. Eventually, our military leader, General Zod, attempted a coup, but by then it was too late. Your mother and I foresaw the coming calamity and we took certain steps to ensure your survival. This is a genesis chamber. All Kryptonians were conceived in chambers such as this. Every child was designed to perform a predetermined role in our society as a worker, a warrior, a leader, and so on. Your mother and I believed Krypton lost something precious, the element of choice, of chance. What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended? What if a child aspired to something greater? You were the embodiment of that belief Kal. Krypton's first natural birth in centuries. That's why we risked so much to save you.
Clark: Why didn't you come with me?
Jor: We couldn't, Kal. No matter how much we wanted to. No matter how we loved you. Your mother, Lara, and I were a product of the failures of our world as much as Zod was. It's hard to explain.
Clark: So I'm alone?
Jor: No, you are as much a child of Earth now as you are of Krypton. You can embody the best of both worlds. The dream your mother and I dedicated our lives to preserve.
[He reveals to him the Superman suit]
Jor: The people of Earth are different from us, it's true, but ultimately I believe that is a good thing. They won't necessarily make the same mistakes we did, but if you guide them, Kal, if you give them hope, that's what this symbol means. The symbol of the House of El means hope. Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief the potential of every person to be a force for good. That's what you can bring them.

Lara: You know, you never even asked me if I did it... if I murdered her.
John: Because I know you didn't.
Lara: Well, you'd be wrong.

Rep. Stephen Collins: [sarcastically] I see you redecorated.
Cal: Yeah, I moved the couch a couple of feet.

Robin: We are men of the hood...
[Little John whistles and hits two of the guards]
Robin: ... merry now at your expense.

Commodus: What am I going to do with you? You simply won't... die. Are we so different, you and I? You take life when you have to... as I do.
Maximus: I have only one more life to take. Then it is done.
Commodus: Then take it now.
[Maximus pauses, then turns around and walks away]
Commodus: They tell me your son...
[Maximus stops]
Commodus: ...squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.
Maximus: The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.
[Bows head]
Maximus: Highness.

Maximus: You don't find it hard to do your duty?
Cicero: Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to.

Javert: Monsieur le Mayor, I have a crime to declare. I have disgraced the uniform that I wear. I've done you wrong; let no forgiveness be shown. I've been as hard on every rogue I have known. I mistook you for a convict; I have made a false report. Now I learn they caught the culprit; he's about to face the court. And of course he now denies it; you'd expect that of a con. But he couldn't run forever, no not even Jean Valjean.
Jean: You say this man denies it all and gives no sign of understanding or reptentance? You say this man is going to trial and that he's sure to be returned to serve his sentence?
Javert: He will pay, and so must I. Press charges against me, sir.
Jean: You have only done your duty. It's a minor sin, at most. All of us have made misjudgments; you'll return, sir, to your post.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: This is a ship of war, and I will grind whatever grist the mill requires in order to fulfill my duty.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Whatever the cost?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Whatever the cost.

[Stephen asks how long the Surprise will stay moored off the Galapagos]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Oh a week, perhaps.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: A week?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: There's no great hurry.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Mustn't we make haste for...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I'm not even sure it was the Acheron we sighted. And if it was, she'll be well away by now. Like looking for an honest man in parliament.

Mike: And that's what cigarettes are for?
Jeffrey: A delivery device for nicotine.
Mike: A delivery device for nicotine. Put it in your mouth, lit it up and you're gonna get your fix?
Jeffrey: You're gonna get your fix.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: To wives and sweethearts.
Officers: To wives and sweethearts.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: May they never meet.

Damon: You have to know where you're gonna go and how you're gonna get there. You have to know how they plan to catch you, where and when.
John: Well, how the hell are you supposed to know that?
Damon: You pay off someone who knows. And a lot depends on if the prison is in the country or the city.
John: City.
Damon: Where are you from?
John: Pittsburgh.
Damon: Pittsburgh's tough. So many bridges and tunnels they can block off.

[from trailer]
Detective: I swear, I will pull out my gun and put a bullet in your fuckin' head!

Marion: I was an old maid when Robert courted me. I was a daughter of a respectable widow with a thimbleful of noble blood. We were wed, and then a week later he left to join ship for France and the Holy Lands. And that was my married life, to a man I hardly knew.
Robin: A good knight.
Marion: Short but sweet.
Robin: I mean he was a good knight.
Marion: Oh.
Robin: A good knight at arms. A soldier.
Marion: [Stammering] Oh, yes, my knight-in-arms, even so. And I in his.

Robin: Girl!
Marion: *Girl!*

Damon: Stay far away from the train and bus stations. Forget the local airports. Leave from another state. Second, identity. It's easy to find fake papers. Harder to find ones that'll get you through an airport. You'll need a passport, a driver's license, and a Social Security number. If you have to rent a car, find a place that'll take a cash deposit. They'll still run a credit check, so use a real person's name on the ID. Third, destination. You'll want somewhere that doesn't attract American tourists. Think Yemen and you get the idea. And money; you'll need a truckload of it. Everything's expensive; hotels, travel, information.
John: How much?
Damon: Enough to last at least five, six years. You run out of money, you run out of friends.

Mike: And do you wish you hadn't come forward? Do you wish you hadn't blown the whistle?
Jeffrey: There are times when I wish I hadn't done it. There are times when I feel com... compelled to do it. If you asked me, would I do it again, do I think it's worth it? Yeah I think its worth it.

Lara: Why didn't you tell me?
John: You would've stopped me.
Lara: Uh!

Little: [During Battle] Archer stay alive, I'll see you tonight.
Robin: Don't forget your money this time little man, I'll be pleased to take it off of you.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: [to Midshipman Calamy on being pulled from the sea] Tell me that wasn't fun!

Frank: What you want me to do? Snitch? I know you don't want no cops. What you want? Gangsters? Pick one. Jew gangsters, mick gangsters, guinees? They been bleeding Harlem dry since they got off the boat. I don't give a fuck about no crime figures. You can have them.
Detective: I'll take them too.
Frank: You'll take them too? No you didn't. You talkin about police? You want police? You want your own kind?
Detective: They're not my kind. They're in business with you, they ain't my kind. They ain't my kind like the Italians are not yours.

Jor: The symbol of the house of El means hope. Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person to be a force for good. That's what you can bring them. You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will stumble, they will fall. They will join you in the sun, Kal. You will help them accomplish wonders. All the hopes and dreams of Krypton live in you now. Your mother and I loved you. Your heart was tested. But you gave hope to their world. Love them, Kal. The way we loved you.

Marcus: When was the last time you were home?
Maximus: Two years, two hundred and sixty-four days and this morning.

Noah: Soon everything we knew of creation will be gone. All that is left of Creation will lie within these walls. Outside, just the waters of chaos again.

Noah: We have been entrusted with a task much greater than our own desires.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: For England, for home, and for the prize!

Robin: Ask me nicely.

[Thor is in a cloak]
Zeus: Let see who you are. I take off your disguise... and flick!
[strips Thor naked, crowd gasps]
Korg: Ohh!
Thor: You flicked too hard, damn it!
[the Olympian ladies faint at the sight of Thor]
Jane: Should we help him?
Valkyrie: I mean, eventually. Grape?

Ila: This is the end of everything.
Noah: The beginning. The beginning of everything.

[Maximus looks at images of his wife and son]
Juba: Can they hear you?
Maximus: Who?
Juba: Your family. In the afterlife.
Maximus: Oh yes.
Juba: What do you say to them?
Maximus: To my son - I tell him I will see him again soon. To keep his heels down while riding his horse. To my wife... that is not your business.

Maximus: Ancestors, I ask you for your guidance. Blessed mother, come to me with the Gods' desire for my future. Blessed father, watch over my wife and son with a ready sword. Whisper to them that I live only to hold them again, for all else is dust and air. Ancestors, I honor you and will try to live with the dignity that you have taught me.

Calamy,: Sir?
[everyone looks to Calamy as he addresses Aubrey]
Calamy,: Excuse me, sir, but Mr. Blankeney said that you served under Lord Nelson at the Nile.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Indeed. I was a young lieutenant, not much older than you are now. And Mr.Pullings... Mr.Pullings was a snivelling midshipman,
[Pullings laughs and smiles]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: still yearning for hearth and home.
Calamy,: Did you meet him, sir? Can you tell me what he was like?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I have had the honour of dining with him twice. He spoke to me on both occasions. A master tactician and a man of singular vision.
1st Lt. Tom Pullings: Right. He always said in battle... "Never mind the manoeuvres, just go straight at 'em."
Mr. Allen,: Some would say not a great seamen, but a great leader.
Capt. Howard,: He's England's only hope if old Boney intends to invade.
Mr. Allen,: Sir, might we press you for an anecdote?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: The first time he spoke to me... I shall never forget his words. I remember it like it was yesterday. He leaned across the table, he looked me straight in the eye, and he said "Aubrey... may I trouble you for the salt?"
[the other men roar in laughter, Aubrey tries to contain himself]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I've always tried to say it exactly as he did ever since.
[his mood changes]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: The second time... The second time he told me a story... about how someone offered him a boat cloak on a cold night. And he said no, he didn't need it. That he was quite warm. His zeal for his king and country kept him warm.
[Maturin sighs]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I know it sounds absurb, and were it from another man, you'd cry out "Oh, what pitiful stuff" and dismiss it as mere enthusiasm. But with Nelson... you felt your heart glow.
[him and Calamy share a smile]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Wouldn't you say, Mr.Pullings?
1st Lt. Tom Pullings: [sincerely] You did indeed, sir.

[from trailer]
Detective: Frank Lucas is the most dangerous man walking the streets of our city.

John: You escaped from jail seven times.
Damon: What do you wanna know?
John: How you escaped when no one else could.
Damon: Balls, and a little luck.

Fantine: There's a child who sorely needs me, Please M'sieur, she's but that high. Holy God, is there no mercy? If I go to jail she'll die!
Javert: I have heard such protestations, every day for twenty years. Let's have no more explanations. Save your breath, and save your tears.

[addressing his troops]
Maximus: Fratres!
[Cavalry addresses Maximus]
Maximus: Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. Hold the line! Stay with me! If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!
[Cavalry laughs]
Maximus: Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity.

Tubal: When I heard talk of miracles, I dismissed them. But then I saw the birds with my own eyes, flying here, and I had to come.
Noah: There isn't anything for you here.
Tubal: No? This all belongs to me. This land. This forest. That stronghold of yours. Did you really think you could protect yourself from me in that?
Noah: It's not protection from you.
Tubal: Then what is it?
Noah: An ark to hold the innocent when The Creator sends his deluge to wipe out the wicked from this world.
Tubal: The Creator does not care what happens in this world. Nobody has heard from Him since He marked Cain. We are alone. Orphaned children, cursed to struggle by the sweat of our brow to survive. Damned if I don't do everything it takes to do just that. Damned if I don't take what I want.

Dr. Stephen Maturin: Jack, have you forgotten your promise?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Subject to the requirements of the service. I cannot in all conscience delay for the sake of an iguana or giant peccary. Fascinating, no doubt, but of no immediate application.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: There is, I think, an opportunity here to serve both our purposes. As I understand it, this is a long, thin island. You need to sail around it to continue your voyage. I could walk across it. I'd be on the other side...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I have known you to spend hours staring into a deserted bird's nest.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: I could walk briskly, pausing only to take the most important measurements. Making valuable discoveries that could help advance our knowledge of natural history.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: If wind and tide had been against us, I should have said yes. They're not. I'm obliged to say no.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Oh, I see. I see. So, after all this time in your service, I must simply content myself to form part of this belligerent expedition. Hurry past inestimable wonders, bent solely on destruction. I shall say nothing of the corruption of power or its abuse...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: You forget yourself, Doctor.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: No, Jack. No. You've forgotten yourself. You see, for my part, I look upon a promise as binding.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: The promise was conditional.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: It never occurred to me...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: I command a king's ship, not a private yacht! WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR DAMNED HOBBIES, SIR!

Detective: [Referring to Frank Lucas] His seats were phenomenal better seats than Dominic Cattano, Joe Louis shook his hand, who the fuck is this guy?

Dr. Henry Jekyll: Please meet Princess Ahmanet. She will claim what she has been denied.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship *is* England.

Noah: We're no different. We were weak and we were selfish to think we could set ourselves apart.

Cal: Mornin'...
Cameron: So? Where are we, was he nobbing her or not?
Cal: Morning, Cam...
Cameron: That's funny about you. Every time your friend runs for re-election or conducts a hearing, you drop his name to me until we give him some coverage... but he finally does something that actually might sell some newspapers, you render mute. It's, it's - incongruous!
Cal: No, it's not... it's inconsistent.
Cameron: Pfff, don't be an ass. What do you think? Those are the ideas for our facelift. I know, I know... it's crap! Our new owners have this odd idea that we ought to be turning a profit.
Cal: Yeah, well I hear our online site is doing great. I mean, not that I get to notice that sort of thing. I've been here what, uhh... fifteen years? I use a sixteen year old computer... she's been here fifteen minutes and she can launch a Russian satellite with the gear she's got.
Cameron: Yeah, she told me you behaved like a pig.
Cal: That's too strong.
Cameron: Well, pig-ish.
Cal: I showed her a little snout, uhuh.
Cameron: Well, I happen to like miss Della Frye... and yes, I did send her down there to winkle something out of you. She's hungry, she's cheap and she churns up copy every hour.
Cal: Yeah, I now... I'm overfed, I'm too expensive and I take way too long.
Cameron: Yes, you do.
Cal: I was Stephen Collins' room-mate in college... I don't live with him now.
Cameron: Well, that's a shame isn't it.
Cal: Yeah... 'cause I could sell some newspapers.

Dr. Stephen Maturin: By comparison, the Surprise is a somewhat aged man-o-war. Am I not correct?
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Would you call me an aged man-o-war, doctor? The Surprise is not old; no one would call her old. She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She's a fine seabird: weatherly, stiff and fast... very fast, if she's well handled. No, she's not old; she's in her prime.

Damon: But before you do anything, you have to ask yourself if you can do it. Can you forget about ever seeing your parents again? Can you kill a guard? Leave your kid at a gas station? Push some nice old lady to the ground just because she gets between you and the door? Because to do this thing, that's who you have to become. And if you can't, don't start, 'cause you'll just get someone killed.
John: How did you get caught?
Damon: I gave myself up. I couldn't take wondering when someone was gonna come through the bedroom door.

Cal: Do you have a pen?

Noah: Fire consumes all. Water cleanses. It separates the foul from the pure. The wicked from the innocent. And that which sinks from that which rises. He destroys all, but only to start again.

Alex: You're wasting some good shit there.
John: Yeah, good shit. High alcohol content.
[he tears off a piece of pizza box and lights it with the stovetop]
Alex: What... what are you gonna do? You gonna burn me out?
John: Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
David: Jesus Christ.
Alex: This is a meth lab, you idiot!
John: No. It was.

[Dinner in the officers' mess. The captain is inebriated, but asks apparently seriously]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Do you see those two weevils doctor?
Dr. Stephen Maturin: I do.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Which would you choose?
Dr. Stephen Maturin: [sighs annoyed] Neither; there is not a scrap a difference between them. They are the same species of Curculio.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: If you had to choose. If you were forced to make a choice. If there was no other response...
Dr. Stephen Maturin: [Exasperated] Well then if you are going to *push* me...
[the doctor studies the weevils briefly]
Dr. Stephen Maturin: ...I would choose the right hand weevil; it has... significant advantage in both length and breadth.
[the captain thumps his fist in the table]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: There, I have you! You're completely dished! Do you not know that in the service...
Capt. Jack Aubrey: ...one must always choose the lesser of two weevils.
[the officers burst out in laughter]

[as an executioner tries to draw his sword but can't]
Maximus: The frost, it sometimes makes the blade stick.
[kills the executioner]

[after the final duel]
Maximus: Quintus! Release my men. Senator Gracchus is to be reinstated. There was a dream that was Rome. It shall be realized. These are the wishes of Marcus Aurelius.

Commodus: Rise. Rise.
[Maximus stands up, clenching an arrow head in his right hand]
Commodus: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. I don't think there's ever been a gladiator to match you. As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn. Or was it Hercules? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? You do have a name.
Maximus: My name is Gladiator.
[turns away from Commodus]
Commodus: How dare you show your back to me! Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name.
Maximus: [removes helmet and turns around to face Commodus] My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
[Commodus trembles in disbelief]
Quintus: Arms!
[Praetorians point their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. Commodus shakes his head and motions the crowd for silence. He then raises his fist and reluctantly gives the thumbs-up signal]

Capt. Jack Aubrey: Do you want to see a guillotine in Piccadilly?
Crew: No!
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Want to call that raggedy-ass Napoleon your king?
Crew: No!
Capt. Jack Aubrey: You want your children to sing the "La Marseillaise?"
Crew: NO!

[Stephen awakens on a stretcher, realizing that Aubrey has broken off pursuit of the Acheron and taken the crew onto dry land for Stephen's surgery]
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Tell me this wasn't on my account.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: No, not at all. I just needed to stretch my legs.

Erit: Don't apologize, it's genetics. Women are always competing with each other. That's why you're having problems with your boss.
Lara: Because she's a woman...
Erit: Exactly. Women should work under men, men under women. That's it.
John: What about men under men?
Erit: That's fine too, I mean they can deal with it.

Jeffrey: What's this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Zeus: It used to be that being a god, it meant something. People would whisper your name, before sharing their deepest hopes and dreams. They begged you for mercy, without ever knowing if you were actually listening. Now, when they look to the sky, they don't ask us for lightning, they don't ask us for rain, they just want to see one of their so-called superheroes. When did we become the joke? No. No more. They will fear us again, when Thor Odinson falls from the sky. Do you understand me, Hercules? Do you understand me, my son?
Hercules: Yes, Father.

Maximus: Strength and honor.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: Killick, an extra ration of rum for these men.
Joseph: Thank you very much, sir.
William: Thank you, sir.
Preserved: Which I was savin' for Salutin' Day, I was.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: We'll drink wine.
Preserved: Oh, drink wine for Salutin' Day...

Rep. Stephen Collins: Am I talking to my friend now or am I talking to a reporter?
Cal: I gotta be both.

Della: [referring to Foy] And why do you think he's gonna talk?
Hank: Because he's scared.
Della: How do you know?
Cal: Because I'm gonna scare him.

Damon: No prison in the world is airtight. Each one has a key. You just have to find it.
John: How do you do that?
Damon: A lot of looking. Especially at things that break up the daily routine. Guards get comfortable doing the same thing day in, day out. Something happens, that's when they make mistakes. But when you see it, you have to be ready. You have to have the entire plan already in place even before you know how you're gonna get out of jail. Escaping's easy. The hardest part is staying free.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: [examining some sheet music on the floor below deck in the Acheron. A French sailor, whom Aubrey thought was dead, suddenly leaps at him. Aubrey stops the sailors' dagger just in time. Aubrey puts his cutlass to the sailors' head. Asks suspiciously] Le Capitaine?
[the Captain?]
French: [strained] L'infirmerie.
[the infirmary]

Detective: This is the newly formed Essex County narcotics squad, our mandate is to make major arrests, no street guys, we're looking for the suppliers and distributors, Heroin, Cocaine, Amphetamines, no grass under a thousand pounds, no powder under forty kilograms, any less than that we're going to waste our time, we're going to handling the big shipments, the big money, the big temptation

[last lines]
Noah: The Creator made Adam in His image, and placed the world in his care. That birthright was passed down to us. To my father, then to me, and to my sons, Shem, Japheth, and Ham. That birthright is now passed to you, our grandchildren.
[touching each baby]
Noah: This will be your work, and your responsibility. So I say to you, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

[last lines]
Cal: Good night everybody. See you tomorrow...

Javert: Now Prisoner 24601, your time is up and your parole's begun. You know what that means?
Jean: Yes, it means I'm free.
Javert: No.
[hands him a yellow paper]
Javert: Follow to the letter your itinerary, this badge of shame you wear until you die. It warns that you're a dangerous man.
Jean: I stole a loaf of bread. My sisters child was close to death, and we were starving...
Javert: And you will starve again unless you learn the meaning of the law!
Jean: I've learnt the meaning of those nineteen years; a slave of the law.
Javert: Five years for what you did. The rest because you tried to run, yes 24601...
Jean: My name is Jean Valjean!
Javert: And I'm Javert! Do not forget my name. Do not forget me, 24601.

[first lines]
Jor: Will you not understand? Krypton's core is collapsing! We may only have a matter of weeks! I warned you, harvesting the core was suicide! It has accelerated the process of implosion!
Lor: Our energy reserves were exhausted. What would you have us do, El?
Jor: Look to the stars, like our ancestors did! There are habitable worlds within reach. We can begin by using the old outposts.
Ro: Are you seriously suggesting that we evacuate the entire planet?
Jor: No, everybody here is already dead. Give me control of the Codex. I will ensure the survival of our race. There is still hope. I have held that hope in my hands...

Ila: Will he come back?
Noah: Some things cannot be unbroken.
Ila: I have to know. Why did you spare them?
Noah: I looked down at those two little girls and all I had in my heart was love.
Ila: Then why are you alone, Noah? Why are you separated to your family?
Noah: Because I failed him, and I failed all of you.
Ila: Did you? He chose you for a reason, Noah? He showed you the wickedness of Man and knew you would not look away. And you saw goodness too. The choice was put in your hands because he put it there. He asked you to decide if we were worth saving. And you chose mercy. You chose love. He has given us a second chance. Be a father, be a grandfather. Help us to do better this time. Help us start again.

Robin: What has eighteen legs and isn't going anywhere?

Maximus: At my signal, unleash hell.

Nick: Who are you?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: I'm a doctor... my name is Jekyll, Henry Jekyll.

Noah: A great flood is coming. The waters of the heavens will meet the waters of earth. We build a vessel to survive the storm. We build an ark.

Robin: If you thought it was hard getting wages from him when he was alive, try getting wages from a dead king.

Jeffrey: I'm just a commodity to you, aren't I? I could be anything. Right? Anything worth putting on between commercials.
Lowell: To a network, probably, we're all commodities. To me? You are not a commodity. What you are is important.

Sheriff: What's mine in coin, I have the right to take in goods or livestock.
Robin: If it's God's will.
Robin: [Robin tosses a coin to the Sheriff] Here's a ram's worth of tax for the exchequer. Your insolence to Lady Marion I'll consider a debt between us.

Sir: Kneel, you ignorant bastards! Kneel before the King!
[King Richard laughs]
Sir: All of you, move back, now.
King: No, no, Locksley, these men are soldiers at play. Sinners, after mine own heart. Which one of you started the fight?
Robin: I did, Sire. I threw the first punch.
King: Ah, an honest man. And who're you fighting?
Little: He was fighting me, your Majesty. I thought him to be a lesser man. He was showing me different.
King: An enemy that shows his respect. Stand up, the pair of you.

Robin: Girl
Marion: Girl? Either you've grown blind or come looking for charity.

Jor: [to Lara] Out there, amongst the stars, he will be free.

Robin: We can't repay our good luck with bad grace, it invites darkness.

Lara: I can't do it... I thought I could, but...
Jor: Lara, Krypton is doomed. This is the only chance of safety he has.

Capt. Jack Aubrey: I'm sorry you had to leave the majority of your collection behind, Stephen.
Dr. Stephen Maturin: In actual fact, Mr. Blakeney and I did make one very interesting find.
[Hands Jack a small stick of wood]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Is that right?
[looks at it]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: Let me guess: a stick?
[Stephen chuckles and hands him a magnifying glass. Jack looks at the stick through the glass, then squints in wonder]
Dr. Stephen Maturin: Tell him about it, Mr. Blakeney.
Blakeney: It's a rare phasmid, sir.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: A phasmid?
Blakeney: It's an insect that disguises itself as a stick, to confuse its predators.

Poacher: What do you want?
Noah: Justice.

[Lucilla tries to convince Maximus to conspire with Senator Gracchus]
Lucilla: This man wants what you want.
Maximus: Then have *him* kill Commodus!

Jor: Goodbye, my son. Our hopes and dreams travel with you.
Lara: He will be an outcast. They'll kill him.
Jor: How? He'll be a god to them.

Jeffrey: How did a radical journalist from Ramparts Magazine end up at CBS?
Lowell: I still do the tough stories. 60 Minutes reaches a lot of people.

Detective: They don't want this to stop. It employs too many people. Cops, lawyers, judges, probation officers, prison guards... The day dope stops coming into this country, a hundred thousand people lose their jobs.

Detective: Good work Frank. You... want a drink or something? Celebrate?
Frank: You got any holy water?

Javert: There... out in the darkness. A fugitive running, fallen from God. Fallen from grace. God be my witness, I never shall yield, 'til we come face to face. 'Til we come face to face. He knows his way in the dark, mine is the way of the Lord. Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reward. And if they fall as Lucifer fell, the flames, the sword... Stars, in your multitudes, scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels, silent and sure, keeping watch in the night. Keeping watch in the night. You know your place in the sky, you hold your course and your aim. And each in your season returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames. And so it must be, for so it is written, on the doorway to paradise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price. Lord let me find him, that I may see him safe behind bars. I will never rest, 'til then! This I swear! This I swear by the stars!

Lara: You took the wrong turn. John, the zoo's behind us. You took the wrong turn. Babe, what are you doing?
John: She'll call my parents.
Lara: What?
John: They'll look after him, and I'll figure out a way of getting him to us.
Lara: Are you out of your mind?
John: I tried! There's no more time. Any second now, there's gonna be a roadblock ahead of us. It might be there now. If we don't get out now, we don't get out. I'll find a way of getting him to us, all right? I'll find a way.

Maximus: Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear

Mike: You heard Mr. Sandefur say before Congress that he believed nicotine was not addictive.
Jeffrey: I believe Mr. Sandefur perjured himself because I watched those testimonies very carefully.
Mike: All of us did, and it was this whole line of people, whole line of CEOs up there, all swearing.
Jeffrey: Part of the reason I'm here is that I felt that their representations clearly misstated - at least within Brown and Williamson's representation - clearly misstated what is common language within the company: "We are in the nicotine delivery business."
Mike: And that's what cigarettes are for.
Jeffrey: A delivery device for nicotine.
Mike: A delivery device for nicotine. Put it in your mouth, light it up, and you're gonna get your fix.
Jeffrey: You're gonna get your fix.
Mike: You're saying that Brown and Williamson manipulates and adjusts the nicotine fix not by artificially adding nicotine but by enhancing the effect of nicotine through the use of elements such as ammonia?
Jeffrey: The process is known as "impact boosting". While not spiking nicotine, they clearly manipulate it. There was extensive use of this technology known as "ammonia chemistry". It allows for the nicotine to be more rapidly absorbed in the lung and therefore affect the brain and central nervous system. The straw that broke the camel's back for me, and really put me in trouble with Sandefur, was a compound called coumarin. When I came on board at B. and W., they had tried the transition from coumarin to a similar flavor that would give the same taste, and had been unsuccessful. I wanted out immediately. I was told that it could affect sales, so I should mind my own business. I constructed a memo to Mr. Sandefur indicating I could not in conscience continue with coumarin, a product we now know and we had documentation was similar to coumadin, a lung-specific carcinogen.
Mike: And you sent the documents to Sandefur?
Jeffrey: I sent the documents forward to Sandefur. I was told that we would continue to work on a substitute but we weren't going to remove it as it would impact sales, and that was his decision.
Mike: In other words, you were charging Sandefur and Brown and Williamson with ignoring health considerations consciously?
Jeffrey: Most certainly.
Mike: And on March 24th, Thomas Sandefur, CEO of Brown and Williamson, had you fired. And the reason he gave you?
Jeffrey: "Poor communication skills."
Mike: And you wish you hadn't come forward? You wish you hadn't blown the whistle?
Jeffrey: Yeah, at times I wish I hadn't done it. There were times I felt compelled to do it. If you ask me would I do it again, do I think it's worth it? Yeah, I think it's worth it.

Proximo: Congratulations, you have very persuasive friends.
Lucilla: My brother's had Gracchus arrested. We daren't wait any longer. We must leave tonight. Proximo will be here t midnight and take you to the gate. Your servant, Cicero will be waiting there with horses.
[Maximus nods]
Maximus: You have done all this?
Lucilla: Yes.
Maximus: [sighs] You risk too much.
Lucilla: I have much to pay for.
[Maximus shakes his head]
Maximus: You have nothing to pay for. You love your son, you are strong for him.
Lucilla: I am tired of being strong.(sighs) My brother hates all the world and you most of all.
Maximus: Because your father chose me.
Lucilla: No because my father loved you... and because I loved you.
Maximus: A long time ago.
[kisses her hand]
Lucilla: [smiles] Was I very different then?
Maximus: (shakes his head, touches her face with his finger) You laughed more.
Lucilla: I have felt alone all my life, except with you. I must go.
Maximus: Yes.
[kisses Lucilla one last time]

Mike: You were supposed to leave.
John: I need them.
Mike: You notice that guy was a cop?
John: Which guy?
Mike: The one with the red light in his back window.
[John feels ridiculous. Mike hands him the documents]
Mike: Just give me the money.
[John hands him the envelope of money. Mike checks it]
Mike: You want this too much. You're going to fuck it up.
[Mike speeds off. The second rider gives John a look and follows. John looks over the passports with their new names]

Dr. Henry Jekyll: Because of your actions, this ancient power has returned.

Javert: I am reaching but I fall, and the stars are black and cold, as I stare into the void, of a world that cannot hold. I'll escape now from that world; from the world of Jean Valjean. There is nowhere I can turn. There is no way to go on!
[Jumps from the bridge to his death, upon the weir/river beneath]

John: So, the life and times of Don Quixote, what is it about?
Female: That someone's belief in virtue is more important than virtue itself?
John: Yes... that's in the there. But what is it about? Could it be how rational thought destroys your soul? Could it be about the triumph of irrationality and the power that is in that? You know, we spend a lot of time trying to organize the world. We build clocks and calendars and we try to predict the weather. But what part of our life is truly under our control? What if we choose to exist purely in a reality of our own making? Does that render us insane? And if it does, isn't that better than a life of despair?

- Give me the doll.
- Come.
Javert: Valjean!
- Come, Cosette.
- Come quickly!
- Come on.
- 24601!

[In the Great Cabin, the rudder moves, and the officers break out into a cheer]
Dr. Stephen Maturin: ...Clearly, something nautical and fascinating just happened; I am at a loss.
Capt. Jack Aubrey: We have made our turn northward; we are headed back toward the sun!

Javert: One day more 'til revolution, we will nip it in the bud. We'll be ready for these school boys, they will wet themselves with blood!

Capt. Jack Aubrey: Right lads, now, I know there's not a faint heart among you, and I know you're as anxious as I am to get into close action. But we must bring them right up beside us before we spring this trap. That will test our nerve, and discipline will count just as much as courage. The Acheron is a tough nut to crack... more than twice our guns, more than twice our numbers, and they will sell their lives dearly. Topmen, your handling of the sheets to be lubberly and un-navy like. Until the signal calls, you're to spill the wind from our sails, this will bring us almost to a complete stop. Gun crews, you must run out and tie down in double quick time. With the rear wheels removed, you've gained elevation. and without recoil, there'll be no chance for re-load, so gun captains, that gives you one shot from the lardboard battery... one shot only. You'll fire for her mainmast. Much will depend on your accuracy... however... even crippled, she will still be dangerous, like a wounded beast. Captain Howard and the marines will sweep their weather deck with swivel gun and musket fire from the tops. They'll try and even the odds for us before we board. They mean to take us as a prize.
[all chuckling]
Capt. Jack Aubrey: And we are worth more to them undamaged. Their greed... will be their downfall. England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship, is England. So it's every hand to his rope or gun, quick's the word and sharp's the action. After all... surprise is on our side.
Crew: Huzzah, huzzah!

Prince: [sarcastically] Would every man have a castle?
Robin: In England, every man's home *is* his castle.

John: It's a course that investigates what drives men to be free, no matter the cost.
Damon: Some other teacher have dibs on "Papillon"?

Lowell: I did not burn you. I did not give you up to anyone!
Jeffrey: This is my house... In front of my wife, my kids? What business do we have?
Lowell: To straighten something out with you. Right here. Right now.
Jeffrey: So, you didn't mention my name? You haven't talked to anybody about me?
Lowell: Why am I gonna mention your name?
Jeffrey: How did Brown & Williamson know I spoke to you...?
Lowell: How the hell do I know about Brown & Williamson?
Jeffrey: It happened after I talked to you. I do not like coincidences!
Lowell: And I don't like paranoid accusations! I'm a journalist. Think. Use your head. How do I operate as a journalist by screwing the people who could provide me with information before they provided me with it?
Jeffrey: [pauses] ... You came all the way down here to tell me that?

Javert: My heart is stone, and still it trembles.

Robin: If you're building for the future, you need to keep your foundations strong, laws of the land enslave the people to a king who demands loyalty but offers nothing in return, I've been to the South of France, Palestine and back, you build a kingdom the same way you build a cathedral from the ground up!

Marion: I thought you'd left.
Robin: The fields are planted.
Marion: How did you find the seed?
Robin: If you have to ask, it's not a gift.
Marion: Thank you.

Edward: You are a younger man. But you best learn to be wary of a man like me.

Dr. Henry Jekyll: Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters.

Damon: From the time they make the call, the police can have the center of the city sealed tight in fifteen minutes.
John: How can they be so exact?
Damon: After 9/11, Homeland Security made every city have a lockdown plan. Downtown Pittsburgh, Philly, Boston, Minneapolis, fifteen minutes. They can do D.C. in under ten. Within 35 minutes, they can have cops at every tollboth on the interstate and be running rolling stops on the secondary roads. They won't have your photograph yet, but they will have your description.
John: What if you can't get out? 35 minutes is not a lot of time.
Damon: Then surrender. Because they will shoot you on sight, along with anyone else you're with.

- Do we just, like, fly?
- No, we can't interrupt him in the middle of an entrance.
- He's famous for his entrances.
- Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt!
- Yes!
Zeus: Zeus!

Jor: You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.

Detective: Laurie, look, I'm sorry I never gave you the kind of life you wanted, all right.I'm sorry it was never enough.Don't punish me for being honest.Don't take my boy away.
Laurie: What are you saying? That because you were honest and you didn't take money like every other cop, I left you? No, you don't take money for one reason. To buy being dishonest about everything else. And that's worse than taking money nobody gives a shit about.Drug money, gambling money nobody's gonna miss. You know, I'd rather you took it and been honest with me. Or don't take it. I don't care. But then don't go cheat on me.Don't cheat on your kid by never being around. Don't go out and get laid by your snitches and your secretaries and strippers.I can tell by just looking,she's one of them. You think you're going to heaven because you're honest, but you're not You're going to the same hell as the crooked cops you can't stand.

Tubal: [He moves face-to-face] Miracles of deluge you claim. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps he returns to finish us off. But if he does, my men and I will ride the storm in that stronghold of yours.
Noah: Your time is done. There is no escape for you.
[Noah walks away leading Ham with him]
Tubal: [Loud] I'm not afraid of miracles son of Lamech. If you are to refuse my dozens now, I shall return with legions!

Detective: His name is Frank Lucas, originally from Greensboro, North Carolina, he has a couple of arrests years ago for gambling and for carrying an unlicensed firearm. For fifteen years he was Bumpy Johnson's driver, bodyguard and collector. Hhe was with him when he died, he has five brothers, he's the oldest and a lot of cousins, they're all living up here now, spread out in the five boroughs and New Jersey. His brother's businesses are the distribution and collection points of Frank's dope and his money. Everything about Frank's life seems unpretentious and broadly legitimate, he starts early, gets up at 5am, has breakfast in a diner in Harlem usually by himself, then he starts work, takes a meeting with his accountant and with his lawyer. At nights he usually stays at home, if he does go out, it's only one of two clubs or a handful of restaurants with his wife, ball players, musicians and his friends and never organized crime guys. Sundays he takes his mother to church and changes the flowers on Bumpy's grave, every Sunday no matter what.

Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?
Maximus: You would fight me?
Commodus: Why not? Do you think I am afraid?
Maximus: I think you've been afraid all your life.

Lowell: You go public, and 30 million people hear what you gotta say, nothing - I mean nothing - will ever be the same again. You believe that?
Jeffrey: No.
Lowell: You should. Because when you're done, the judgement is gonna go down in the court of public opinion, my friend. And that's... the power you have.
Jeffrey: You believe that?
Lowell: I believe that? Yes, I believe that.
Jeffrey: You believe that because you get information out to people, something happens?
Lowell: Yes.
Jeffrey: Maybe that's what you've been telling yourself all these years to justify having a good job. Having status. Maybe for the audience, its just voyeurism, something to do on a Sunday night. And maybe it won't change a fucking thing. And people like myself, and my family are left hung out to dry, used up, broke, alone.
Lowell: Are you talking to me, or did somebody else just walk in here? I never forced any of that...
Jeffrey: I don't really understand, exactly...
Lowell: Don't evade a choice you gotta make by questioning my reputation or 60 Minutes with this cheap skepticism.
Jeffrey: I have to put my family's welfare on the line here, my friend, and what are you putting up? You're putting up words.
Lowell: "Words." While you've been dicking around some fucking company golf tournaments, I've been out in the world, giving my word... and backing it up with action. Now, are you gonna go and do this thing, or not?
Jeffrey: I said I'd call the kids before they went to bed.

Young: I am Shem.
Noah: My oldest.
Methuselah: Come closer. Let me see you. You're a lucky boy. I think you must have your mother's looks, not your father's.

Lara: Can you do me a favor?
John: I don't know, I'm kind of busy.
Lara: I need you to run for governor.
John: I can do that.
Lara: You can change this rule about no conjugal visits, 'cause I don't think I can last another 20 years.

Detective: I want to know everyone you've met for the last twenty years. Everyone you sold to. Every cop you ever paid off. Every one who ever stole from you. Every one you remember.
Frank: Oh, I remember them all. That's not the problem.
Detective: What is?
Frank: The jails aren't big enough.

Noah: The time for mercy has passed. Now our punishment begins.

Agent: Do you have a history of emotional problems, Mr. Wigand?
Jeffrey: Yes. Yes, I do. I get extremely emotional when assholes put bullets in my mailbox!

Gracchus: And after your glorious coup, what then? You take your five thousand and... leave?
Maximus: Yes, I will leave. The soldiers will stay here for your protection, under the guidance of the Senate.
Gracchus: So, after Rome's all yours, you just give it back to the people. Tell me why.
Maximus: Because that was a dying man's last wish. I will kill Commodus. The fate of Rome, I leave to you.
Gracchus: Marcus Aurelius trusted you. His daughter trusts you. I will trust you. Give me two days, and I will purchase your freedom. And you, stay alive, or I'll be dead.

Rep. George Fergus: What's up? How did you find me?
Cal: I followed the trail of crumbs, congressman.

Lois: [Jor-El's image appears behind Lois] Where did you come from?
Jor: The command key Miss Lane; thanks to you, I'm uploading into the ship's mainframe.
Lois: Who are you?
Jor: I am Kal's father.
Lois: Can you help us?
Lois: I designed this ship, I can modify its atmospheric composition to human compatibility. We can stop them, we can send them back to the phantom zone.
Lois: How?
Jor: I can teach you; and in turn you can teach Kal. Will you help me?
[Scene cuts to ships flying through clouds, and then approaching Earth's surface]
Jor: The Ship's crew are alerted. We need to move quickly. Retrieve the command key.
[Lois retrieves the key, and Jor uses power to open door, they are ambushed a moment later by a female guard, Jor uses power to slam the door on her arm]
Lois: Did you do that?
Jor: Yes, pick up her sidearm.
Jor: [Lois retrieves the weapon then begins to follow Jor down the corridor, scene cuts to Kal escaping from Zod's chambers, then to Earth where spaceships can be seen flying overhead, then returns to the corridors aboard the command ship] To your right, fire. Behind you.
[uses power to slam door. Then guides Lois to escape pod chamber, using power to open the door]
Jor: Secure yourself inside the open pod. Safe travels Miss Lane, it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing each other again. Remember, the phantom drives are essential in stopping them... Move your head to the left.

Noah: Some things cannot be unbroken.