The Best Zeus Quotes

Zeus: If you don't shut up, you won't be invited to the Orgy!

[Thor is in a cloak]
Zeus: Let see who you are. I take off your disguise... and flick!
[strips Thor naked, crowd gasps]
Korg: Ohh!
Thor: You flicked too hard, damn it!
[the Olympian ladies faint at the sight of Thor]
Jane: Should we help him?
Valkyrie: I mean, eventually. Grape?

- Do we just, like, fly?
- No, we can't interrupt him in the middle of an entrance.
- He's famous for his entrances.
- Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt!
- Yes!
Zeus: Zeus!

Zeus: It used to be that being a god, it meant something. People would whisper your name, before sharing their deepest hopes and dreams. They begged you for mercy, without ever knowing if you were actually listening. Now, when they look to the sky, they don't ask us for lightning, they don't ask us for rain, they just want to see one of their so-called superheroes. When did we become the joke? No. No more. They will fear us again, when Thor Odinson falls from the sky. Do you understand me, Hercules? Do you understand me, my son?
Hercules: Yes, Father.

[Zeus shoots his thunderbolt at Korg and blasts him to fragments]
Zeus: You're next, Odinson!
[Zeus shoots his thunderbolt at Thor, but Thor catches it and hurls it back at Zeus]
Thor: That is the sound of lightning!