The Best Ila Quotes

Ila: [to Naameh, as she is in labor and terrified] Please, keep it inside. Please.

Ila: This is the end of everything.
Noah: The beginning. The beginning of everything.

Ila: You don't have to go.
Ham: I don't belong here. For what it's worth, I'm glad it begins again with you. Maybe we'll learn to be kind.

Ila: Will he come back?
Noah: Some things cannot be unbroken.
Ila: I have to know. Why did you spare them?
Noah: I looked down at those two little girls and all I had in my heart was love.
Ila: Then why are you alone, Noah? Why are you separated to your family?
Noah: Because I failed him, and I failed all of you.
Ila: Did you? He chose you for a reason, Noah? He showed you the wickedness of Man and knew you would not look away. And you saw goodness too. The choice was put in your hands because he put it there. He asked you to decide if we were worth saving. And you chose mercy. You chose love. He has given us a second chance. Be a father, be a grandfather. Help us to do better this time. Help us start again.