The Best Nick Morton Quotes

Nick: Who are you?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: I'm a doctor... my name is Jekyll, Henry Jekyll.

Nick: You're welcome, by the way.
Jenny: How's that?
Nick: Because I saved your... whatever-it-is.
[pointing out at the desert]
Jenny: That was safely hidden for 5,000 years before you dropped a Hellfire missile on it.

Nick: I'm thinking!

Nick: Okay, you were right. We have angered the gods.
Jenny: Wait, what?
Nick: I saw her. The chick in the box.
Jenny: Ahmanet?
Nick: That one.
Jenny: Nick...
Nick: He said I'm cursed.
Jenny: Who said?
Nick: Vail.
Jenny: Vail?
Nick: The coffin we found.
Jenny: Sarcophagus.
Nick: Whatever. There was writing on it.
Jenny: Hieroglyphics.
Nick: Jenny, respectfully, I'm not interested in archeological jargon right now.

Nick: Stay with me!
Jenny: I'm scared!
Nick: I'm figuring this out...
Jenny: Don't leave me.

Chris: What do we do now?
Nick: Where's your sense of adventure?

Dr. Henry Jekyll: You are alive because you were chosen.
Nick: Chose? By what?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: Evil. The ultimate evil.

Dr. Henry Jekyll: It's not an exact science, this business.
Nick: What? And the business being?
Dr. Henry Jekyll: Evil, Mr. Morton. Recognize, contain, examine, destroy.

Jenny: You are a good man.
Nick: You don't know that.
Jenny: Yes, I do. There's good man inside of you fighting to come out. You saved my *life*. You gave me the only parachute without thinking.
Nick: [taken aback] I thought there was another one.

Jenny: [after witnessing Ahmanet's attempt to revive Set] Were you just gonna leave me?
Nick: You saw that, right?
Jenny: You were gonna leave me!
Nick: You saw it, right?
Jenny: I can't unsee it!