The Best King Richard the Lionheart Quotes

King: What is your opinion on my Crusade? Will God be pleased with my sacrifice?
Robin: No, he won't.
King: Why do you say that?
Robin: The massacre at Acre, Sire.
King: Speak up!
Robin: When you had us herd two and a half thousand Muslim men, women, and children together; the young woman at my feet, with her hands bound, she looked up at me. There wasn't fear in her eyes, there wasn't anger. There was only pity. She knew that when you gave the order, and our blades would descend upon their heads, that in that moment: we would be godless. All of us. Godless.

Sir: Kneel, you ignorant bastards! Kneel before the King!
[King Richard laughs]
Sir: All of you, move back, now.
King: No, no, Locksley, these men are soldiers at play. Sinners, after mine own heart. Which one of you started the fight?
Robin: I did, Sire. I threw the first punch.
King: Ah, an honest man. And who're you fighting?
Little: He was fighting me, your Majesty. I thought him to be a lesser man. He was showing me different.
King: An enemy that shows his respect. Stand up, the pair of you.