The Best Brecken Merrill Quotes

Tate: I don't have a horse. I can't be a cowboy without a horse.
John: Yeah, pretty tough to cowboy without a horse. That's for sure.

- Look at that.
- Whoo!
- That's a big one, huh?
Tate: Yeah.
Lee: Oh, she's pretty.
- Look at that one.
- Any luck?

Tate: You want me to drive?
Monica: You can't drive.
Tate: I can drive better than this.

Tate: Do you think some day an explorer will find our bones and wonder what happened to us?
John: I think after us, the exploring's all done.

Tate: She gonna be ok?
Kayce: She's a strong woman, son.
Tate: That's not what I asked.
Kayce: We're all gonna be ok. It's just... gonna take time. You lost a brother. I lost a son. But she lost more. He was a... part of her, so she lost a part of herself. If that makes sense.

Tate: Why can't we just live with Grandpa?
Monica: Because our home is here.
Tate: I like his home better. Our home sucks balls!
Monica: Hey! Where do you learn that kind of language?
Tate: School. Probably better I shouldn't go there from all the bad things I learn.
Monica: Mm-hmm.
Tate: Wonder what cuss word I'm gonna learn today.
Monica: Nice try, kid.

Tate: What's a transplant?
Kayce: It's, um, a person who moves to a place, and then they try to make that place just like the place they left.
Tate: That don't make sense.

- How's the stallion treating you?
- It's a gift that keeps on giving.
- Looks like you're mine.
- What do you want to do?
Tate: I wanna go to the river.
- Come on. [Giggling]

- Hello?
- I got my family with me right now.
Tate: Good dog. Good dog.
[Sighs] Send me the location.

Kayce: There's laws on the reservation that don't apply to people who don't live here. Sometimes people come and try to take advantage. Does that make sense? Well, it's the truth. I just need to make sure this isn't one of those people.
Tate: What if it is?
Kayce: Everything's gonna be all right, buddy.
Tate: If it's gonna be all right, why are you taking a gun?
Kayce: Just like your mother.

Tate: I need to talk to you first, Grandpa. It's very serious.
John: All right.
Kayce: Do I need to be part of this conversation?
Tate: You ain't got any money. Gotta be him.
John: This should be good.

Tate: Why can't we ride with them?
Lloyd: 'Cause that's a pretty rough haul. Old Blue Jeans, he ain't got any more mountains in him.
Tate: Who's Blue Jeans?
Lloyd: Blue Jeans is the horse you're gonna be ridin'. He's almost as old as your daddy. In fact, I remember when your daddy used to run all over hell and gone on that son of a...
Monica: [clears throat]
Lloyd: Son of a gun.

John: We're gonna mark a little territory, grandson. Get to it.
Tate: Just in one spot?
John: Everywhere you can. Let 'er rip... Whoa, hey, don't mark me!

- Yeah, everyone keeps telling you to leave and you keep doing it.
- What you're supposed to do is fight for the life that you want!
- That's not what you asked me to do!
Tate: Stop it!

[Softly] Come on.
- What was he doing here?
[Sighs] Who knows?
Tate: Dad!
- Is this for me?

- That one doesn't even have a head.
Tate: No.
- That's a long stem.
- Mmm-hmm. Those are eggs, I think.
- They'll turn into babies, and then turn into these big things that everything's trying to kill everything else.

- before he has his supper?
- I'll be right back.
- You hurry up then, okay?
- You don't want that ice cream to melt, do ya?
Tate: Uh-uh.
- Go on.

Tate: She was one hot tamale.
Monica: Tate!