Top 50 Quotes From Cole Hauser

Rip: I'm married, darling.
Hailey: Me too.
Rip: Yeah, where's your husband at?
Hailey: He's in Sacramento. Where's your wife?
Rip: My wife is standing right over there, staring at you.

Rip: Now, I'm gonna ride off into the sunset.
Beth: That's the sunrise.
Rip: Shit. You know what I mean.

- Bunch of assholes taking the scenic route to sturgis.
Rip: Yep.
- You know, when they come back for them bikes, they're gonna fuck this field up something fierce.
- Probably so.
- Let's go fix the fence. Come on.

Johns: He just escaped from a maximum security prison.
Fry: Should he just stay locked up forever?
Johns: That would be my choice.
Fry: Is he really that dangerous?
Johns: Only around humans.

Johns: Somebody's gonna get hurt one of these days. It ain't gonna be me.

Rip: Can I help you?
Malcolm: Looking for John dutton.
- Yeah, who's looking for John dutton?
- We don't know you.
- What the fuck is this guy up to?
- Hey, step back.

John: Line up the trucks.
Rip: They're lined up. We just need to know where they're headed.
John: Ground in Eastern Colorado and north of Panhandle in Texas.

Rip: You ought to listen to this. They're building a casino with a 400-room hotel with a housing development around it. Right up against your fence.
John: Rainwater and Jenkins are working together? When I'm gone, they will gobble this place up. Rainwater will annex that land into the reservation. I don't have a child who could fight for this. I'm running out of time, Rip, and they aren't ready. My children aren't ready to protect this place.
Rip: What do you want me to do?
John: These problems have to go away before I do.
Rip: Well, how far away do you want them to go?
John: When they go away they never come back. Ever.

[Chuckles] And you don't want me standing up, boy.
- I will beat you like a rented mule.
Rip: There's one rule on this ranch, cowboy.
- If you wanna fight somebody, you fight me.
- I guess you forgot that rule, right?
- Go sit down.

John: [Looking at the impressive landscape] And they wonder why we fight so hard. You see what you been missing?
Beth: Did anyone think to pack any vodka?
John: Beth, just... look at the horizon.
Beth: Yeah, I see it, Dad, it's very pretty.
[He chuckles]
Beth: What, I said it's pretty. Don't make a thing out of it.
John: You two drop in here. I wanna go down a hundred yards where she can't ruin this for me.
Beth: It's the same view from the porch. Just a different angle.
Rip: Honey, you got a mean streak as big as this damn valley.
Beth: Well, it's a woman's job to give a man perspective, baby.

Rip: There are sharks and minnows in this world and if you don't know which one you are you ain't no fuckin' shark!

- Thank god.
- Fucking fucking fuck!
- Boy, these two really don't like each other.
Rip: Walker's been done for an hour.
- Lloyd's got no quit in him.

Beth: Just a date. Lord knows, you can afford it. Been wearing the same three pairs of jeans and jacket for a fuckin' decade.
Rip: [LAUGHS] Yeah.
Beth: Probably got more money than me.
Rip: Nah. Money's the one thing I don't have.
Beth: You get paid every week, don't you?
Rip: Mm-hmm, yep.
Beth: So what do you spend your money on? You keeping a sweet little place in town for Saturday nights?
Rip: Jesus, Beth. Why is it that your mind always stops at the first thing that you should never do?
Beth: What's wrong with that? If I was a man, I'd buy an apartment complex. And I'd fill it with buxom little bunnies. I'd start on the first floor Friday and end up on the roof by Sunday.
Rip: [CHUCKLES] Hmm.
Beth: I'm serious. What do you spend your money on?
Rip: Oh, Beth, it's a nice night. Let's not ruin it with the truth.
Beth: Tell me.
Rip: I spent $22,000 on my mom's headstone. Stands about as tall as me. Marble. I got the guy to etch her face into it. I spent 30 on my little brother's. It stands a little bit taller, I dunno, guess I wanted him to be a little closer to heaven. But the best money that I ever spent was $5,000 to a gravedigger in Forsyth.
Beth: What did you pay him for?
Rip: He dug up my father and gave me his bones. And I drove from there all the way to North Dakota throwing them out the fuckin' window.
Beth: I remember the stories of heaven and hell in church. Lies, a lot of it. I think heaven's right here. So's hell. One person can be walking the clouds right next to someone enduring eternal damnation. And God is the land. Don't say it. It doesn't mean anything on a roof, under stars like a bunch of fucking hippies. Tell me... Tell me when it saves me.
Rip: Okay. I won't say it.

Rip: Jamie?
- Where's her phone?
- Give it to me.
- All right. Let's go.

Johns: Zeke, fully-loaded clip. Safety's on. One shot if you spot him, okay?
Zeke: Don't tell me you're going off too.
Johns: Yeah.
Paris: But what happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
Johns: [grinning] There will be no shots.

- Hey, start looking for that son of a bitch!
- He might be laid up in them trees or that deep grass over there.
- I got him.
- You weren't in Texas that long.
Rip: Let him try, Lloyd, let him try.
- Go on, Jimmy.

Rip: Is it a one-shot...
- Or a two-shot day?
- It's a pour the bottle in a bucket kind of day.
Rip: Mm.
- Lime?
- Yeah.
- Where's the boy?

- The soldier.
Rip: Whoa, easy.
John: Pull him down.
Rip: Easy. Easy.
- There you go.
- Come on.

- We're done here.
- You got him.
- No, no, no, come on.
- No, Jimmy!
- It's on you, Fred.
Rip: Think you proved your point, Fred.
Colby: Yeah, I think he's got it.
Fred: I told him to fuckin' stay down.

Fry: You're not a cop, are you?
Johns: Never said I was.
Fry: No, you didn't. You never said you were a hype, either.
Johns: You have a little caffeine in the morning; I have a little morphine. So what?
Fry: [looking at shotgun shells with morphine in them, sees all have two vials inside the shell] Here, you got two mornings everyday. Wow, you're just born lucky.

Rip: This looks good, sweetie.
- Yeah, I think I got this whole cooking thing figured out.
- Oh, yeah? Let me see.
- Mmm.
- That's good.

John: [talking about Colby and Teeter] What happened to them?
Rip: You friend Wade Morrow is what happened to them, sir.
Kayce: He ran them down. On our side of the fence. The boys are pretty hot, they wanna go after him.
Rip: I mean, he's been goading our ass ever since he got here.
John: He's been goading me pretty good, too. That piece of shit is a bully and a coward, but he ain't stupid. His job ain't riding tourists by buffalo. This is what he was hired to do.
Rip: Well sir, what do you want to do?
Kayce: Can't call the sheriff.
John: No. They already thought about that and already have a reason or an excuse or alibi.
Kayce: We gotta do something.
John: I have more reason than anyone to go after that piece of shit.
[looks at Rip]
John: You don't send him off half-cocked. You be smart about this. You figure out a plan that works. And you take that trash to the fucking train station.
Rip: Yes, sir.
[starts to walk away]
John: Rip.
[he turns back to him]
John: That son of a bitch has something that belongs to me and I want it back.

- home you're so far away, come on home
- Rancher: This is the last one.
Rip: Jimmy, hey, get your ass up here.
- I just saw a trout.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Crank this thing until I tell you to stop.

Rip: Do you know how stupid you both look? You look ridiculous.
Summer: [to Beth] Get... off.
Rip: Do you think you're gonna beat the other one into respecting your opinion? Hell, I don't even know how you can respect yourselves.
[to Beth]
Rip: Is this the kind of manners that you want to teach that boy? Hm?
[to Summer]
Rip: And you. I don't know you. But I know this, you're never going to convince someone to think the way that you think by insulting them in their own house. If you don't like the food, don't fucking eat it. I don't think I need to tell you about all the people that are starving around this planet tonight. So, maybe shut the fuck up and say thank you. Or leave... There's an option no one thought about.
Summer: I can't leave.
Rip: Well, unless you want this to happen every night for the rest of the time that you're here, I suggest you figure out a way to get along. Now, Beth, have you had enough?
Beth: Not even close.
Rip: [laughs] What about you, Summer? Huh?
Summer: I could do this all night.
Rip: Fine. Then let's end it with a little bit of dignity instead of rolling around on the ground like a bunch of fucking nine year old. Just stand here and trade 'em. Until one of yours had enough.
[Beth and Summer exchange blows, Summer falls to the floor]
Rip: No, no, no, don't look at me. I'm not the one that got you into this. If you want to quit, Summer, I'll make sure it stays quit, but I ain't quitting for you.

Johns: I thought I said no shivs.
Riddick: You mean this? This is just a personal grooming appliance.

- Kayce, run him down, so I can stab his rumen.
- Gat the gas out of him.
Rip: Easy.
- Jimmy. Gimme the wonder dust out of the saddlebag.
- The what kind of dust?
Rip: The wound dust.
- Grab it out of the fucking bag.

- Green shirt, green shirt!
Rip: Right there. Get him, Walker!
- Get his fucking...
- Woman: Hey, hey!
- Bitch, let's go.
- You're going to live up to the brand or I'm gonna fuckin' take it back, do you hear me?

Johns: Battlefield doctors decide who lives and dies. It's called 'triage'.
Riddick: They kept calling it 'murder' when I did it.

Agent: We're all gonna need someone to blame when thing goes sideways.
Colonel: It's already sideways.

- Just gotta be careful we don't start a fucking forest fire.
John: We'll bring up water trucks.
- I'll have the fire department out, just in case.
- I don't see any other way.
- Burn it.
Rip: Yes, sir.

Carolyn: How much do you weigh, Johns?
William J. Johns: What's it matter, Carolyn?
Carolyn: How much?
William J. Johns: Around 79 kilos, to be exact.
Carolyn: 'Cause you're 79 kilos of gutless white meat, and that's why you can't think of a better plan.

Ryan: What in the...
Colby: You think they wandered in from the park?
Rip: Nah, there's too many fences.
- Who are these son of a bitches here?
- Come on. Let's go.

Rip: Just a little reminder, Lloyd. They might let us stay here and get old and rusted, but we're just tools. And that's all we'll ever be.

Rip: Here you go.
John: You were standing?
- No. No, I was kneeling.

Rip: You know why, uh, people don't come and talk to you? 'Cause they're scared they're gonna let you down. I know I am.
John: Well, if you're marrying Beth, you've already proved you're not scared of anything.

- That's like a dentist going home and looking at pictures of teeth.
- Whatever you say, Tex.
- I'll be damned. Look who went off and become a cowboy.
- Yeah, it seems that way, doesn't it, Lloyd?
- Any more in here?
Lloyd: I don't believe so.
Rip: Let's just do a little once-over though, yeah?

Riddick: That's death row up there, especially with the girl bleeding.
[Johns looks at Fry]
Johns: The fuck you talking about? She's not cut.
Riddick: Not her.
[turns around and looks at Jack]
Riddick: Her.

Beth: You know, you're smarter than you look... Not sayin' much, but you are.
Rip: Well, you're as smart as you look, and that's sayin' a heap.

John: Hey, if you uh, you hire another girl, she needs to be mean or ugly, one of the two. Last thing I need is a love-struck cowboy climbin' into the wrong bunk. You know what I mean?
Rip: Mean or ugly. Yes sir.

Rip: You know what's gonna happen, don't you, sir?
John: I suspect it's happening right now, Rip. I'm sick of listening to it. Let them get it out of their system.
Rip: Nothing gets out of your daughter's system, sir.

Rip: Sweetheart... Don't bite my head off for asking this question.
Beth: Ii don't like the way this is starting.
Rip: Me either... Um... Would you like to come to the fair with me?
Beth: Sure, when?
Rip: Yes? Really?
Beth: Yeah, why wouldn't I want to go to the fair?
John: Is "fair" some sort of metaphor for something a father shouldn't be hearing?
Rip: No, no. It's the fair. It's the county fair.

- Flush.
- Looks like the bad luck's done with you, Jimmy.
Rip: Hey, boys.
- This here is Avery.
- She's the new groomer.
- You treat her like a cowboy.
- You understand what I mean?

John: You sure you were here?
Rip: I'm sure, sir.
- Give it to me.
- Give it to me.

Johns: [Fry is looking for Zeke's body based on Riddick's claim that he had nothing to do with his demise] Let me tell you what I think happened. I think he went off on the guy and buried him in the hill somewhere, and now he's got you believing there's something else out there.
Fry: Well, let's just be sure.
Johns: Murders aside, Riddick belongs in the asshole hall of fame. He loves to jaw-jack and he loves to make you feel afraid because that's all he has, and you're playing right into it.
Fry: I don't know why I'm trying to explain this to you, Johns. You're a cop. For God's sake, we couldn't find his body.
Johns: Look, being ballsy with your life doesn't change what came before. It's just stupid.
Fry: What? You think I'm trying to prove something?
Johns: Well, are you?

Rip: What happened, sir?
John: He didn't wake up. He just... died on the trail. Like every cowboy dreams it.

Rip: Hey Jimmy, you know why you never met any old rodeo cowboys? 'Cause there ain't any.
Lloyd: I'm old.
Rip: Shit, you just look old.

- Lucky.
- That's a good name.
- All right, Tate.
Rip: He's good-looking.
- I think he'll do good for you.
- Thank you.

Jodi: Hey, I got a favour to ask you guys. You know my little brother?
Benny: Yeah, Mitch Kramer
Jodi: Ya, Mitch Kramer. Well, take it easy on him this summer will ya?
Pink: Don't worry sis, little brother's safe with us.
Jodi: Well just don't get him worse than the other guys. He's kinda little.
[walks off]
Benny: Ok. I promise.
[Jodi walks off]
Dawson: There was just a little bit of bullshit in all that right?
Benny: Major bullshit. He's a dead man.

Riddick: I know you don't prep your emergency ship unless there's a fuckin' emergency.
Jack: He's fuckin' right.
Johns: Hey, watch your mouth.

Rip: That ain't Spanish, it's Texan.
Lloyd: That ain't Texan, that's gibberish.