The Best Don Dawson Quotes

Shavonne: You're an asshole.
Dawson: I know I am.

Pickford: Don, give the beer back, man!
Don: I paid for the beer, man.

Dawson: Not bad for a little freshman but you gotta watch out for older girls
Melvin: Hey. Come here. We just wanna know something. You gonna be fucking that tonight, or are you gonna be a little wimp?
Mitch: [laughs] How do you know I haven't already
Melvin: [clearly pleased, laughs] Go along man, I think its past your bedtime!

Dawson: Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place... Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place.

Freshman Girl: Will you marry me?
Dawson: I don't know. What's in it for me?
Freshman Girl: Anything you want?
Dawson: Anything?
Freshman Girl: Anything.
Dawson: [opening his mouth wide] Go like this. Do you spit or swallow?
Freshman Girl: Whatever you like.
Dawson: Whatever I like? I would definitely marry you.

Dawson: You know that Julie chick? Loves you. You want her? Gotta play it cool, you know. You can't let her know how much you like ?cause if she knows, she'll dump you like that. Believe me. Like, if she asks you if you want a ride, you say, "No, I've got my own ride, but maybe I'll see you later." Sounds stupid, doesn't it? It works.

Jodi: Hey, I got a favour to ask you guys. You know my little brother?
Benny: Yeah, Mitch Kramer
Jodi: Ya, Mitch Kramer. Well, take it easy on him this summer will ya?
Pink: Don't worry sis, little brother's safe with us.
Jodi: Well just don't get him worse than the other guys. He's kinda little.
[walks off]
Benny: Ok. I promise.
[Jodi walks off]
Dawson: There was just a little bit of bullshit in all that right?
Benny: Major bullshit. He's a dead man.