The Best Ryan Quotes

- Whatever you say, baby, just take your pants off.
- Other room.
Ryan: You can take your pants off in the other room.
- I don't know why we're talking about that when we're watching a horse.
- Doesn't even make any sense.
- I gotta get up.

Ryan: What in the...
Colby: You think they wandered in from the park?
Rip: Nah, there's too many fences.
- Who are these son of a bitches here?
- Come on. Let's go.

Teeter: Gimme my bar.
[carnival worker looks confused]
Teeter: Come on, man, gimme my f***in' bar!
Ryan,41363: Uh, she wants the bear.
Carnival: Got it.
Teeter: That's what I said.

- It's the fucking cow police.
- Look at this pink-haired hick mad-dogging me.
- You got a problem, bitch?
- Fuck you just say to me?
- Called you a fucking bitch.
Ryan: Teeter!