The Best Derrick O'Connor Quotes

Alexander: [Jack is watching the video footage of Laura] How did you acquire your intel?
Irina: Every night for ten years I went through his briefcase. I eavesdropped on all of his private conversations. I planted listening devices on his clothing. He was blinded by his emotions. He knew nothing. I can tell you one thing: Jack Bristow was a fool.

Matt: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been a week since my last...
Father: What the hell are you playing at, Matt? You didn't come here for forgiveness. You came for permission, and I can't give you that.
Matt: Justice isn't a sin, Father.
Father: No, but vengeance is. You see it every day on the street: violence begets more violence. Is that how you want to live your life? A lawyer during the day, and then judge and jury at night? Is that what you want?
Matt: Somebody has to do something.
Father: But why you?
Matt: Because I can. Because I'm not afraid.
Father: Well, I'm afraid FOR you, Matthew. Look, a man without fear is a man without hope. May God have mercy on you for your sins and grant you Everlasting Life, Amen.
Father: I'm not too crazy about the outfit, either.

Irina: [Sydney is watching the video footage of her mother] My Russian or American name?
Alexander: Why not both?
Irina: Irina Derevko and Laura Bristow.

Daredevil: [Director's Cut Version] This is my confession, Father.
Father: [whispering] God's mercy is infinite. All you gotta do is ask.
Daredevil: Everything I had has been taken from me. Now I'm supposed to ask for mercy. I don't ask for mercy - people ask me!
Father: Oh, is that a fact?

Gibbs: [in Tortuga signing sailors up] And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?
Very: Truth be told, I've never sailed a day in me life. I think I should get out and see the world while I'm still young.
Gibbs: You'll do, make your mark. Next!
Skinny: My wife ran off with my dog and I'm drunk for a month and I don't give a ass rat's if I live or die.
Gibbs: Perfect, next!

Father: [from the Director's Cut, Matt is sitting alone in the church] You know the great strength of the church? Its sense of community.
Matt: Morning, Father.
Father: Good morning. This may come as a surprise to you Matthew, but we are open on Sunday.
Matt: I like the quiet.
Father: I don't think so, son, I think you like the solitude.
Father: And you find it in here, do you?
Matt: Sometimes. Sometimes not.
Father: You don't have to go it alone. My confessional is open to you all the time. There's no keeping secrets from God, son. I tell you Matthew, spend thirty years in one of those boxes, and there's nothing I haven't heard.
Matt: Well, let's keep it that way.

Sydney: Wait. I have questions for you.
Alexander: You can ask my boss.
Sydney: Your boss? I thought The Man was the boss.
Alexander: Yes. Yes, but I am not The Man.
Irina: [a woman enters and stands in front of Sydney] I have waited almost thirty years for this.
Sydney: Mom?