The Best Devon Conti Quotes

Detective: If that's how you want it, then I guess we're done here. Tell county jail we're remanding him for trial.
Arthur: Wait. I didn't do anything. I wasn't even here when it happened.
Detective: By pretending to be Walter Collins, you're interfering in a police investigation of a kidnapping and murder. We can try you as accomplice to that murder after the fact. That's too bad. County jail is a lot worse than a juvenile hall or a foster home. It's a lot worse.
Arthur: You can't do that. I'm just a kid.
Detective: Mm. Sanford Clark's a kid, too. Fifteen. He's going to jail. All murderers and their accomplices go to jail. Everybody knows that. Get him out of here. It's out of my hands now.
Arthur: Wait. I don't want to go to jail.
Detective: [pause] Prove it.
Arthur: I... I knew Los Angeles is where they make the Tom Mix movies. I figured if I could meet Tom Mix, maybe he would let me ride on his horse. His horse is named Tony. Did you know that?

Arthur: Night, Mommy.
Christine: [yelling] Stop calling me that! I'm not your mother! I want my son back! Damn you!