100 Best Angelina Jolie Quotes

Christine: Why would they do this?
Rev. Gustav Briegleb: To avoid admitting they made a mistake when they brought back the wrong boy. Of course, anyone reading the newspaper with half a brain would see through it instantly. Sadly, that would exclude about half the readership of the Times. Mrs. Collins, I have made it my mission in life to bring to light all the things the LAPD wish none of us ever knew about. A department ruled by violence, abuse, murder, corruption and intimidation. When Chief Davis took over the force two years ago, he said...
Chief James E. Davis: We will hold court against gunmen in the streets of Los Angeles. I want them brought in dead, not alive, and I will reprimand any officer who shows the least mercy to a criminal.
Rev. Gustav Briegleb: He picked 50 of the most violent cops on the force, gave them machine guns and permission to shoot anyone who got in their way. He called them the Gun Squad. No lawyers, no trials, no questions, no suspensions, no investigations, just piles of bodies. Bodies in the morgues, bodies in the hospitals, bodies by the side of the road, and not because the LAPD wanted to wipe out crime. No. The LAPD wanted to wipe out the competition. Mayor Cryer and half the force are on the take: gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, you name it. Because once you give people the freedom to do whatever they want, as the Lord found in the Garden of Eden, they will do exactly that. This police department does not tolerate dissent or contradiction or even embarrassment. And you are in a position to embarrass them and they do not like it. They will do anything in their power to discredit you. I've seen it happen too many times to start going blind now. That's why I wanted to meet you, to let you know what you're getting yourself into and to help you fight it, if you choose to.
Christine: Reverend, I appreciate everything that you're doing and everything that you said, but I'm not on a mission. I just want my son home.

Wesley: [while being chased by Cross] Please, please, please drive faster!
Fox: Please be quiet!

Tigress: Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never loved anyone before... or since. And now, he has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior. And he's stuck with you. A big, fat, panda, who treats it like a joke.
[Po makes a sudden funny face]
Tigress: Oh that is it!
[she lunges at Po]
Mantis: Wait, my fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve!
[Po falls to the ground revealing a lot of needles in his back]
Mantis: And may... have also stopped his heart.

Jane: [over a speakerphone] I thought I told you not to bother me at the office, honey.
John: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] Well, you are still Mrs. Smith.
Jane: [over a speakerphone] Well, so are a lot of girls.

Amelia: [shows evidence bags] Maybe this'll help.
Lincoln: Cheney will have your badge for that.
Amelia: Well, he wouldn't give me a chain of custody voucher, so what could I do?
Lincoln: You could bring it back to him.
Amelia: The man is a living monument to ineptitude.
Lincoln: True. Let's take a look.

Thelma: Just give it a few seconds to work. Come on, breathe with me. Breathe with me, Rhyme. Rhyme! Come on, now... Hang on, Rhyme. Hang on, man.
Amelia: Is he gonna make it?
Thelma: If he does, he won't be happy.
Amelia: What are you talking about?
Thelma: He's already finalized arrangements to self-terminate... He's got some doctor friend to help with his "final transition" as he calls it.
Amelia: But suicide? I mean...
Thelma: It's the seizures. Any one of them could put him into a vegetative state. That's what he fears more than anything.

Po: Hey, guys...
Tigress: [bowing low before Po] Master.
[the rest of the Five follow suit]
Po: Master?... Master Shifu!

[first lines]
Christine: Walter, honey. Time to wake up.
Walter: Just 10 more minutes...
Christine: Sorry, sport. You can sleep in tomorrow, that's what Saturdays are for.

Jane: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

John: I never went to MIT. Notre Dame. Art history major.
Jane: Art?
John: History! It's reputable.

Hannah: [Re: Connor's disgust at the MRE] Mmmmmmm!
Connor: You eat these?
Hannah: Three meals a day.
Connor: No wonder you're so skinny.

Tigress: One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu.
Crane: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.
Monkey: Or even see his toes.

Wesley: [after killing first target] What did he do to deserve to die? You don't know. I didn't know if he was bad. I didn't know if he was evil. I didn't know anything about him. We get orders from a loom; fate. And we're supposed to take enough faith in what we're doing is right. Killing someone we know nothing about. I don't know if I can do that.
Fox: About twenty years ago, there was this girl. Her dad was a federal judge, so she probably had it in her mind that she would follow in his footsteps. So she's home one Christmas, and her dad's on this big racketeering case. The defendant wanted to get a softer judge who they could buy off. So they hired this guy, Max Petridge, to get him to pay her father a visit. And the way he pays people a visit is to break in, and tie up their loved ones, and force them to watch while he burns his targets alive. And then he takes a wire hanger, twists it around, and brands his initials into each one of them so they will never ever forget. After I was recruited into the Fraternity, I found out that Max Petridge's name had come up, weeks before the federal judge was killed, and that a Fraternity member had failed to pull the trigger. We don't know how far the ripples of our decisions go. We kill one, and maybe save a thousand. That's the code of the Fraternity. That's what we believe in, and that's why we do it.

[last lines]
Patrick: Do it... DO IT!
Hannah: [glances at the approaching inferno] The fire will do it for me.
[to him with a look of revulsion]
Hannah: You can fucking suffer.
[leaves him to burn]

Fox: I want you to curve the bullet.
Wesley: How am I supposed to do that?
Sloan: [walking in] It's not a question of how. It's a question of what. If no one told you that bullets flew straight, and I gave you a gun and told you to hit the target, what would you do? Let your instincts guide you.

Hannah: Okay, listen to me. Take a deep breath, hold it and lay back. Watch what I do.

Po: The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened! Where I came from! Who I am.
Po: Look, I'm going. I have to know. The hardcore can't understand.
[Tigress lunges at Po]
Viper: Tigress, no!
[Tigress hugs Po; Crane's jaw drops]
Tigress: The hardcore DO understand. But I can't watch my friend be killed.
[pulls away]
Tigress: [to the rest] We're going.
Crane: Uh, maybe you can't watch *me* be killed?
Tigress: Stop being a wimp.
Monkey: ...And, she's back.

Jane: [referring to the hit men in three black BMW'S pursuing them] They're bulletproof!
John: [having not heard the hit men in three black BMW'S pursuing them and shot three times at the three black BMW'S chasing them] They're bulletproof!

Evelyn: What is your name?
Vassily: My name is Vassily Orlov. Today, a Russian agent will travel to New York city to kill the President. This agent is KA-12.
Evelyn: The KA program is a myth.
Vassily: Don't you want to know the name?
Evelyn: You're good. You can tell the rest of your story to one of my colleagues.
Vassily: Salt.
Evelyn: Yes?
Vassily: The name of the agent is Evelyn Salt.
Evelyn: My name is Evelyn Salt.
Vassily: Then you are a Russian spy.

Hannah: [struggling on the ground] What do I call you?
Connor: [defiantly] Fuck you!
Hannah: [repulsed] How charming.

Lincoln: Pull up a chair. I want you to tell me everything you know about the crime scene.
Amelia: Basically, you saw my report.
Lincoln: I read your report. I wanna know what you felt. What you feel... in the deepest recesses of your senses.
Amelia: You are in love with the sound of your own voice, aren't you?
Lincoln: No, it's your voice I yearn to hear. Pull up a chair. I won't bite you.

Peabody: Hey. Why'd you kill him?
Evelyn: Because somebody had to.
Peabody: [punches her hard]
Peabody: [to everyone else] What?
Evelyn: By this, I take it you think everybody is who they say they are.

John: I realise you witnessed the Mrs. and I working through a few domestic issues. That's regrettable but don't take that to be a sign of weakness, that would be a mistake on your part.
[Jane is drumming her fingers impatiently]
John: Honey!
Jane: Wrap it up.
John: Maybe it's not such a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage - sends a mixed message.
Jane: Sorry.
John: Girls. Where was I?
Benjamin: Mistake on your part.
John: Shut up.

Lincoln: Nitrogen rich, explosive carbons, where do you find those in New York City?
Paulie: Bomb sites, shooting ranges.
Amelia: Maybe an old fort or an armory?
Eddie: Let's not forget the shit factor, guys.
Lincoln: The what?
Eddie: Manure becomes a nitrate when it's aged.
Lincoln: That's true. And you got cow bones, huh? Old cow bones, old manure. Turn of the century. Cows, farms... pastures, rats... dead cows. Where do you find... In stockyards... slaughterhouses, that's what we want to look for.

Amelia: Excuse me, but the victim was already dead when we arrived.
Captain: And you, half-assed patrolman working a crime scene... those days are over. I'll take that evidence bag now, thank you.
Amelia: You can take it with a chain of custody voucher, sir.
Captain: Are you out of your mind? Hmmm? Let's go. You're coming with us.
Amelia: What? Are you arresting me?
Captain: You just get in the car, and keep your mouth shut to the press.

Ted: [rattled by underling] "Sir"? Do I look like a "sir" to you?
Evelyn: From head to toe. I'm surprised he didn't call you "Your Majesty".
Ted: I like the ring of that. I think I'd prefer "Your Majesty".

John: [over the Bluetooth headset phone, trying to beat Jane home] That's the second time you've tried to kill me today.
Jane: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] Oh, come on, it was just a little bomb.

Arthur: Night, Mommy.
Christine: [yelling] Stop calling me that! I'm not your mother! I want my son back! Damn you!

John: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] The first time we met, what was your first thought?
Jane: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] You tell me.
John: I thought... I thought you looked like Christmas morning, I don't know how else to say it.
Jane: [over her speakerphone, trying to beat John home] And why are you telling me this now?
John: I guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning... so there it is, I thought you should know.

Jane: [after shooting three shots through a wall at John] Still alive, baby?

Dr. John Montgomery: He had two cavities that needed filling. He put up a fight, but I took care of it.
Christine: And?
Dr. John Montgomery: Your son's upper front teeth were separated by a small tissue, a diastema. It made them sit about an eighth of an inch apart. The boy in that room has no such gap.
Christine: Can that change with age? Because that's what they're going to say.
Dr. John Montgomery: In some cases, yes, it's possible. But the tissue between Walter's teeth prevents that from happening. You see, they can never come together without an operation to sever the tissue, and I can tell you right now that he has never had such an operation.
Christine: Would you be willing to put that officially in writing?
Dr. John Montgomery: Pardon my language, but hell yes.

Amelia: What, you think that because of your condition you have the right to boss people around? I'm sorry, but that is truly pathetic.
Rhyme: Truly?
Amelia: Damn right, truly.

Jane: There's this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with everything that we *don't* say to each other. What's that called?
Marriage: Marriage.

Grendel's: Are you the one they call Beowulf? The Bee-Wolf. The bear. Such a strong man you are with the strength of a king. The king you will one day become.

Lincoln: Two things. First, you did a hell of a job locating the evidence. There's no question the perp knows forensics.
Lincoln: Now, as for the other thing... the... you know, the victim's hands, well, maybe, uh... maybe it was too much to handle, so we'll just forget it.
Amelia: Is that your version of an apology?
Lincoln: An apology? Is that why you came over here?
Amelia: You really are a piece of work.
Lincoln: Well, aren't we a pair?... I think you're terrific.

Eddie: [sitting in front of John in a diner] Tell me you got smart and that you killed that lying bitch.
Jane: [turns around her chair at the bar] This lying bitch?
Eddie: Guess that was just wishful thinking.

Tigress: You don't belong here.
Po: Right, I know. This is your room.
Tigress: No, I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace. You're a disgrace to kung fu, and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do, you will be gone by morning.
[Closes door]
Po: [after awkward pause] Big fan.

Peabody: How many more like you are there?
Evelyn: Like me? None. Like him? More than you or I can handle alone.

[first lines]
Evelyn: [being dragged out and tied down] Please let me go home. Please, I'm not who you think I am. I'm really not who you think I am. Please. Please, I'm not a spy.
North: You are a spy!
Evelyn: I'm not a spy. Please let me go home.
North: Try again.
Evelyn: I am not a spy! I am a business woman. I work for Rink Petroleum and Gas. Please call them. I work for Rink Petroleum!
North: You are here to sabotage our nuclear ambitions. Yes?
Evelyn: [gasoline funnel being forced into her mouth] I am not a spy! I am not a spy!

Tigress: Impressive, Dragon Warrior! What's your plan?
Po: Step one, free the Five!
Viper: What's step two?
Po: Honestly, I didn't think I was gonna make it this far.
Tigress: Po!
Po: Uh, stop Shen before he gets to the harbor!

John: Careful, Jane. I can push the button any time I like.
Jane: Baby, you couldn't find the button with both hands and a map.

Hannah: We looked it right in the eye.
Ryan: What was it like?
Hannah: It was beautiful.
Connor: I didn't think it was beautiful, it scared the shit out of me.
Ryan: Well, it scared the shit out of me too, sport.

Amelia: Thelma told me about your plans for your "final transition."
Lincoln: Cop to cop, that subject's not open to discussion. Why?... Would you miss me?
Amelia: Well, destiny's what we make it, right?
Lincoln: Touche.
Amelia: Now, you seem to have your reasons for checking out. I just... I would have expected more from someone like you.
Lincoln: Well, I might surprise you and... live forever.
Amelia: Nothing you could do would surprise me, Rhyme.

Amelia: Smells like manure down here. Ortiz knows his shit!

John: [takes her hand and starts walking towards the dance floor in a fancy restaurant] Dance with me.
Jane: You don't dance.
John: It was just my cover, sweetheart.
Jane: Was sloth your cover, too?

Dr. Jonathan Steele: By signing this, you certify that you were wrong when you stated the boy returned to you by the police was not your son. It further stipulates that the police were right in sending you here for observation and it absolves them of all responsibility.
Christine: I won't sign that.

Rhyme: [Amelia caresses a sleeping Rhyme's hand] There are laws against molesting the handicapped, you know.
[he awakens]
Amelia: Yeah?

Peabody: If I did believe you, and I'm not saying for a second that I do, but if I did, nobody else would.
Evelyn: Well, maybe you can think of a way around that.

[John has just returned from shooting Lucky at the bar]
Jane: Hey baby. I didn't hear you downstairs.
John: I went down to the sports bar. Put a little money on the game.
Jane: How'd you do?
John: I got "Lucky".

Captain: You the one who stopped the train?
Amelia: Yes, sir. I thought it would disturb physical evidence.
Captain: So, why not shut down Grand Central while you're at it, hmm, Patrolman Donahue? Is that right?
Amelia: Donaghy.
Captain: A rookie, I take it?
Amelia: No, sir.
Captain: Pretty dumb.

Ethan: The goal, you fucking clowns, for the day...
Hannah: No fighting.
Ethan: Exactly right. And please do not jump off of shit with parachutes, okay?
Ryan: Oh, who would do that?
Ethan: Oh, I have no idea.
Hannah: I... am older now, and... Well, I'm older.
Ethan: Just trying to keep you alive.
Ben: Hey, no, no, hey, hey. Don't you worry about that. That's our job. You just write parking tickets and we'll keep you alive.

Jane: [lying down in the hallway of their home] That vacation in Aspen, you left early, why?
John: Jean-Luc Gespar.
Jane: Damn, I wanted him.
John: I got it.

Jane: [over a speakerphone] you really expect me to roll over and play dead?
John: [over the Bluetooth headset phone] Well, you should be used to it after five years of marriage.
Jane: Six... and I'm not leaving.

Grendel's: I know that underneath your glamor you're as much a monster as my son, Grendel.
Beowulf: My glamor!
Grendel's: One needs glamor to become a king.

Tigress: [to Po] Kai took the Valley, it's all gone... now he's coming for the Pandas... you MUST teach them to fight!

Tigress: I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water...
Po: This is nothing like that plan.
Tigress: How?
Po: Because this one is gonna work.

Grendel's: I see you brought me treasure.
Beowulf: [to Grendel's Mother] Show yourself! What are you?

Amelia: I can't do this.
Lincoln: You can do it. Yes, you can. Yesterday you stopped a train. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it.
Amelia: Don't work me, Rhyme... Just tell me what to do next.
Lincoln: Very slowly... walk the grid... one foot in front of the other. I want you to look around you now. Remember... crime scenes are three-dimensional... floors, walls and ceilings.

Jane: [dancing with John, he's just finished searching her for weapons] Satisfied?
John: Not for years.

Wesley: [upon being startled by Fox] I'm sorry.
Fox: You apologize too much.
Wesley: [awkwardly] Well, sorry about that.
Fox: I knew your father.
Wesley: My father left the week I was born, so...
Fox: Your father died yesterday on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Building. Sorry.
Wesley: [laughing in disbelief] Look, the liquor aisle is just over there, so if you want to go...
Fox: [interrupting] Your father was one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. The man who killed him is behind you.

Paulie: You okay?
Amelia: I'm fine. Wanna step aside so I can walk the grid?
Paulie: Yeah.

Rhyme: Do you know who I am?
Amelia: I read your manual at the academy.
Rhyme: Yeah? What did you think of it?
Amelia: I'm not a book critic, sir.

Amelia: Shit! Cheney's here.
[puts the evidences into her pocket]
Captain: You talking to Rhyme on that thing? Give me the radio. Now, listen, Linc. This is Cheney, man. What the hell do you think you're doing? Stealing evidence is a goddamn felony. You know that.
Lincoln: To my understanding, there's no chain of evidence voucher.
Captain: Oh, yeah? Well, I got some news for you. You are not a cop anymore. You understand that? What you are is a fucking meddling cripple. Now, I'm gonna place your little gofer here under arrest. You don't mind that, do ya? Lock her up.
[looks back and finds Amelia gone]
Paulie: Where'd she go?

Ted: At least I was right. I had a feeling we'd lost you back there in North Korea. I could see how moved you were by Mike's little white-knight routine. You were supposed to recruit him, Ev, not fall in love with him. That's why I told Orlov to pick him up. By the way, how is Mike?
Evelyn: Orlov is dead.
Ted: Well, that's good news. Saved me the trouble. I had to practically twist his arm to get him blow your cover at the CIA. You see, he wanted you to come out of this alive.
Evelyn: But you needed somebody to take the blame. I'm the patsy.
Ted: And I'm the hero. Congratulations, Ev. You're about to become famous.

Ted: Look, Ev, try to stay calm.
Evelyn: I'm not a goddamn Russian spy.
Ted: I didn't say you were. Let's go to my office, we can sort this out.
Peabody: No, no. We gotta go to a secure location. Now.
Ted: All right. Doesn't get any more secure than this. Ev? Five minutes.
Evelyn: Call Protective Services, find Mike.
Ted: I will.
Evelyn: This is bullshit.

John: [while driving, pursued by hit men in three black BMW'S] I never told you, but I was married once before.
Jane: [slams on the brakes]
John: What's wrong with you?
Jane: [slapping John's arms and legs] You're what's wrong with me John.
John: It was just a drunken Vegas thing.
Jane: Oh, that's better. That's *much* better.
Jane: What's her name and social security number?
John: No, you're not gonna kill her.

Wesley: Are we gonna "bond," now?
Fox: Would you like to?

Thena: I asked Gilgamesh once why he chose to protect me. He said, "When you love something, you protect it. It is the most natural thing in the world."

Po: [dazed] What are you pointing at? Oh! Okay. Sorry, I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.
Oogway: How interesting.
Tigress: Master, are you pointing at... me?
Oogway: Him.
Po: Who?
[Moves around, Oogway's finger follows him]
Oogway: You.
Po: What?
Oogway: [Raising Po's arm with his stick] The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!
Po: What?
Tigress,6835: What?
Shifu: WHAT?
Mr. Ping: WHAT?

Dr. Jonathan Steele: According to your file, you believe that the police substituted a fake boy for your son.
Christine: No, I didn't say he was a fake boy. He's not *my* boy. They brought home the wrong boy. My son is still missing.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: Well, that's strange, because I have here a newspaper article with a photo of you at the train station, welcoming home your son.
[shows her the article]
Dr. Jonathan Steele: That is you in the photo, isn't it?
Christine: Yes.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: So, at first, he was your son and now he's not your son. Has this been going on for a long time? People changing, becoming something other than what they are?
Christine: People don't change.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: You don't think people change?
Christine: No, that's not what I...
Dr. Jonathan Steele: Shh! The police, they're not out to persecute you?
Christine: No, they're not.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: No, they're not. The police are here to protect you.
Christine: Yes.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: Really?
Christine: Yes.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: Well, that's odd, because when you were admitted, you told the head nurse that the police were conspiring *deliberately* to punish you. So, either the head nurse and the interns are also conspiring to punish you or you're changing your story.
Dr. Jonathan Steele: Do you often have trouble telling reality from fantasy, Mrs. Collins?
Christine: No...

Wesley: Have you ever thought about doing things differently?
Fox: How do you mean?
Wesley: I don't know. Being somebody else? Someone... normal?
Fox: [after a long pause] No.

Po: [Tigress catches him beating up the ship's mast] Uh, I'm... training.
Tigress: The mast is not a worthy opponent.
[flips through the air and lands beside Po with her hand extended toward him]
Tigress: I am ready.
Po: Okay. So serious...

John: [after Jane escapes on a high wire, stand the ledge of the ledge of the floor in her building] Chicken shit!
Jane: [shouting from a broken window] Pussy!

Hannah: I am a mother pheasant plucker. I pluck mother pheasant. I am the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker that's ever plucked mother pheasant.

Christine: I used to tell Walter, "Never start a fight... but always finish it." I didn't start this fight... but by God, I'm going to finish it.

Hannah: I'm feeling naughty.
Vic: Well, me being the team player... I guess I can help you with that.
Hannah: I do not have sex with a man I have seen shit in the woods.
Vic: Get the fuck out of here. I have the very same rule.
Hannah: You don't have sex with men who shit in the woods?

Lincoln: [operating PC with his voice to see the unsolved homicide photos] Zoom. Same mark. Right. Zoom. Zoom. Zoom... Same messages. It's him... The perp was trying to make contact even then.
Amelia: But Cheney never put it together.

Tai: Where's the Dragon Warrior?
Tigress: How do you know you're not looking at her?
Tai: [laughs] You think I'm a fool? I know you're not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! I heard how he fell from the sky on a ball of fire. That he's a warrior unlike anything the world has ever seen!
Monkey: Po?
Tai: So that is his name. Po. At last, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!

Wesley: Why did you make me do this?
Fox: Because you are the only person he wouldn't kill.

Marriage: [during a marriage counseling session] On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the happiness of your marriage?
Jane: 8
John: Wait Could you clarify? Is 10 the highest? 10 being perfectly happy and 1 being totally miserable or...
Marriage: Just respond instinctively.
John: Ok. Ready?
Jane: 8.

John: How many? Ok... I'll go first, then. I don't keep exact count, but I'd say, uh, high 50s, low 60s. I mean, I know I've been around the block an all, but...
Jane: 312.
John: What? How?
Jane: Some were two at a time.

John: [while dancing, after Jane asked what had happened to their marriage] I have a theory, newly developed.
Jane: I'm breathless to hear it.
John: I think you killed us.
Jane: Provocative.
John: Why do you care? I was just a cover
Jane: Who says you were just a cover?
John: [pauses] Wasn't I?

Christine: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Ikaris: Thena, play nice. You've never had to fight me.
Thena: I've always wanted to.

Fox: [while beating Wesley] Why are you here?
Wesley: I don't know who I am!
[Fox turns Wesley over]
Fox: What did you say?
Wesley: I said I don't know who I am.

Tigress: [seeing Po bounce down the palace steps] If he's smart, he won't come back up those steps.
Monkey: But, he will.
Viper: He's not gonna quit, is he?
Mantis: He's not gonna quit bouncing, I'll tell you that.

John: [after throwing her across the dining room table and onto the floor, standing up behind her, welcoming her by gesturing with his fingers] Come to Daddy.
Jane: [she stands up bashes him with a teapot wrapped in a white cloth and headbutts him] Who's your Daddy now?

Thena: We have loved these people since the day we arrived. When you love something, you protect it.

Detective: You were a model.
Amelia: Yeah, when I was a kid.
Detective: Kid model to street cop... there's a leap.
Detective: For whatever it's worth... I thought what you did today was pretty damn terrific.

Hannah: [on failing to rescue three boys] All I could do was watch them die.
Connor: [sadly] I watched my mother die from cancer.
Hannah: [disappointed] I can't feel bad around you, can I?

John: Hiya, stranger.
Jane: Hiya back.

Jane: [after John hands her a small revolver] Wait, why do I get the girl gun?
John: Are you kidding me?

Lincoln: All right, this is what I want you to do. We're gonna need those handcuffs really. It's probably our best chance for good prints.
Amelia: The M.E. can remove them when they get here.
Lincoln: The M.E. is all thumbs really. They'll mess up the prints. Look in the suitcase. There's a small saw.
Amelia: [finds the saw] Okay.
Lincoln: I want you to saw her hands off at the wrist line. We gotta have those cuffs for prints.
Amelia: [pause] I can't.
Lincoln: Cut her hands off. We need the handcuffs.
Amelia: I can't. No.
Lincoln: Saw off her hands, take off the cuffs.
Amelia: I can't.
Lincoln: Listen to me. Saw off her h... We need those cuffs.
Amelia: I can't!
Lincoln: Amelia, we need...
Amelia: No, fuck you!

[last lines]
John: [at marriage counseling] Ask us the sex question.
Jane: [whispers] John.
John: [excitingly, stretches out all ten fingers] Ten.

Beowulf: Take your damn horn. Leave my land in peace.
Grendel's: Too late oh great one.

Christine: He's not my son!
Capt. J.J. Jones: Why are you doing this, Mrs. Collins? Why are you doing this? You seem perfectly capable of taking care of the boy. Your job pays you enough to attend to his personal needs, so I don't understand why you're running away from your responsibilities as a mother.
Christine: I am not running away from anything! Least of all my responsibilities! I am even taking care of that boy right now, because I am all he has! What worries me is that you have stopped looking for my son!
Capt. J.J. Jones: Why should we be looking for someone we've already found?
Christine: Because you have not found him.

Jane: [driving a stolen minivan] My parents died when I was five. I'm an orphan.
John: Who was that kind fellow who gave you away at our wedding?
Jane: Paid actor.
John: I said, I said I saw your dad on "Fantasy Island"!

Jane: [during a marriage counseling session with John present] We re-did the house.

Hannah: I have nothing involving with the word "corn."

Tigress: It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the universe.
Po: I guess my body doesn't know I'm the Dragon Warrior yet. Gonna take a lot more than dew, and universe... juice.