The Best Tigress Quotes

Tigress: [seeing Po bounce down the palace steps] If he's smart, he won't come back up those steps.
Monkey: But, he will.
Viper: He's not gonna quit, is he?
Mantis: He's not gonna quit bouncing, I'll tell you that.

Po: I found out that my dad... isn't really my dad.
Tigress: Your dad, the goose?
[Po nods]
Tigress: [deadpan] That must have been quite a shock.

Tigress: It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of the universe.
Po: I guess my body doesn't know I'm the Dragon Warrior yet. Gonna take a lot more than dew, and universe... juice.

Tigress: One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu.
Crane: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.
Monkey: Or even see his toes.

Po: The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened! Where I came from! Who I am.
Po: Look, I'm going. I have to know. The hardcore can't understand.
[Tigress lunges at Po]
Viper: Tigress, no!
[Tigress hugs Po; Crane's jaw drops]
Tigress: The hardcore DO understand. But I can't watch my friend be killed.
[pulls away]
Tigress: [to the rest] We're going.
Crane: Uh, maybe you can't watch *me* be killed?
Tigress: Stop being a wimp.
Monkey: ...And, she's back.

Po: Hey, guys...
Tigress: [bowing low before Po] Master.
[the rest of the Five follow suit]
Po: Master?... Master Shifu!

Tigress: Impressive, Dragon Warrior! What's your plan?
Po: Step one, free the Five!
Viper: What's step two?
Po: Honestly, I didn't think I was gonna make it this far.
Tigress: Po!
Po: Uh, stop Shen before he gets to the harbor!

Tigress: [to Po] Kai took the Valley, it's all gone... now he's coming for the Pandas... you MUST teach them to fight!

Tigress: I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water...
Po: This is nothing like that plan.
Tigress: How?
Po: Because this one is gonna work.

Tigress: Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never loved anyone before... or since. And now, he has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior. And he's stuck with you. A big, fat, panda, who treats it like a joke.
[Po makes a sudden funny face]
Tigress: Oh that is it!
[she lunges at Po]
Mantis: Wait, my fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve!
[Po falls to the ground revealing a lot of needles in his back]
Mantis: And may... have also stopped his heart.

Po: [Tigress catches him beating up the ship's mast] Uh, I'm... training.
Tigress: The mast is not a worthy opponent.
[flips through the air and lands beside Po with her hand extended toward him]
Tigress: I am ready.
Po: Okay. So serious...

Shifu: Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.
Tigress: The panda?
Shifu: Yes, the panda!
Tigress: Master, please!
[pushes chair out]
Tigress: Let us stop Tai Lung, this is what you've trained us for!
Shifu: No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung, it is his!
[points at Po, then realizes he's not there]
Shifu: Where'd he go?

Tigress: You don't belong here.
Po: Right, I know. This is your room.
Tigress: No, I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace. You're a disgrace to kung fu, and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do, you will be gone by morning.
[Closes door]
Po: [after awkward pause] Big fan.

Tai: Where's the Dragon Warrior?
Tigress: How do you know you're not looking at her?
Tai: [laughs] You think I'm a fool? I know you're not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! I heard how he fell from the sky on a ball of fire. That he's a warrior unlike anything the world has ever seen!
Monkey: Po?
Tai: So that is his name. Po. At last, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!

Po: [dazed] What are you pointing at? Oh! Okay. Sorry, I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.
Oogway: How interesting.
Tigress: Master, are you pointing at... me?
Oogway: Him.
Po: Who?
[Moves around, Oogway's finger follows him]
Oogway: You.
Po: What?
Oogway: [Raising Po's arm with his stick] The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!
Po: What?
Tigress,6835: What?
Shifu: WHAT?
Mr. Ping: WHAT?