The Best Eddie Ortiz Quotes

Lincoln: How is your mother?
Eddie: Oh, God, she's 76, and she's schtupping some guy named Morris. Can you believe it?
Lincoln: God bless her.
Eddie: It's Morris I'm worried about. He's 76, with a tricky ticker and an active pecker.

Lincoln: Nitrogen rich, explosive carbons, where do you find those in New York City?
Paulie: Bomb sites, shooting ranges.
Amelia: Maybe an old fort or an armory?
Eddie: Let's not forget the shit factor, guys.
Lincoln: The what?
Eddie: Manure becomes a nitrate when it's aged.
Lincoln: That's true. And you got cow bones, huh? Old cow bones, old manure. Turn of the century. Cows, farms... pastures, rats... dead cows. Where do you find... In stockyards... slaughterhouses, that's what we want to look for.

Eddie: It's everyone's worst nightmare; you get into a cab and there's some psycho from Jersey behind the wheel.