The Best Michael McGlone Quotes

Detective: Detective Szymanski. It's good to see you back on active duty.
Detective: You know, I thought about dying but realized I couldn't afford it on a detective's salary.

Detective: You were a model.
Amelia: Yeah, when I was a kid.
Detective: Kid model to street cop... there's a leap.
Detective: For whatever it's worth... I thought what you did today was pretty damn terrific.

Joss: Mrs. D'agostino I know that anger you're feeling right now; what it's like to lose someone you love. Help us find the men who did this to your husband.
Patti: It doesn't matter if you find them. Elias will. And he'll kill each and every single one of those Russian bastards.
Joss: Elias started a war that can't be won. Now, a lot of innocent people are gonna die if this continues. Do you want that?
Patti: If that's what it takes.
Detective: Where is he, Patti? Where is Elias?
Patti: I never met him. And his crew they don't socialize. That's why you'll never find him.
Detective: I'm a little confused. Why does Elias want Brighton Beach so bad?
Patti: You're not seeing it. Brighton Beach is just the beginning. Elias has bigger plans. He'll reunite the five families and take out the Russian trash. And then when he's finished, you people will be answering to *him*.

Detective: What you got?
Detective: It's a car wreck. The deceased is Eddie Massey.
Detective: Not good. I hear his dad's got a temper. Eddie had much to drink?
Detective: Under the influence, yes, but not alcohol.
[Points to bullet wounds on the body]
Detective: Hollow points. Two in the side, close range.
Detective: Well, his weapon's still holstered. The shooter must have taken him by surprise. His passenger?
Detective: Sounds right, airbag deployed. Only goes off if someone's riding shotgun. Or in this case, .38 caliber.

Detective: Five or six heavily armed men were chasing a guy matching the description of our witness. His name's Charlie Burton, by the way. Found out he had groceries delivered twice a month from the bodega, And he wasn't dodging bullets by himself.
Joss: Who was he with?
Detective: Some tall guy in a suit - Definitely not with the Russians. Shot one of them in the knee before they got away. What? You know him?
Joss: It's just someone I've been tracking for a while.

Detective: Brighton beach is Russian territory. So what's the L.C.N. doing here?
Detective: You kidding? There's a war going on. Half a dozen V.I.P.s in the Russian mob were taken out last month. Word is Benny's boss ordered the hits. This was retribution.
Joss: So who's his boss?
Detective: We don't know much Other than a name: Elias.
[Carter perks in recognition]
Detective: You heard of him?
Joss: Oh, yeah. We go way back. One of his guys took a shot at me last week.

IAB: Detective Szymanski, did you talk to Anthony Marconi two nights ago?
Detective: No. Absolutely not.
IAB: No? Then when was the last time you guys talked?
Detective: [Gestures to the photo of Scarface] The last time I talked to that guy, his men shot me.