The Best Ikaris Quotes

Jack: Dad, that's Superman! With the cape and shooting laser beams out of your eyes!
Ikaris: I don't wear a cape.

Ajak: I led you down the wrong path.
Ikaris: It's the only path I know.

Ikaris: I bet you've built the perfect safehouse. What's this even made of, vibranium?
[Ikaris chops Phastos' table in half]
Phastos: Fall collection, IKEA. Ass.

Ikaris: Thena, play nice. You've never had to fight me.
Thena: I've always wanted to.

Ikaris: Do you think it was easy to live with the truth? To know that one day all this would end? If we gave humanity the choice, how many of them would be willing to die so that billions more could be born?

Ajak: Five years ago, Thanos erased half of the population of the universe. But the people of this planet brought everyone back with the snap of a finger. The sudden return of the population provided the necessary energy for the Emergence to begin.
Ikaris: How long do we have?
Ajak: Seven days.

Sprite: So now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you think's gonna lead the Avengers?
Ikaris: I could lead them.
[everyone chuckles]