The Best Druig Quotes

Druig: [contemptuous] Kingo, the movie star!
Kingo: [oblivious] I've directed some things too.

Druig: Do you think, when we find the other Eternals out there, that they'll accept the truth, as we did?
Makkari: Yes, because the truth will set you free.

Druig: I've watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world? We're just like the soldiers down there: pawns to their leaders, blinded by loyalty.

[Druig mind-controls fighting humans]
Makkari: [stops him] When humans create conflict, Ajak tells us not to interfere.
Druig: Yes. But Ajak also tells us that stealing is very, very bad.
[holds up Makkari's artifact]
Makkari: [embarassed] If you won't tell, I won't tell.
Druig: Deal.