The Best Hannah Quotes

[last lines]
Patrick: Do it... DO IT!
Hannah: [glances at the approaching inferno] The fire will do it for me.
[to him with a look of revulsion]
Hannah: You can fucking suffer.
[leaves him to burn]

Hannah: We looked it right in the eye.
Ryan: What was it like?
Hannah: It was beautiful.
Connor: I didn't think it was beautiful, it scared the shit out of me.
Ryan: Well, it scared the shit out of me too, sport.

Hannah: [on failing to rescue three boys] All I could do was watch them die.
Connor: [sadly] I watched my mother die from cancer.
Hannah: [disappointed] I can't feel bad around you, can I?

Connor: My dad said if anything happened to him, I should find someone I trust.
Hannah: Something happen to your dad?
Connor: Are you someone I can trust?

Ethan: So, who could tell me the goal of the day is?
Vic: Threesome sounds pretty good. Or winning the lottery.
Hannah: Threesome for you would be winning the lottery.

Hannah: Okay, listen to me. Take a deep breath, hold it and lay back. Watch what I do.

Hannah: [Re: Connor's disgust at the MRE] Mmmmmmm!
Connor: You eat these?
Hannah: Three meals a day.
Connor: No wonder you're so skinny.

Hannah: I'm feeling naughty.
Vic: Well, me being the team player... I guess I can help you with that.
Hannah: I do not have sex with a man I have seen shit in the woods.
Vic: Get the fuck out of here. I have the very same rule.
Hannah: You don't have sex with men who shit in the woods?

Hannah: [struggling on the ground] What do I call you?
Connor: [defiantly] Fuck you!
Hannah: [repulsed] How charming.

Hannah: I am a mother pheasant plucker. I pluck mother pheasant. I am the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker that's ever plucked mother pheasant.

Hannah: Talk to me and I'm gonna help you. Alright?

Hannah: I have nothing involving with the word "corn."

Ethan: The goal, you fucking clowns, for the day...
Hannah: No fighting.
Ethan: Exactly right. And please do not jump off of shit with parachutes, okay?
Ryan: Oh, who would do that?
Ethan: Oh, I have no idea.
Hannah: I... am older now, and... Well, I'm older.
Ethan: Just trying to keep you alive.
Ben: Hey, no, no, hey, hey. Don't you worry about that. That's our job. You just write parking tickets and we'll keep you alive.