The Best Tory Kittles Quotes

Det. Marcus Dante: Regarding your mystery man... ballistics on the gun are gonna take a minute, but I did get a hit on the prints. His name is Roy Hayes.
Robyn: Okay, so his prints were in the system. Why? Do you know?
Det. Marcus Dante: Wasn't for a crime, but prints get logged for all sorts of reasons. Company background checks, teaching jobs, um, military applications.

Brett: [in a standoff] We can fight each other some more, do this until we're crippled or dead, or we can both be rich. I don't see how this is a dilemma.
Henry: Trusting a cop, one that's crooked as fuck, is the dilemma. Only thing absolutely certain about you is that you don't give a shit about any oath you swear to.

Henry: Nigga.
Brett: Likewise.

Ethan: The goal, you fucking clowns, for the day...
Hannah: No fighting.
Ethan: Exactly right. And please do not jump off of shit with parachutes, okay?
Ryan: Oh, who would do that?
Ethan: Oh, I have no idea.
Hannah: I... am older now, and... Well, I'm older.
Ethan: Just trying to keep you alive.
Ben: Hey, no, no, hey, hey. Don't you worry about that. That's our job. You just write parking tickets and we'll keep you alive.

Hannah: We looked it right in the eye.
Ryan: What was it like?
Hannah: It was beautiful.
Connor: I didn't think it was beautiful, it scared the shit out of me.
Ryan: Well, it scared the shit out of me too, sport.

Henry: [Holds Ridgeman at gunpoint] That bulletproof vest you got there's real nice. Makes you look svelte. Like when a female puts on a girdle. It's much more flattering than that windbreaker you wore on the news when you stomped that Mexican.
Brett: Where did you spot me?
Henry: When you drove by the bank. And twice when you was following on the parkway.
Brett: What do you want?
Henry: Stay right there. So I can thank you face-to-face for wiping out all these cruel-ass thugs. That's what most cops do when they get suspended? Go rob bank robbers?

Henry: [after shooting Ridgeman in self defense] You fucking dumbass. I wasn't gonna blackmail you, my word is good. You should have trusted a nigga. All I ever did before this was steal some autos, peddle some blow, and put the fool who crippled my brother into intensive. I ain't never killed nobody. Damn.
Brett: [dying] Bury my friend, please. I don't want him involved in this.

Henry: [about himself] You should have trusted a nigga. All I ever did for this was steal some autos, peddle some blow, and put the fool who crippled my brother into intensive.

Ryan: Got to win one, I see.

Henry: When I was out mailing that package, I started thinking about that game we was playing right before everything changed for us. The one in the jungle. You still got it?
Ethan: Shotgun Safari? Yeah... You ready?
Henry: Yeah. Let's hunt some lions.

Henry: [Ridgeman is about to torch the van; Henry fires a warning shot] Get rid of that gas can, nigga. I ain't done all this to see you burn up no money.
Brett: Gold isn't flammable.
Henry: Yeah, I don't want it melted. And there's cash in there, too.
Brett: You wanna come over here and take care of Vogelmann yourself?
Henry: Nah, nigga, nah. You the professional. Look at all the good work you've done here. Can execute naked women and everything.
Brett: Prick.